CNLP call

Noel Sharkey N.Sharkey at
Thu Jan 6 07:51:53 EST 1994

	*						   *
	*	     International Conference on           *
	*        New Methods in Language Processing        *
        * 						   *


Dates: 14-16th September 1994 (inclusive) 
Location: Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, Manchester, UK.

	In recent years there has been a steadily increasing interest
	in alternative theories and methodologies to the mainstream
	techniques of symbolic computational linguistics.  This
	international conference will provide a forum for researchers
	in the broad area of new methods in NLP, i.e., symbolic and
	non-symbolic  techniques of analogy-based, statistical, and
	connectionist processing, to present their most recent research
	and to discuss its implications.  In order to focus the
	conference, however, it is intended to concentrate on research
	primarily involving written NLP.  It is also hoped that the
	conference will promote discussion in general terms of what
	this branch of NLP hopes to achieve and how far this paradigm
	can take NLP in the future.

Topics of Interest: * Example- and Memory-based MT
 		    * Corpus-based NLP
 	            * Bootstrapping techniques
 		    * Analogy-based NLP 
 		    * Connectionist NLP
 	            * Statistical MT/NLP
 		    * Theoretical issues of sub-symbolic vs. symbolic NLP
 		    * Hybrid approaches
Programme Committee:

  Co-chairs: Harold Somers, Daniel Jones (UMIST)
  Ken Church  (AT&T)
  Hitoshi Iida (ATR)
  Sergei Nirenburg (CMU)
  David Powers (IMPACT)
  James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University)
  Satoshi Sato (JAIST)
  Noel Sharkey (Sheffield University)
  Royal Skousen (Brigham Young University)
  Jun-ichi Tsujii (UMIST)
  Susan Warwick-Armstrong (ISSCO)
  Yorick Wilks (Sheffield University)

Preliminary paper submission deadline: 31st March 1994 
Acceptance Notification by: 1st June 1994 
Camera-ready copy due: 1st August 1994 

Submission Requirements:
  Authors should submit FOUR *hard* copies of a preliminary version of the
  paper (NOT an outline or abstract) which should be no longer than 6
  (A4) pages long, printed no smaller than 10-point. Papers should
  include a brief abstract, and a list of key words indicating which of
  the above topics are addressed.  A contact address for the author(s)
  (preferably e-mail) should also be included.

Send papers to:  NeMLaP,
 	         Centre for Computational Linguistics,
 		 Sackville Street,

Enquiries : nemlap at

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