CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Mark Kantrowitz
Mark_Kantrowitz at GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU
Thu Jul 21 15:41:56 EDT 1994
+ CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository +
+ and +
+ Prime Time Freeware for AI +
July 1994
The CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository was established by Carnegie
Mellon University to contain public domain and freely distributable
software, publications, and other materials of interest to AI researchers,
educators, students, and practitioners. The AI Repository currently
contains more than a gigabyte of material and is growing steadily.
The AI Repository is accessible for free by anonymous FTP, AFS, and WWW.
A selection of materials from the AI Repository is also being published
on CD-ROM by Prime Time Freeware and should be available for purchase
at AAAI-94 or direct by mail or fax from Prime Time Freeware (see below).
Accessing the AI Repository:
To access the AI Repository by anonymous FTP, ftp to: []
and cd to the directory:
Use username "anonymous" (without the quotes) and type your email
address (in the form "user at host") as the password.
To access the AI Repository by AFS (Andrew File System), use the directory:
To access the AI Repository by WWW, use the URL:
Be sure to read the files 0.doc and readme.txt in this directory.
Contents of the AI Repository:
The AI Programming Languages and the AI Software Packages sections of
the repository are "complete". These can be accessed in the lang/ and
areas/ subdirectories of the AI Repository. Compression and archiving
utilities may be found in the util/ subdirectory. Other directories,
which are in varying states of completion, are events/ (Calendar of
Events, Conference Calls) and pubs/ (Publications, including technical
reports, books, mail/news archives).
The AI Programming Languages section includes directories for Common Lisp,
Prolog, Scheme, Smalltalk, and other AI-related programming languages.
The AI Software Packages section includes subdirectories for:
agents/ Intelligent Agent Architectures
alife/ Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems
anneal/ Simulated Annealing
blackbrd/ Blackboard Architectures
bookcode/ Code From AI Textbooks
ca/ Cellular Automata
classics/ Classical AI Programs
constrnt/ Constraint Processing
dai/ Distributed AI
discover/ Discovery and Data-Mining
doc/ Documentation
edu/ Educational Tools
expert/ Expert Systems/Production Systems
faq/ Frequently Asked Questions
fuzzy/ Fuzzy Logic
games/ Game Playing
genetic/ Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming,
Evolutionary Programming
icot/ ICOT Free Software
kr/ Knowledge Representation, Semantic Nets, Frames, ...
learning/ Machine Learning
misc/ Miscellaneous AI
music/ Music
neural/ Neural Networks, Connectionist Systems, Neural Systems
nlp/ Natural Language Processing (Natural Language
Understanding, Natural Language Generation, Parsing,
Morphology, Machine Translation)
planning/ Planning, Plan Recognition
reasonng/ Reasoning (Analogical Reasoning, Case Based Reasoning,
Defeasible Reasoning, Legal Reasoning, Medical Reasoning,
Probabilistic Reasoning, Qualitative Reasoning, Temporal
Reasoning, Theorem Proving/Automated Reasoning, Truth
robotics/ Robotics
search/ Search
speech/ Speech Recognition and Synthesis
testbeds/ Planning/Agent Testbeds
vision/ Computer Vision
The repository has standardized on using 'tar' for producing archives
of files and 'gzip' for compression.
Keyword Searching of the Repository:
To search the keyword index by mail, send a message to:
ai+query at
with one or more lines containing calls to the keys command, such as:
keys lisp iteration
in the message body. You'll get a response by return mail. Do not
include anything else in the Subject line of the message or in the
message body. For help on the query mail server, include:
A Mosaic interface to the keyword searching program is in the works. We
also plan to make the source code (including indexes) to this program
available, as soon as it is stable.
Contributing Materials to the Repository:
Contributions of software and other materials are always welcome, but
must be accompanied by an unambiguous copyright statement that grants
permission for free use, copying, and distribution, such as:
- a declaration that the materials are in the public domain, or
- a copyright notice that states that the materials are subject to
the GNU General Public License (cite version), or
- some other copyright notice (we will tell you if the copying
permissions are too restrictive for us to include the materials
in the repository)
Inclusion of materials in the repository does not modify their copyright
status in any way.
Materials may be placed in:
When you put anything in this directory, please send mail to
ai+contrib at giving us permission to distribute the files, and
state whether this permission is just for the AI Repository, or also
includes publication on the CD-ROM version (Prime Time Freeware for AI).
We would appreciate if you would include a 0.doc file for your package;
see /user/ai/new/package.doc for a template. (If you don't have the
time to write your own, we can write it for you based on the
information in your package.)
Prime Time Freeware for AI (CD-ROM):
A portion of the contents of the repository is published annually by
Prime Time Freeware. The first issue consists of two ISO-9660 CD-ROMs
bound into a 224-page book. Each CD-ROM contains approximately 600
megabytes of gzipped archives (more than 2 gigabytes uncompressed and
unpacked). Prime Time Freeware for AI is particularly useful for folks
who do not have FTP access, but may also be useful as a way of saving
disk space and avoiding annoying FTP searches and retrievals.
Prime Time Freeware helped establish the CMU AI Repository, and sales
of Prime Time Freeware for AI will continue to help support the
maintenance and expansion of the repository. It sells (list) for US$60
plus applicable sales tax and shipping and handling charges. Payable
through Visa, MasterCard, postal money orders in US funds, and checks
in US funds drawn on a US bank. For further information on Prime Time
Freeware for AI and other Prime Time Freeware products, please contact:
Prime Time Freeware
370 Altair Way, Suite 150
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA
Tel: +1 408-433-9662
Fax: +1 408-433-0727
E-mail: ptf at
Repository Maintainer:
The AI Repository was established by Mark Kantrowitz in 1993 as an
outgrowth of the Lisp Utilities Repository (established 1990) and his
work on the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) postings for the AI, Lisp,
Scheme, and Prolog newsgroups. The Lisp Utilities Repository has been
merged into the AI Repository.
Bug reports, comments, questions and suggestions concerning the repository
should be sent to Mark Kantrowitz <AI.Repository at>. Bug reports,
comments, questions and suggestions concerning a particular software
package should be sent to the address indicated by the author.
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