NNACIP '94 - Call for papers

Prof. Marcio Luiz de Andrade Netto marcio at dca.fee.unicamp.br
Mon Jun 6 18:33:25 EDT 1994


Preliminary Call for Papers


AMCA / IEEE International Workshop on

Neural Networks Applied to Control and Image Processing

November 7-11, 1994, in Mexico City

The purpose of this international workshop is to provide an opportunity 
for the leading researchers of the world to broaden their horizon through 
discussions on various applications of Neural Networks (NN) to control 
and signal processing. This workshop is intended to provide also an 
international forum for presentation of concepts and applications of NN 
in both: i)design, implementation, supervision, and monitoring of control 
systems, and ii)digital image processing, 2D & 3D pattern recognition.

Main Topics
*	modeling, estimation and identification
*	intelligent control systems applications
*	autonomous robots
*	process monitoring and supervision
*	fault detection and emergency control
*	intelligent motion control
*	adaptive learning control systems
*	manufacturing processes
*	image filtering
*	image segmentation
*	image compression
*	feature extraction
*	2D and 3D pattern recognition
*	pattern classification
*	multi-sensor integration
*	Signal processing

Organized by
Asociacin de Mxico de Control Automtico, AMCA

International Program Committee

Toshio Fukuda (J) Chairman
Francisco Cervantes (MEX) Editor
Luis Alonso Romero (E)
Marcio Andrade Netto (BRA)
Danilo Bassi (RCH)
G.A. Bekey (USA)
J.C. Bertrand (F)
Pierre Borne(F)
Aldo Cipriano (RCH)
Ricardo Carelli (ARG)
Jess Figueroa-Nazuno (MEX)
Petros Ioannou (USA)
Rafael Kelly (MEX)
Dominique Lamy (F)
Nuria Piera-Carrete (E)
M. Sakawa (J)
Edgar Snchez-Sinencio (USA)
Carme Torras (E)
Manuel Valenzuela (MEX)

*	IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics
*	IEEE Neural Networks Council
*	UAM-Atz

Organizing Committee
J. H. Sossa-Azuela, President
A.J. Malo-Tamayo, Secretary
A. Ramrez-Trevio, Treasurer
E. Gortcheva
R.A. Garrido
P. Wiederhold
C. Verde
S. Gonzlez-Brambila
D. Rosenblueth
E. Snchez-Camperos

Important Dates
Submission of extended abstracts
and proposals for invited session:	June 20, 94

Acceptance notification:		July  15, 94
Camera ready papers due:		Sept. 30, 94
Workshop realization:			Nov. 7-11, 94

J.M. Ibarra-Zannatha (General Chairman)
Cinvestav-IPN, Control Automtico
A.P. 14-740, 07000 Mxico, D.F., MEXICO
Tel.: +52-5-754.7601, Fax.: +52-5-586.6290 & 752.0290
E-mail: nnacip at mvax1.red.cinvestav.mx

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any technical area 
listed above, sending three copies of a 3-4 pages extended summary 
includig problem statement, methodology, figures and references.

Marcio L. Andrade Netto
School of Electrical Engineering
State University of Campinas

marcio at fee.unicamp.br

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