ACNN'95 Call for Papers
Marwan A. Jabri, Sydney Univ. Elec. Eng., Tel: +61-2 692 2240
marwan at
Sat Jun 11 11:22:47 EDT 1994
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A C N N ' 9 5
6th - 8th FEBRUARY 1995
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
in co-operation with
Asian-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (APNNA)
Australian Neuroscience Society (ANS)
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Institution of Radio & Electronics Engineers (IREE)
Systems Engineering & Design Automation Laboratory (SEDAL)
The sixth Australian conference on neural networks will be held in Sydney on
February 6th - 8th 1995 at the University of Sydney. ACNN'95 is the annual
national meeting of the Australian neural network community. It is a
multi-disciplinary meeting and seeks contributions from Neuroscientists,
Engineers, Computer Scientists, Mathematicians, Physicists and Psychologists.
ACNN'95 will feature a number of invited speakers. The program will include
presentations and poster sessions. Proceedings will be printed and distributed
to the attendees.
The posters will be displayed for a significant period of time, and time will
be allocated for authors to be present at their poster in the conference
Software demonstrations will be possible for authors. SparcStations, DEC
Stations and PCs will be available in an adjacent laboratory for these
Invited Keynote Speaker
ACNN'95 will feature a number of keynote speakers, including Dr Larry Jackel,
AT&T Bell Laboratories and Dr Edmund Rolls, Oxford University.
Pre-Conference Workshops
Pre-Conference Workshops covering basic introductions to neural computing,
neuroscience, applications and implementations will be held. A separate flyer
describing the workshops will be issued at a later date.
Workshop on Industrial Application of Neural Computing
The Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering will be organising a workshop on
industrial application of neural computing. A separate information sheet will
be issued.
Submission Categories
The major categories for paper submissions include, but are not restricted to:
1. Neuroscience: Integrative function of neural networks in vision,
Audition, Motor, Somatosensory and Autonomic functions; Synaptic
function; Cellular information processing;
2. Theory: Learning; Generalisation; Complexity; Scaling; Stability;
3. Implementation: Hardware implementation of neural nets; Analog and
digital VLSI implementation; Optical implementation;
4. Architectures and Learning Algorithms: New architectures and learning
algorithms; Hierarchy; Modularity; Learning pattern sequences;
Information integration;
5. Cognitive Science and AI: Computational models of perception and
pattern recognition; Memory; Concept formation; Problem solving and
reasoning; Visual and auditory attention; Language acquisition and
production; Neural network implementation of expert systems;
6. Applications: Application of neural nets to signal processing and
analysis; Pattern recognition: Speech, Machine vision; Motor control;
Robotics; Forecast; Medical.
Initial Submission of Papers
As this is a multi-disciplinary meeting, papers are required to be
comprehensible to an informed researcher outside the particular stream of
the author in addition to the normal requirements of technical merit.
Papers should be submitted as close as possible to final form and must not
exceed four single A4 pages (2-column format). The first page should include
the title and abstract, and should leave space for, but not include the
authors' names and affiliations. A cover page should be supplied giving the
title of the paper, the name and affiliation of each author, together with the
postal address, the e-mail address, and the phone and fax numbers of a
designated contact author. The type font should be no smaller than 10 point
except in footnotes. A serif font such as Times or New Century Schoolbook is
Four copies of the paper and the front cover sheet should be sent to:
Agatha Shotam
ACNN'95 Secretariat
University of Sydney
Department of Electrical Engineering
NSW 2006
Each manuscript should clearly indicate submission category (from the six
listed) and author preference for oral or poster presentations. This initial
submission must be on hard copy to reach us by Friday, 2 September 1994.
Submission Deadlines
Friday, 2 September 1994 Deadline for receipt of paper submissions
Friday, 28 October 1994 Notification of acceptance
Friday, 2 December 1994 Final papers in camera-ready form for printing
Peter Nicol Russell Building, University of Sydney, Australia.
ACNN'95 Organising Committee
General Chairs:
Marwan Jabri University of Sydney
Cyril Latimer University of Sydney
Technical Program Chair:
Bill Gibson University of Sydney
Technical Program Advisors:
Max Bennett University of Sydney
Bill Wilson University of New South Wales
Len Hamey Macquarie University
Program Committee:
Peter Bartlett Australian National University
Max Bennett University of Sydney
Robert Bogner University of Adelaide
Tony Burkitt Australian National University
Terry Caelli Curtin University of Technology
Simon Carlile University of Sydney
Margaret Charles University of Sydney
George Coghill University of Auckland
Tom Downs University of Queensland
Barry Flower University of Sydney
Tom Gedeon University of New South Wales
Bill Gibson University of Sydney
Simon Goss Defence Science & Tech Org
Graeme Halford University of Queensland
Len Hamey Macquarie University
Andrew Heathcote University of Newcastle
Marwan Jabri University of Sydney
Andrew Jennings Royal Melbourne Institute of Tech
Nikola Kasabov University of Otago
Adam Kowalczyk Telecom Australia
Cyril Latimer University of Sydney
Philip Leong University of Sydney
Iain Macleod Australian National University
M Palaniswami University of Melbourne
Nick Redding Defence Science & Tech Org
M Srinivasan Australian National University
Ah Chung Tsoi University of Queensland
Janet Wiles University of Queensland
Robert Williamson Australian National University
Bill Wilson University of New South Wales
International Advisory Board:
Yaser Abu-Mostafa Caltech
Josh Alspector Bellcore
Shun-ichi Amari University of Tokyo, Japan
Michael Arbib University of Southern California
Scott Fahlman Carnegie Mellon University
Hans Peter Graf AT&T Bell Laboratories
Yuzo Hirai University of Tsukuba
Masumi Ishikawa Kyushu Institute of Technology
Larry Jackel AT&T Bell Laboratories
John Lazzaro University of Berkeley
Yann LeCun AT&T Bell Laboratories
Richard Lippmann MIT Lincoln Lab
Nelson Morgan Intl Computer Sci Inst, Berkeley
Alan Murray University of Edinburgh
Fernando Pineda John Hopkins University
Terry Sejnowski The SALK Institute
Lionel Tarassenko Oxford University
Eric Vittoz CSEM, Switzerland
David Zipser University of California, San Diego
The registration fee to attend ACNN'95 is:
Full Time Students A$110.00
Academics A$250.00
Other A$350.00
A discount of 20% applies for advance registration. Registration forms must be
posted before December 2nd, 1994, to be entitled to the discount. To be
eligible for the Full Time Student rate, a letter from the Head of Department
as verification of enrolment is required.
Delegates will have to make their accommodation arrangements directly with the
hotel of their choice.
A list of accommodation close to the conference venue is provided below. Rates
quoted are on a `per night' basis. Rates may be subject to change without
prior notice.
University Motor Inn
25 Arundel St
Glebe NSW 2037 Rates: A$92 (Single)
Tel: +61 (2) 660 5777 A$95 (Double)
Fax: +61 (2) 660 2929
Camperdown Towers Motel
144 Mallet St
Camperdown NSW2050 Rates: A$65 (Single)
Tel: +61 (2) 519 5211 A$75 (Double)
Fax: +61 (2) 519 9179
Metro Motor Inn
1 Meagher St
Chippendale NSW 2008
Tel: +61 (2) 319 4133 Rates: A$68 (Single/Double)
Tel: +61 (2) 698 7665
Sydney Travellers Rest Hotel
37 Ultimo Rd Rates: A$27 students (Dormitory)
Haymarket NSW 2000 A$39 adults (Twin Share)
Tel: +61 (2) 281 5555 A$62 (Single)
Fax: +61 (2) 281 2666
Alishan International House
100 Glebe Point Rd
Glebe NSW 2037 Rates: A$18 (Dormitory)
Tel: +61 (2) 566 4048 A$55 (Single)
Fax: +61 (2) 525 4686 A$70 (Double)
Registration Form
Title & Name: ___________________________________________________________
Organisation: ___________________________________________________________
Department: _____________________________________________________________
Occupation: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
State: ____________________ Post Code: _____________ Country: ___________
Tel: ( ) __________________________ Fax: ( ) _____________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________________________
[ ] Find enclosed a cheque for the sum of @ : ______________________
[ ] Charge my credit card for the sum of # :________________________
Mastercard/Visa# Number : ______________________________________
Valid until: ________ Signature: __________________ Date: ______
To register, please fill in this form and return it together with payment to :
Mrs Agatha Shotam
Secretariat ACNN'95
Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006
[ ] I would like to attend the Pre-Conference Workshops *
[ ] I would like to attend the Industrial Application of Neural
Computing Workshop *
* Registration fees for the Pre-Conference Workshops and the
Industrial Application of Neural Computing Workshop will be
determined at a later stage.
@ Registration fees: Before 2 Dec 94 After 2 Dec 94
Full Time Students A$ 88.00 A$110.00
Academics A$200.00 A$250.00
Other A$280.00 A$350.00
# Please encircle type of card
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