copy of thesis.

Martin Fodslette M|ller mmoller at
Wed Feb 16 11:10:00 EST 1994

To all that have requested a copy of my thesis 
(and apologies to those that did not for sending this message).

Thank you all for your interest in my thesis. Since so many 
have requested a copy (about 200), I will not be able to answer you 
all separately right now. Please accept my apologies.

You will all receive a copy of the thesis in a few weeks.

Best Regards


Martin Moller                    email: mmoller at
Computer Science Dept.           Fax:   +45 8942 3255
Aarhus University                Phone: +45 8942 3371
Ny Munkegade, Build. 540,
DK-8000 Aarhus C,

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