Neural net and PAC learning paper: errata

Mario Marchand mario at
Tue Dec 13 09:01:44 EST 1994

About a week ago, I have sent you this message:

>The following paper, which was presented at the NIPS'94 conference,
>is available by anonymous ftp at:
>Title: Learning Stochastic Perceptrons Under k-Blocking Distributions
>Authors: Marchand M. and Hadjifaradji S.
>ALSO: you will find other papers co-authored by Mario Marchand in
>      this directory. The text file: Abstracts-mm.txt contains a
>      list of abstracts of all the papers.

In fact the right path for ftp is:

and the file name is:    (compressed)

sorry for this inconvenience and many thanks for those who have
kindly reported the mistakes.

- mario

  |  UUU            UUU            Mario Marchand                  |
  |  UUU            UUU            -----------------------------   |
  |  UUU       OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO    Department of Physics           |
  |  UUU      OOO   UUU      OOO   University of Ottawa            |
  |   UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU       OOO   150 Louis Pasteur street        |
  |           OOO            OOO   PO BOX 450 STN A                |
  |            OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO    Ottawa (Ont) Canada K1N 6N5     |
  |                                                                |
  |   ***** Internet E-Mail: mario at **********   |
  |   ***** Tel: (613)564-9293 ------------- Fax: 564-6712 *****   |

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