role of response functions in ANN's.

Riccardo Zecchina - tel.11-5647358, fax. 11-5647399 ZECCHINA at
Mon Feb 28 13:22:01 EST 1994

FTP-file: pub/neuroprose/

The file is available for copying from the Neuroprose

"Response Functions Improving Performance in Analog Attractor Neural
N .Brunel, R. Zecchina
(13 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. E Rapid Comm.)

ABSTRACT: In the context of attractor neural networks, we study how the
equilibrium analog neural activities, reached by the network dynamics during
memory retrieval, may improve storage performance by reducing the interferences
between the recalled pattern and the other stored ones. We determine a simple
dynamics that stabilizes network states which are highly correlated with the
retrieved pattern, for a number of stored memories that does not exceed
$\alpha_{\star} N$, where $\alpha_{\star}\in[0,0.41]$ depends on the global
activity level in the network and $N$ is the number of neurons. 

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