Cognitive Science Conference: REVISED DEADLINE!

Gary Cottrell gary at
Tue Jan 4 10:33:56 EST 1994

                   Sixteenth Annual Conference of the
                       COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY

                           August 13-16, 1994

                    Georgia Institute of Technology
                            Atlanta, Georgia

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

              Revised due date: Tuesday, February 15, 1994

As Cognitive Science has matured over the years, it has broadened its
scope in order to address fundamental issues of cognition embedded
within culturally, socially, and technologically rich environments.  The
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society aims at
broad coverage of the many topics, methodologies, and disciplines that
comprise Cognitive Science.  The conference will highlight new ideas,
theories, methods and results in a wide range of research areas relating
to cognition.

The conference will feature plenary addresses by invited speakers,
technical paper and poster sessions, research symposia and panels, and a
banquet.  The conference will be held at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, home
of the Civil Rights movement, the 1996 Olympics, and the Dogwood


Novel research papers are invited on any topic related to cognition.
Reports of research that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries
and investigations of cognition within cultural, social and
technological contexts are encouraged.  To create a high-quality program
representing the newest ideas and results in the field, submitted papers
will be evaluated through peer review with respect to several criteria,
including originality, quality, and significance of research, relevance
to a broad audience of cognitive science researchers, and clarity of
presentation.  Accepted papers will be presented at the conference as
talks or posters, as appropriate.  Papers may present results from
completed research as well as report on current research with an
emphasis on novel approaches, methods, ideas, and perspectives.

Authors should submit five (5) copies of the paper in hard copy form by
Tuesday, February 15, 1994, to:

Prof. Ashwin Ram
Cognitive Science 1994 Submissions
Georgia Institute of Technology
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280

If confirmation of receipt is desired, please use certified mail or
enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope or postcard.


Papers with a student first author are eligible to compete for a David
Marr Memorial Prize for excellence in research and presentation.  The
David Marr Prizes are accompanied by a $300.00 honorarium, and are
funded by an anonymous donor.


Papers must be a maximum of eleven (11) pages long (excluding only the
cover page but including figures and references), with 1 inch margins on
all sides (i.e., the text should be 6.5 inches by 9 inches, including
footnotes but excluding page numbers), double-spaced, and in 12-point
type.  Each page should be numbered (excluding the cover page).
Template and style files conforming to these specifications for several
text formatting programs, including LaTeX, Framemaker, Word, and Word
Perfect, are available by anonymous FTP from  (Camera-ready
papers will be required only after authors are notified of acceptance;
accepted papers will be allotted six proceedings pages in the usual
double-column camera-ready format.)


Each copy of the paper must include a cover page, separate from the body
of the paper, which includes:

1. Title of paper.

2. Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of
   all authors.

3. An abstract of no more than 200 words.

4. Three to five keywords in decreasing order of relevance.  The
   keywords will be used in the index for the proceedings.

5. Preference for presentation format: Talk or poster, talk only, poster
   only.  Accepted papers will be presented either as talks or posters,
   depending on authors' preferences and reviewers' recommendations
   about which would be more suitable, and will not reflect the
   quality of the papers.

6. A note stating if the paper is eligible to compete for a Marr Prize.


Papers must be received by Tuesday, February 15, 1994.  Papers received
after this date will be recycled.

                           CALL FOR SYMPOSIA

In addition to the technical paper and poster sessions, the conference
will feature research symposia, panels, and workshops.  Proposals for
symposia are invited.  Proposals should indicate:

1. A brief description of the topic; 
2. How the symposium would address a broad cognitive science audience,
   and some evidence of interest;
3. Names of symposium organizer(s); 
4. List of potential speakers, their topics, and some estimate of their
   likelihood of participation;
5. Proposed symposium format (designed to last 90 minutes).

Symposium proposals should be sent as soon as possible, but no later
than January 14, 1994.  Abstracts of the symposium talks will be
published in the proceedings.

Kurt Eiselt and Ashwin Ram

Dorrit Billman, Mike Byrne, Alex Kirlik, Janet Kolodner (chair), Nancy
Nersessian, Mimi Recker, and Tony Simon

Prof. Kurt Eiselt
Cognitive Science 1994 Conference
Georgia Institute of Technology
Cognitive Science Program
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0505
E-mail: cogsci94 at

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