papers on time and neural networks (Correction)
Cedric Chappelier
chaps at
Tue Feb 15 09:22:03 EST 1994
Yesterday we send the following announcement. We want to make a
little correction : the format of the paper can either be Word file
(as mentioned in the first mail) OR A LATEX FILE.
> As guest editors of a special issue of the Sigart Bulletin about :
> Time and Neural Networks
> we are looking for 4 articles about 10 pages each.
> Sigart is a quarterly publication of the Association for Computing
> Machinery (ACM) special interest group on Artificial Intelligence.
> The paper may either deal with approachs of time processing using
> traditional connectionist architectures, or with more specific models
> integrating time in their basis.
> If you are interested, and if you can submit a paper (not already
> published) within a short delay (about 1 month and a half), please send a
> draft (if possible a Word file) :
> - preferably by giving ftp access to it (information via e-mail)
> - or sending it as "attached file" on e-mail
> - or posting a paper copy of it.
> Drafts should be received before April 1.
> Notification of acceptance will be sent before April 20.
> grumbach at or chaps at
> Alain Grumbach and Cedric Chappelier
> ENST dept INF
> 46 rue Barrault
> 75634 Paris Cedex 13
> France
Sorry for the negligence.
E-mail: chaps at || Cedric.Chappelier at
P-mail: Telecom Paris
46, rue Barrault - 75634 Paris cedex 13
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