Advance-Program and Registration of NNSP'94
Jenq-Neng Hwang
hwang at
Mon Jun 27 09:10:13 EDT 1994
September 6-8, 1994 Ermioni, Greece
The Workshop, sponsored by the Neural Network Technical Committee of
the IEEE Signal Processing Society, in cooperation with the IEEE
Neural Network Council and with co-spnsorship from ARPA and
Intracom S.A. Greece, is designed to serve as a regular forum
for researchers from universities and industry who are interested in
interdisciplinary research on neural networks for signal processing
applications. In the present scope, the workshop encompasses
up-to-date research results in several key areas, including
learning algorithms, network architectures, speech processing, image
processing, adaptive signal processing, medical signal processing,
and other applications.
John Vlontzos, INTRACOM S.A.
Peania, Attica, Greece, jvlo at
Jenq-Neng Hwang, University of Washington
Seattle, Washington, USA, hwang at
Elizabeth J. Wilson, Raytheon Co.
Marlborough, MA, USA, bwilson at
Demetris Kalivas, INTRACOM S.A.
Peania, Attica, Greece, dkal at
Joshua Alspector (Bellcore, USA)
Les Atlas (U. of Washington, USA)
Charles Bachmann (Naval Research Lab. USA)
David Burr (Bellcore, USA)
Rama Chellappa (U. of Maryland, USA)
Lee Giles (NEC Research, USA)
Steve J. Hanson (Siemens Corp. Research, USA)
Yu-Hen Hu (U. of Wisconsin, USA)
Jenq-Neng Hwang (U. of Washington, USA)
Bing-Huang Juang (AT&T Bell Lab., USA)
Shigeru Katagiri (ATR Japan)
Sun-Yuan Kung (Princeton U., USA)
Gary M. Kuhn (Siemens Corp. Research, USA)
Stephanos Kollias (National Tech. U. of Athens, Greece)
Richard Lippmann (MIT Lincoln Lab., USA)
Fleming Lure (Caelum Research Co., USA)
John Makhoul (BBN Lab., USA)
Richard Mammone (Rutgers U., USA)
Elias Manolakos (Northeastern U., USA)
Nahesan Niranjan (Cambridge U., UK)
Tomaso Poggio (MIT, USA)
Jose Principe (U. of Florida, USA)
Wojtek Przytula (Hughes Research Lab., USA)
Ulrich Ramacher (Siemens Corp., Germany)
Bhaskar D. Rao (UC San Diego, USA)
Andreas Stafylopatis (National Tech. U. of Athens, Greece)
Noboru Sonehara (NTT Co., Japan)
John Sorensen (Tech. U. of Denmark, Denmark)
Yoh'ichi Tohkura (ATR, Japan)
John Vlontzos (Intracom S.A., Greece)
Raymond Watrous (Siemens Corp. Research, USA)
Christian Wellekens (Eurecom, France)
Yiu-Fai Issac Wong (Lawrence Livermore Lab., USA)
Barbara Yoon (ARPA, USA)
****** TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH, 1994 ******
8:15 am -- 8:30 am
8:30 am -- 9:20 am
PLENARY TALK: Effective VC Dimensions
-- Leon Bottou, Neuristique Inc., France
9:30 am -- 11:50 am
LEARNING ALGORITHMS I: (oral presentation)
Chair: John Sorenson
A Novel Unsupervised Competitive Learning Rule with Learning
Rate Adaptation for Noise Cancelling and Signal Separation
-- M. Van Hulle
-- (Laboratorium voor Neuro-en Psychofysiologie, Belgium)
A Statistical Inference Based Growth Criterion for the RBF
-- V. Kadirkamanathan
-- (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Neural Network Inversion Techniques for EM Training and Testing of
Incomplete Data
-- J. N. Hwang, C. J. Wang
-- (University of Washington, USA)
OSA--A Topological Algorithm for Constructing Two-Layer Neural
-- F.M. Frattale Mascioli, G. Martinelli
-- (University of Rome, Italy)
Adaptive Regularization
-- L. Hansen, C. Rasmussen, C. Svarer, J. Larsen
-- (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Generalization Performance of Regularized Neural Network Models
-- J. Larsen, L. Hansen
-- (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
An Application of Importance-Based Feature Extraction in Reinforcement
Learning (080)
-- D. Finton, Y.H. Hu
-- (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
12:00 am -- 12:40 pm
LEARNING ALGORITHMS II: (3-minute oral preview of poster presentations)
Chair: Andreas Stafylopatis
Multilayer Perceptron Design Algorithm
-- E. Wilson, D. Tufts
-- (Raytheon Company, USA)
Mixture Density Estimation via EM Algorithm with Deterministic
-- N. Ueda, R. Nakano
-- (Purdue University, USA)
Faster and Better Training of Multi-Layer Perceptron for Forecasting
-- R. Laddad, U. Desai, P. Poonacha
-- (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
An Interval Computation Approach to Backpropagation
-- C. Pedreira, E. Parente
-- (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Robust Estimation for Radial Basis Functions
-- A. Bors, I. Pitas
-- (University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
NETWORK ARCHITECTURES I: (3-minute oral preview of poster presentations)
Chair: Yu-Hen Hu
A Hybrid Neural Network Architechture for Automatic Object Recognition
-- T. Fechner, R. Tanger
-- (Daimler Benz Forschungsgruppe Systemtechnik, Germany)
Time Series Prediction Using Genetically Trained Wavelet Networks
-- A. Prochazka, V. Sys
-- (Prague University of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic)
A Network Of Physiological Neurons With Differentiated Excitatory And
Inhibitory Units Possessing Pattern Recognition Capacity
-- E. Ventouras, M. Kitsonas, S. Hadjiagapis, N. Uzunoglu, C.
-- Papageorgiou, A. Rabavilas, C. Stefanis
-- (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Locally Excitatory Globally Inhibitory Oscillator Networks: Theory
and Application to Pattern Segmentation
-- D. Wang, D. Terman
-- (The Ohio State University, USA)
Learning with Imperfect Perception
-- W. Wen and M. Yokoo
-- (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan)
A Learning Algorithm for Multi-Layer Perceptrons with Hard-Limiting
Threshold Units
-- R. Goodman, Z. Zeng
-- (California Institute of Technology, USA)
The Selection of Neural Models of Non-Linear Dynamical Systems by
Statistical Tests
-- D. Urbani, P. Roussel-Ragot, L. Personnaz, G. Dreyfus
-- (ESPCI de la Ville de Paris, France)
1:30 pm -- 2:50 pm
3:00 pm -- 5:40 pm
NETWORK ARCHITECTURES: (oral presentation)
Chair: Stephanos Kollias
The Use of Recurrent Neural Networks for Classification
-- T. Burrows, M. Niranjan
-- (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
Network Structures for Nonlinear Digital Filters
-- J.N. Lin, R. Unbehauen
-- (Lehrstuhl fur Allgemeine und Theoretische Elektrotechnik
Universit, Federal Republic Germany)
Pruning Recurrent Neural Networks for Improved Generalization
-- C. Omlin, C.L. Giles
-- (University of Maryland, USA)
A Unifying View of Some Training Algorithms for Multilayer Perceptrons
with FIR Filter Synapses
-- A. Back, E. Wan, S. Lawrence, and A. C. Tsoi
-- (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Spectral Feature Extraction Using Poisson Moments
-- S. Celebi, J. Principe
-- (University of Florida, USA)
Application of the Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network Classifier to Problems
with Continuous and Discrete Attributes
-- A. Likas, K. Blekas, A. Stafylopatis
-- (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Time Signal Filtering by Relative Neighborhood Graph Localized Linear
-- J. Sorensen
-- (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Classification Using Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts
-- S. Waterhouse, A. Robinson
-- (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
7:00 pm -- 9:00 pm
Moderator: Gary Kuhn (Siemens Corporate Research, USA)
Panelist: Kazuo Asakawa (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan)
Leon Bottou (Neuristique Inc., France)
Dan Hammerstrom (Adaptive Solution Inc., USA)
Kevin Farrel (Rutgers University, USA)
John Vlontzos (Intracom S. A., Greece)
Georg Zimmermann (Siemens, Germany)
****** Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1994 ******
8:30 am -- 9:20 am
PLENARY TALK: Massively Parallel Context Processing
-- Dan Hammerstrom, Adaptive Solution Inc., USA
9:30 am -- 11:30 am
SPEECH PROCESSING I: (oral presentation)
Chair: Bing-Huang Juang
Recurrent Network Automata for Speech Recognition: A Summary of
Recent Work
-- R. Gemello, D. Albesano, F. Mana, R. Cancelliere
-- (Centro Studie Laboratori Telecommunicazioni, Italy)
Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Hands-free Telephony Using Neural
-- A. Birkett, R. Goubran
-- (Carleton University, Canada)
Minimum Error Training for Speech Recognition
-- E. McDermott, S. Katagiri
-- (ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories, Japan)
Connectionist Model Combination for Large Vocabulary Speech
-- M. Hochberg, G. Cook, S. Renals, T. Robinson
-- (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
Neural Tree Network/Vector Quantization Probability Estimators for
Speaker Recognition
-- K. Farrell, S. Kosonocky, R. Mammone
-- (Rutgers University, USA)
Parallel Training of MLP Probability Estimators for Speech
Recognition: A Gender-Based Approach
-- N. Mirghafori, N. Morgan, H. Bourlard
-- (International Computer Science Institute, USA)
11:45 am -- 12:30 pm
Speech Processing II: (3-minute oral preview of poster presentations)
Chair: Shigeru Katagiri
LVQ as a Feature Transformation for HMMs
-- K. Torkkola
-- (Institute Dalle Molle D'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive,
Autoassociator-Based Modular Architecture for Speaker Independent
Phoneme Recognition
-- L. Lastrucci, G. Bellesi, M. Gori, G. Soda
-- (Universita di Firenze, Italy)
Non-linear Speech Analysis Using Recurrent Radial Basis
Function Networks
-- P. Moakes, S. Beet
-- (University of Sheffield, England)
Word Recognition Using a Neural Network and a Phonetically Based DTW
-- Y. Matsuura, H. Miyazawa, T. Skinner
-- (Meidensha Corp., Japan)
A Monolithic Speech Recognizer Based on Fully Recurrent Neural
-- K. Kasper, H. Reininger, D. Wolf, H. Wust
-- (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit, FRG)
Fuzzification of Formant Trajectories for Classification of CV
Utterances Using Neural Network Models
-- B. Yegnanarayana, C. C. Sekhar, S Prakash
-- (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
Minimum Error Classification of Keyword-Sequences
-- T. Komori, S. Katagiri
-- (ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories, Japan)
Hybrid Training Method for Tied Mixture Density Hidden Markov Models
Using Learning Vector Quantization and Viterbi Estimation
-- M. Kurimo
-- (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
Image Processing I: (3-minute oral preview of poster presentations)
Chair: Yiu-Fai Issac Wong
Medical Imaging with Neural Networks
-- C. Pattichis, A. Constantinides
-- (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
High Resolution Image Reconstruction Using Mean Field Annealing
-- T. Numnonda, M. Andrews
-- (University of Aukland, New Zealand)
Hardware Neural Network Implementation of Tracking System
-- G. Lendaris, R. Pap, R. Saeks, C. Thomas, R. Akita
-- (Accurate Automation Corp., USA)
Fast Image Analysis Using Kohonen Maps
-- D. Willett, C. Busch, F. Seibert
-- (Darmstadt Computer Graphics Center, FRG)
Analysis of Satellite Imagery Using a Neural Network Based Terrain
-- M. Perrone, M. Larkin
-- (Brown University, USA)
1:30 pm -- 2:50 pm
Speech Processing II and Image Processing I: (poster presentations)
3:00 pm -- 5:00 pm
IMAGE PROCESSING II: (oral presentation)
Chair: Sun-Yuan Kung
Moving Objects Classification in a Domestic Environment Using
Quadratic Neural Network
-- G. Lim, M. Alder, C deSilva, Y. Attikiouzel
-- (The Univ. of Western Australia, Western Australia)
Application of the HLVQ Neural Network to Hand-Written Digit
-- B. Solaiman, Y. Autret
-- (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne,
Neural Networks for Robust Image Feature Classification: A
Comparative Study
-- S. Madiraju, C.C. Liu
-- (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Application of SVD Networks to Multi-Object Motion-Shape Analysis
-- S.Y. Kung, J. Taur, M.Y. Chiu
-- (Princeton University, USA)
Ensemble Methods for Automatic Masking of Clouds in AVIRIS
-- C.M. Bachmann, E.E. Clothiaux, J.W. Moore, K. J. Andreano,
-- D. Q. Luong
-- (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
Saddle-node Dynamics for Edge Detection (092)
-- Y-F Wong
-- (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
****** THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1994 ******
8:30 am -- 9:20 am
PLENARY TALK: Knowledge-Based Neural Networks
-- Kazuo Asakawa, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan
9:30 am -- 10:20 am
INVITED TALK: Predicting Impredictability
-- Andreas S. Weigend, University of Colorado, USA
10:30 am -- 11:50 am
Chair: Elias Manolakos
A Neural Network Trained with the Extended Kalman Algorithm Used for
the Equalization of a Binary Communication Channel
-- M. Birgmeier
-- (Technische Universit, Austria)
Neural-net Based Receiver Structures for Single- and Multi-amplitude
Signals in Interference Channels
-- D. Bouras, P.T. Mathiopoulos, D. Makrakis
-- (The University of British Columbia, Canada)
A Hybrid Digital Computer-Hopfield Neural Network CDMA
Detector for Real-time Multi-user Demodulation
-- G. Kechriotis and E. Manolakos
-- (Northeastern University, USA)
Improving the Resolution of a Sensor Array Pattern by Neural Networks
and Learning
-- C. Bracco, S. Marcos, M. Benidir
-- (Laboratoire des Signaux and Systemes, France)
12:00 pm -- 12:40 pm
Other Applications: (3-minute oral preview of poster presentations)
Chair: Barbara Yoon and Jose Principe
Sensitivity Analysis on Neural Networks for Meteorological Variable
-- J. Castellanos, A. Pazos, J. Rios, J.L. Zafra
-- (Facultad de Informatica - UPM, Spain)
A Hopfield Net Based Adaptation Algorithm for Phased Antenna
-- M. Alberti
-- (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Modeling of Glaucoma Induced Changes in the Retina and Neural Net
Assisted Diagnosis
-- S. von Spreckelsen, P. Grumstup, J. Johnsen, L. Hansen
-- (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Blind Deconvolution of Signals Using a Complex Recurrent Network
-- A. Back, A.C. Tsoi
-- (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Continuous-time Nonlinear Signal Processing: A Neural Network
Approach for Gray Box Identification
-- R. Rico-Martinez, J. Anderson, I. Kevrekidis
-- (Princeton University, USA)
A Quantitative Study of Evoked Potential Estimation Using a
Feedforward Neural Network
-- A. Dumitras, A. Murgan, V. Lazarescu
-- (Technical University of Bucharest, Romania)
Neural Estimation of Kinetic Rate Constants from Dynamic
-- T. Fog, L. Nielsen, L. Hansen, S. Holm, I. Law, C. Svarer,
-- O. Paulson
-- (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Auditory Stream Segregation Based on Oscillatory Correlation
-- D. Wang
-- (The Ohio State University, USA)
Application of Neural Networks for Sensor Performance Improvement
-- S. Poopalasingam, C. Reeves, and N. Steele
-- (Coventry University, United Kingdom)
Neural-Network Based Classification of Laser-Doppler Flowmetry
-- N. Panagiotidis, A. Delopoulos, S. Kollias
-- (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
NeuroDevice - Neural Network Device Modelling Interface for VLSI
-- P. Ojala, J. Saarinen, K. Kaski
-- (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Encoding Pyramids by Labeling RAAM
-- S. Lonardi, A. Sperduti, A. Starita
-- (Corso Italia 40, Italy)
Reconstructed dynamics and Chaotic Signal Modeling
-- J.M. Kuo, J. Principe
-- (University of Florida, USA)
A Neural Network Scheme for Earthquake Prediction Based on the Seismic
Electric Signals
-- S. Lakkos, A. Hadjiprocopis, R. Comley
-- (City University of London, United Kingdom)
1:30 pm -- 2:50 pm
Other Applications: (poster presentations)
3:00 pm -- 5:20 pm
Medical Signal Processing: (oral presentation)
Chair: Hsin-Chia Fu
Medical Diagnosis and Artificial Neural Networks: A Medical Expert
System Applied to Pulmonary Diseases
-- G.P. Economou, C. Spriopoulos, N. Economopoulos, N. Charokopos,
-- D. Lymberopoulos, M. Spiliopoulou, E. Haralambopulu, C. Goutis
-- (University of Patras, Greece)
Toward Improving Excercise ECG for Detecting Ischemic Heart Disease
with Recurrent and Feedforward Neural Nets
-- G. Dorffner, E. Leitgeb, H. Koller
-- (Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence,
Neural Networks and Higher Order Spectra for Breast Cancer Detection
-- T. Stathaki, A. Constantinides
-- (Imperial College, United Kingdom)
Towards Semen Quality Assessment Using Neural Networks
-- C. Linneberg, P. Salamon, C. Svarer, L. Hansen
-- (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Use of Neural networks in detection of ischemic episodes from ECG
-- N. Maglaveras, T. Stamkopoulos, C. Pappas, M. Strintzis
-- (Aristotelian University, Greece)
EEG Signal Analysis Using a Multi-layer Perceptron with Linear
-- S.A. Mylonas, R.A. Comley
-- (City University of London, United Kingdom)
************** THE END ***************
1994 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing
Please complete this form (type or print)
Name ___________________________________________________________
Last First Middle
Firm or University _____________________________________________
Mailing Address ________________________________________________
Country Phone FAX
Fee payment must be made by money order or personal check. Do not
send cash. Make fee payable to "IEEE NNSP'94 - c/o D. Kalivas'
and mail it together with the registration form to:
NNSP' 94
c/o D. Kalivas
Intracom S.A.
P.O. Box 68
19002 Peania
For further information, Dr. Kalivas can be reached at
Tel.: 011 301 6860479
FAX: 011 301 6860312
e-mail: dkal at
Advanced registration, before: July 15
Registration fee with single room (for three nights: September 5, 6 and 7)
and meals for one person
Date IEEE Member Non-member
Before July 15 U.S. $600 U.S. $650
* After July 15 U.S. $650 U.S. $700
Registration fee with double room (for three nights: September 5, 6 and 7)
and meals for two persons
Date IEEE Member Non-member
Before July 15 U.S. $720 U.S. $770
* After July 15 U.S. $770 U.S. $820
Registration fee without room but still with meals
Date IEEE Member Non-member
Before July 15 U.S. $400 U.S. $450
* After July 15 U.S. $450 U.S. $500
Additional nights at extra cost (U.S. $ 100 per night) with no meals
Please specify dates and include payment in the registration fee
Number of additional nights: ______________________________
Dates: ____________________________________________________
Extra Cost: _______________________________________________
* After July 15 there will be only a limited number of rooms available,
therefore we strongly recommend the early registration.
I want reservation for the bus leaving the Eastern Airport of Athens at
4:00 pm on the 5th of September for ___ persons.
NNSP'94 will be held at the Porto Hydra Hotel. The Porto Hydra Hotel is
located in the eastern Peloponnese, opposite the island of Hydra and
near famous archaeological sites (ancient theater of Epidaurus, Mycenae,
Tiryns). A one-page map is provided. The exact hotel address is:
Hotel Porto Hydra
Plepi Ermionidos
Tel: 30 - 754 - 41112, 41270-4
FAX: 30 - 754 - 41295
Possible ways to get to Porto Hydra Hotel are:
By car: Follow the route Athens - Korinthos - Epidaurus - Kranidi -
- Ermioni - Porto Hydra. This distance is 195 km and it will take you
approximately 2.5 hours.
By ship: Take a taxi from the airport to the port of Passalimani
(less than 2000 drachmas cost). There is a ship leaving every morning
to Ermioni. You do not need to make reservations. The trip is four hours
and 15 minutes long. For time schedules call 30-1-4511311. From Ermioni
a hotel bus will take you to Porto Hydra.
By Hydrofoil Boats: Take a taxi from the airport to the port of ZEA
(less than 2000 drachmas cost). There are "flying dolphins"
(hydrofoil boats) going to Ermioni. You need to buy the tickets in advance
(from a travel agent) because at the time you would get to the port
they may be sold out. The trip is two hours long. For time schedules
call 30-1-4280001. From Ermioni a hotel bus will take you to Porto Hydra.
Best way: We will rent a bus (or buses) to take you from the Eastern Airport
of Athens (this is the airport where most of the international flights arrive)
to the Porto Hydra Hotel. The buses will leave at 4:00 pm on the 5th of
September. To reserve seats on the bus, please check the appropriate box
and specify the number of reserved seats you want in the Registration Form.
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