Neural Computation, Vol 6, No 4
Terry Sejnowski
terry at
Mon Jun 20 14:07:54 EDT 1994
July 1994 Volume 6 Number 4
What is the Goal of Sensory Coding?
David J. Field
Design Principles of Columnar Organization in Visual Cortex
Ernst Niebur and Florentin Worgotter
Elastic Net Model of Ocular Dominance: Overall Stripe Pattern and
Monocular Deprivation
Geoffrey Goodhill and David Willshaw
The Effect of Synchronized Inputs at the Single Neuron Level
Ojvind Bernander, Christof Koch and Marius Usher
Segmentation by a Network of Oscillators with Stored Memories
H. Sompolinsky and M. Tsodyks
Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of an Oscillatory Neural Network with
Synchronous/Asynchronous Connections
Yukio Hayashi
Analysis of the Effects of Noise on a Model for the Neural Mechanism of
Short-Term Active Memory
J. Devin McAuley and Joseph Stampfli
Reduction of Conductance Based Models with Slow Synapses to Neural Nets
Bard Ermentrout
Dimension Reduction of Biological Neuron Models by Artificial Neural Networks
Kenji Doya and Allen I. Selverston
Neural Network Process Models Based on Linear Model Structures
Gary M. Scott and W. Harmon Ray
Stability of Oja's PCA Subspace Rule
Juha Karhunen
Supervised Training of Neural Networks via Ellipsoid Algorithms
Man-Fung Cheung, Kevin M. Passino and Stephen Yurkovich
Why Some Feedforward Networks Can't Learn Some Polynomials
N. Scott Cardell, Wayne Joerding and Ying Li
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