Gerda Helscher gerda at ai.univie.ac.at
Mon Feb 28 10:42:04 EST 1994

After the general info which appeared in this mailing list recently 
about the

                T W E L F T H   E U R O P E A N   M E E T I N G
                     O N   C Y B E R N E T I C S   A N D
                       S Y S T E M S   R E S E A R C H
                             ( E M C S R ' 9 4 ) 

here is the detailed programme of Neural Network-related events:

                             Plenary Lecture by 

                      S t e p h e n   G r o s s b e r g :

           "Neural Networks for Learning, Recognition and Prediction"

                         Wednesday, April 6, 9:00 a.m.,
                            University of Vienna, 
                           Main Building, Room 47


             A r t i f i c i a l   N e u r a l   N e t w o r k s
                                    a n d
                        A d a p t i v e   S y s t e m s

                  S.Grossberg, USA, and G.Dorffner, Austria 

                  Tuesday, April 5, and Wednesday, April 6, 
                   Univ. of Vienna, Main Building, Room 47

Tuesday, April 5:

14.00-14.30: Synchronization in a Large Neural Network of Phase Oscillators
             with the Central Element
             Y.Kazanovich, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

14.30-15.00: Synchronization in a Neural Network Model with Time Delayed 
             T.B.Luzyanina, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

15.00-15.30: Reinforcement Learning in a Network Model of the Basal Ganglia
             R.M.Borisyuk, J.R.Wickens, R.Koetter, University of Otago,
             New Zealand

Wednesday, April 6:

11.00-11.30: Adaptive High Performance Classifier Based on Random 
             Threshold Neurons
             E.M.Kussul, T.N.Baidyk, V.V.Lukovich, D.A.Rachkovskij, 
             Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine

11.30-12.00: Dynamics of Ordering for One-dimensional Topological Mappings
             R.Folk, A.Kartashov, University of Linz, Austria

12.00-12.30: Informational Properties of Willshaw-like Neural Networks 
             Capable of Autoassociative Learning
             A.Kartashov, R.Folk, A.Goltsev, A.Frolov, University of Linz,

12.30-13.00: Relaxing the Hyperplane Assumption in the Analysis and 
             Modification of Back-propagation Neural Networks
             L.Y.Pratt, A.N.Christensen, Colorado School of Mines, 
             Golden, CO, USA

14.00-14.30: Improving Discriminability Based Transfer by Modifying the 
             IM Metric to Use Sigmoidal Activations
             L.Y.Pratt, V.I.Gough, Colorado School of Mines, 
             Golden, CO, USA

14.30-15.00: Order-theoretic View of Families of Neural Network 
             M.Holena, University of Paderborn, Germany

15.00-15.30: A New Class of Neural Networks: Recognition Invariant to 
             Arbitrary Transformation Groups
             A.Kartashov, K.Erman, University of Linz, Austria

16.00-16.30: Neural Assembly Architecture for Texture Recognition
             A.Goltsev, A.Kartashov, R.Folk, University of Linz, 

16.30-17.00: A Neural System for Character Recognition on Isovalue Maps
             E.P.L.Passos, L.E.S.Varella, M.A.Santos, R.L.de Araujo, 
             Engineering Military Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

17.00-17.30: Neurocomputing Model Inference for Nonlinear Signal 
             Z.Zografski, T.Durrani, University of Strathclyde, 
             Glasgow, United Kingdom

17.30-18.00: Learning from Examples and VLSI Implementation of 
             Neural Networks
             V.Beiu, J.A.Peperstraete, J.Vandewalle, R.Lauwereins, 
             Catholic University of Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium

For more information please contact: sec at ai.univie.ac.at

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