NN-SMP-95 Call for Papers

Prof. Cho Sungzoon zoon at zoon.postech.ac.kr
Wed Jul 6 08:29:09 EDT 1994


                          --- CALL FOR PAPERS ---

                  Workshop on the Theory of Neural Networks:
                     The Statistical Mechanics Perspective

                            Sponsored by
       Center for Theoretical Physics at Seoul National University
                Basic Science Research Institute at POSTECH

                        February 2-4, 1995
      Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea


During the last decade, methods of statistical mechanicswere successfully 
applied to the theory of neural networks.The Study of neural networks 
became an important part of statistical physics and the results influenced 
neighboring fields. In this workshop, we will review the status of 
the statistical physics of neural networks and  discuss the future 
directions. We invite papers on the theory of neural networks both 
from statistical physics community and outside. We look forward to active
interdisciplinary discussions, and encourage participation from related
fields such as non-linear dynamics, computer science, mathematics, 
statistics, information theory and neurobiology.

Invited speakers

S. Amari (Tokyo Univ.)            H. Sompolinksy (Hebrew Univ.) 
D. Haussler (UCSC)                I. Kanter (Bar Ilan Univ.)
M. Kearns (AT\&T)                 M. Opper (U. Wuerzburg)
G. M. Shim(K.U. Leuven)           H. S. Seung(AT\&T)  
K. Y. M. Wong (HKUST)             and more.

Abstract Submission

Authors should submit six-copies of an abstract to be received by 
Tuesday, November 15, 1994, to

Jong-Hoon Oh - NNSMP 
Department of Physics
Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH)
Hyoja San 31, Pohang, Kyongbuk 790-784, Korea
nnsmp at galaxy.postech.ac.kr

An e-mail submission of the abstract is also possible to the above e-mail 
address. The abstract should include title,  authors'  names, affiliations,  
postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers if any. The body 
of the abstract should be no longer  than 300 words. A full paper should be 
submitted on venue to be included in the proceedings. 

Program Format
We encourage informal discussions between small group of participants during 
workshop. Invited talks and a limited number of contributed talks 
will be presented in the oral session. Most of the contributed works will be 
presented via poster session. Tour of Kyoung-Ju(a 2000 years old city) is 
a part of the workshop. 


In order to take advantage of a small workshop, we would like to maintain 
the number of the participants at an appropriate size. If you are interested 
in participation, please inform us of your intention as early as possible. 
Detailed registration information will be distributed via e-mail. Ask for
following announcements to nnsmp-info at galaxy.postech.ac.kr.

Advisory Committee

S. Amari(Tokyo Univ.), S. Y. Bang(POSTECH), S. I. Choi(POSTECH), 
K. C. Lee(SNU), H. Sompolinsky(Hebrew Univ.).

Local Organizing Committee

S. Cho(POSTECH), M. Y. Choi(SNU), D. Kim(SNU), S. Kim(POSTECH),
C. Kwon(Myoung-Ji U.), J.-H. Oh(POSTECH).  

Program Committee

I. Kanter(Bat Ilan), J.-H. Oh(POSTECH), H. S. Seung(AT\&T).

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