temporary job announcement

Steven Sloman sloman at columbo.cog.brown.edu
Wed Jan 26 17:27:48 EST 1994

                      Brown University

        Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences

                 Two Visiting Faculty Positions

     The Brown University Department of Cognitive and Linguistic
Sciences invites applications for two temporary visiting faculty
positions for the academic year September, 1994 to June, 1995.
Each position would be suited to either a senior sabbatical visitor
who, in exchange for half-time salary support, would teach one
or two courses at Brown or to a more junior applicant who would
receive full salary support and teach three courses. All applicants
must have received the  Ph.D. degree or equivalent by the time of
their application.

     Position 1, Vision: A candidate should have strong teaching and
research interests in one or more of the following areas:  visual
perception, visual cognition, computational vision, or computational
neuroscience related to vision.

     Position 2, Cognition: A candidate should have strong teaching
and research interests in an area such as memory, attention, problem
solving, judgment and decision making, or comparative cognition.

     Please send vitae, recent publications, three references, and
a cover letter describing teaching and research interests and
qualifications to:

           Search Committee    or     Search Committee
           Vision                     Cognition

                  Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
                  Box 1978
                  Brown University
                  Providence, RI 02912

The initial deadline for applications is February 15, 1994, but
applications will be accepted after that time until the temporary
positions are filled.  Brown is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action employer.  Women and minorities are especially encouraged
to apply.

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