ECAL95 First Announcement

Arantza Etxeberria arantza at
Fri Jan 28 13:34:31 EST 1994

                          First Announcement



                  Granada, Spain, 4-6 June, 1995

It is  a pleasure  to  announce the  forthcoming  3rd European  Conference  on
Artificial Life (ECAL95).

Despite its short life, Artificial Life (AL) is already a mature scientific
field. In trying to discover the rules of life and extract its essence so that
it can be implemented in  different media, AL research has  led us to a
better understanding of a large set of interesting biology-related problems,
such  as self organization,  emergence, origins  of life,  self-reproduction,
computer viruses,  learning,  growth  and  development,  animal  behavior,
ecosystems, autonomous agents, adaptive robotics, etc.

The Conference  will be  organized into  Scientific Sessions,  Demonstrations,
Videos and Comercial  Exhibits. Scientific Sessions  will consist of  Lectures
(invited), Oral Presentations, and Posters.

The site of ECAL95 will be the city of Granada, located in the south of Spain,
in the region  of Andalucia. Granada  was the  last moors site  in the  Iberic
Peninsula, and it  has the  inheritance of their  culture with  the legacy  of
marvelous constructions such as the Alhambra and the Gardens of Generalife.

ECAL95 will be organized in  collaboration with the International Workshop  on
Artificial Neural Networks  (IWANN95) to  be held  at Malaga  (Costa del  Sol,
Spain), June  7-9, 1995.  These places  are  only one hour  apart by  car.
Special inscription fees will be offered to those attending both meetings.

Scientific Sessions and Topics

1. Foundations and Epistemology:
    Philosophical Issues. Emergence. Levels of organization. Evolution of
    Hierarchical Systems. Evolvability. Computation and Dynamics. Ethical

2. Evolution:
    Prebiotic Evolution. Origins of Life. Evolution of Metabolism. Fitness
    Landscapes. Ecosystem Evolution. Biodiversity. Evolution of Sex.
    Natural Selection and Sexual selection. Units of Selection.

3. Adaptive and Cognitive Systems:
    Reaction, Neural and Immune Networks. Growth and Differentiation.
    Self-organization. Pattern Formation.  Multicellulars and Development.
    Natural and Artificial Morphogenesis.

4. Artificial Worlds:
    Simulation of Adaptive and Cognitive Systems. System-Environment
    Correlation. Sensor-Effector Coordination. Environment Design.

5. Robotics and Emulation of Animal Behavior:
    Sensory and Motor Activity. Mobile Agents. Adaptive Robots. Autonomous
    Robots. Evolutionary Robotics. Ethology.

6. Societies and Collective Behavior:
    Swarm Intelligence. Cooperation and Communication among Animals and
    Robots. Evolution of Social Behavior. Social Organizations. Division of

7. Applications and Common Tools:
    Optimization. Problem Solving. Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics.
    Genetic Algorithms.  Neural Networks.  Fuzzy Logic.  Evolutionary
    Computation.  Genetic Programming.

Inscription / Information

Those interested please send (mail/fax/e-mail) the Intention Form to the
Programme Secretary, Juan J. Merelo, at the following address:

          Dept. Electronica          |
          Facultad de Ciencias       |    Phone:  +34-58-243162
          Campus Fuentenueva         |    Fax:    +34-58-243230
          18071 Granada, Spain       |    E-mail: ecal95 at

Organization Committee

Federico Moran.        UCM. Madrid (E)                 Chair
Alvaro Moreno.         UPV. San Sebastian (E)          Chair
Arantza Etxeberria     Univ. Sussex (UK)
Julio Fernandez.       UPV. San Sebastian (E)
Francisco Montero.     UCM. Madrid (E)
Alberto Prieto.        UGr. Granada (E)
Carme Torras.          UPC. Barcelona (E)

Programm Committee

Francisco Varela.      CNRS/CREA. Paris (F)           Chair
Juan J. Merelo.        UGr. Granada (E)               Secretary
 (Definitive list of this Committee will be completed and announced in the
 forthcoming Call-for-Papers)

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                              INTENTION FORM

                     Granada, Spain, 4-6 June, 1995

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