program CNNA-94
cnna at
Mon Dec 12 09:54:22 EST 1994
(Multiple posting - please excuse us if you receive more than a copy)
ROME, ITALY, DEC. 18-21, 1994
17.30 Inaugural Session (Hall 1)
17.30 Welcome address
G. Orlandi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering
V. Cimagalli, Chairman, CNNA-94
17.45 Opening address
C. Lau
18.05 Inaugural lecture:
L.O. Chua
The CNN Universal Chip: Dawn of a New Computer Paradigm
19.30 Welcome Cocktail (Room of the Frescoes)
9.00 Session 1: Theory I (Hall of the Cloister - chairman: L.O. Chua)
9.00 Invited review paper:
T. Roska
Analogic Algorithms Running on the CNN Universal Machine
9.30 G. Yang, T. Yang, L.-B. Yang
On Unconditional Stability of the General Delayed Cellular Neural
9.45 S. Arik, V. Tavsanoglu
A Weaker Condition for the Stability of Nonsymmetric CNNs
10.00 M. P. Joy, V. Tavsanoglu
Circulant Matrices and the Stability Theory of CNNs
10.15 B.E. Shi, S. Wendsche, T. Roska, L.O. Chua
Random Variations in CNN Templates: Theoretical Models and Empirical
10.30 Coffee Break (Room of the Frescoes)
11.00 Session 2: Connections with Neurophysiology (Hall of the Cloister -
chairman: T. Roska)
11.00 Invited lecture:
F. Werblin, A. Jacobs
Using CNN to Unravel Space-Time Processing in the Vertebrate Retina
11.45 Invited lecture:
J. Hmori
Synaptic Organization of the Thalamic Visual Center (LGN) of Mammals as a
Basis of CNN Model of Subcortical Visual Processing
12.30 K. Lotz, Z. Vidnynszky, T. Roska, J. Vandewalle, J. Hmori, A.
Jacobs, F. Werblin
Some Cortical Spiking Neuron Models Using CNN
12.45 T.W. Berger, B.J. Sheu, R. H.-J. Tsai
Analog VLSI Implementation of a Nonlinear Systems Model of the
Hippocampal Brain Region
13.00 A. Jacobs, T. Roska, F. Werblin
Techniques for Constructing Physiologically Motivated Neuromorphic Models
in CNN
13.15 Lunch (Room of the Frescoes)
14.45 Session 3: Hardware Implementations I (Hall of the Cloister -
chairman: A. Rodrguez-Vzquez)
14.45 Invited review paper:
A. Rodrguez-Vzquez, R. Domnguez-Castro, S. Espejo
Design of CNN Universal Chips: Trends and Obstacles
15.15 J.M. Cruz, L.O. Chua, T. Roska
A Fast, Complex and Efficient Test Implementation of the CNN Universal
15.30 F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
High Performance Digitally Programmable CNN Chip with Discrete Templates
15.45 A. Paasio, A. Dawidziuk, K. Halonen, V. Porra
Digitally Controllable Weights in Current Mode Cellular Neural Networks
16.00 D. Lm, G.S. Moschytz
A Programmable, Modular CNN Cell
16.15 M.-D. Doan, R. Chakrabaty, M. Heidenreich, M. Glesner, S. Cheung
Realisation of a Digital Cellular Neural Network for Image Processing
16.30 R. Domnguez-Castro, S. Espejo, A. Rodrguez-Vzquez, R. Carmona
A CNN Universal Chip in CMOS Technology
16.45 Coffee Break (Room of the Frescoes)
17.15 Session 4: Theory II (Hall of the Cloister - chairman: R.-W. Liu)
17.15 R.-W. Liu, Y.-F. Huang, X.-T. Ling
A Novel Approach to the Convergence of Neural Networks for Signal
17.30 E. Pessa, M.P. Penna
Local and Global Connectivity in Neuronic Cellular Automata
17.45 X.-Z. Huang, T. Yang, L.-B. Yang
On Stability of the Time-Variant Delayed Cellular Neural Networks
18.00 J.J. Szczyrek, S. Jankowski
A Class of Asymmetrical Templates in Cellular Neural Networks
18.15 P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli
A Topological description of the State Space of a Cellular Neural Network
18.30 M. Tanaka, T. Watanabe
Cooperative and Competitive Cellular Neural Networks
9.15 Session 5: Learning I (Hall of the Cloister - chairman: J.A. Nossek)
9.15 Invited review paper:
J.A. Nossek
Design and Learning with Cellular Neural Networks
9.45 I. Fajfar, F. Bratkovic
Statistical Design Using Variable Parameter Variances and Application to
Cellular Neural Networks
10.00 N.N. Aizenberg, I.N. Aizenberg
CNN-like Networks Based on Multi-Valued and Universal Binary Neurons:
Learning and Application to Image Processing
10.15 W. Utschick, J.A. Nossek
Computational Learning Theory Applied to Discrete-Time Cellular Neural
10.30 H. Magnussen, J.A. Nossek
Global Learning Algorithms for Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks
10.45 Coffee Break (Room of the Frescoes)
11.15 Session 6: Learning II (Hall of the Cloister - chairman: J.
11.15 H. Magnussen, G. Papoutsis, J.A. Nossek
Continuation-Based Learning Algorithm for Discrete-Time Cellular Neural
11.30 C. Gzelis, S. Karamahmut
Recurrent Perceptron Learning Algorithm for Completely Stable Cellular
Neural Networks
11.45 A.J. Schuler, M. Brabec, D. Schubel, J.A. Nossek
Hardware-Oriented Learning for Cellular Neural Networks
12.00 F. Dellaert, J. Vandewalle
Automatic Design of Cellular Neural Networks by Means of Genetic
Algorithms: Finding a Feature Detector
12.15 H. Mizutani
A New Learning Method for Multilayered Cellular Neural Networks
12.30 Lunch (Room of the Frescoes)
14.00 Panel Discussion: Trends and Applications of the CNN Paradigm (Hall
of the Cloister - chairman: L.O. Chua)
Panelists: L.O. Chua, V. Cimagalli, J.A. Nossek, T. Roska, A. Rodrguez-
Vzquez, J. Vandewalle
15.30 Coffee Break (Room of the Frescoes)
16.00 Session 7: Applications I (Hall of the Cloister - chairman: N.N.
16.00 N.N. Aizenberg, I.N. Aizenberg, T.P. Belikova
Extraction and Localization of Important Features on Grey-Scale Images:
Implementation on the CNN
16.15 K. Slot
Large-Neighborhood Templates Implementation in Discrete-Time CNN
Machine with a Nearest-Neighbor Connection Pattern
16.30 J. Pineda de Gyvez
XCNN: A Software Package for Color Image Processing
16.45 B.E. Shi
Order Statistic Filtering with Cellular Neural Networks
17.00 L.-B. Yang, T. Yang, B.-S. Chen
Moving Point Target Detection Using Cellular Neural Networks
17.15 X.-P. Yang, T. Yang, L.-B. Yang
Extracting Focused Object from Defocused Background Using Cellular Neural
17.30 M. Balsi, N. Racina
Automatic Recognition of Train Tail Signs Using CNNs
17.45 A. Kellner, H. Magnussen, J.A. Nossek
Texture Classification, Texture Segmentation and Text Segmentation with
Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks
16.00 Session 8: Applications II (Hall 17 - chairman: S. Jankowski)
16.00 P.L. Venetianer, P. Szolgay, K.R. Crounse, T. Roska, L.O. Chua
Analog Combinatorics and Cellular Automata-Key Algorithms and Layout
16.15 . Zarndy, T. Roska, Gy. Liszka, J. Hegyesi, L. Kk, Cs. Rekeczky
Design of Analogic CNN Algorithms for Mammogram Analysis
16.30 P. Szolgay, Gy. Erss, A. Katona, . Kiss
An Experimental System for Path Tracking of a Robot Using a 16*16
Connected Component Detector CNN Chip with Direct Optical Input
16.45 T. Kozek, T. Roska
A Double Time-Scale CNN for Solving 2-D Navier-Stokes Equations
17.00 . Zarndy, F. Werblin, T. Roska, L.O. Chua
Novel Types of Analogic CNN Algorithms for Recognizing Bank-Notes
17.15 B.J. Sheu, Sa H. Bang, W.-C. Fang
Optimal Solutions of Selected Cellular Neural Network Applications by the
Hardware Annealing Method
17.30 B. Siemiatkowska
Cellular Neural Network for Mobile Robot Navigation
17.45 A. Murgu
Distributed Neural Control for Markov Decision Processes in Hierarchic
Communication Networks
20.00 Banquet (Restaurant "4 Colonne" - via della Posta Vecchia, 4)
9.00 Session 9: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics I (Hall of the Cloister -
chairman: V.D. Shalfeev)
9.00 Invited review paper
V.D. Shalfeev, G.V. Osipov
Spatio-Temporal Phenomena in Cellular Neural Networks
9.30 C.-M. Yang, T. Yang, K.-Y. Zhang
Chaos in Discrete Time Cellular Neural Networks
9.45 R. Dogaru, A.T. Murgan, D. Ioan
Robust Oscillations and Bifurcations in Cellular Neural Networks
10.00 H. Chen, M.-D. Dai, X.-Y. Wu
Bifurcation and Chaos in Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks
10.15 M.J. Ogorzalek, A. Dabrowski, W. Dabrowski
Hyperchaos, Clustering and Cooperative Phenomena in CNN Arrays Composed
of Chaotic Circuits
10.30 Coffee Break (Room of the Frescoes)
11.00 Session 10: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics II (Hall of the Cloister -
chairman: M. Hasler)
11.00 Invited review paper:
P. Thiran, M. Hasler
Information Processing Using Stable and Unstable Oscillations: A Tutorial
11.30 P. Szolgay, G. Vrs
Transient Response Computation of a Mechanical Vibrating System Using
Cellular Neural Networks
11.45 P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli
Propagation Phenomena in Cellular Neural Networks
12.00 S. Jankowski, A. Londei, C. Mazur, A. Lozowski
Synchronization Phenomena in 2D Chaotic CNN
12.15 Poster Session (Hall of the Cloister)
S. Jankowski, R. Wanczuk
CNN models of complex pattern formation in excitable media
Z. Galias, J.A. Nossek
Control of a Real Chaotic Cellular Neural Network
A. Piovaccari, G. Setti
A Versatile CMOS Building Block for Fully Analogically-ProgrammableVLSI
Cellular Neural Networks
P. Thiran, G. Setti
An Approach to Local Diffusion and Global Propagation in 1-dim. Cellular
Neural Networks
J. Kowalski, K. Slot, T. Kacprzak
A CMOS Current-Mode VLSI Implementation of Cellular Neural Network for an
Image Objects Area Estimation
W.J. Jansen, R. van Drunen, L. Spaanenburg, J.A.G. Nijhuis
The AD2 Microcontroller Extension for Artificial Neural Networks
C.-K. Pham, M. Tanaka
A Novel Chaos Generator Employing CMOS Inverter for Cellular Neural
13.15 Lunch (Room of the Frescoes)
14.45 Session 11: Hardware Implementations II (Hall of the Cloister -
chairman: J.L. Huertas)
14.45 R. Beccherelli, G. de Cesare, F. Palma
Towards an Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Phototransistor Cellular Neural
15.00 A. Sani, S. Graffi, G. Masetti, G. Setti
Design of CMOS Cellular Neural Networks Operating at Several Supply
15.15 M. Russell Grimaila, J. Pineda de Gyvez
A Macromodel Fault Generator for Cellular Neural Networks
15.30 P. Kinget, M. Steyaert
Evaluation of CNN Template Robustness Towards VLSI Implementation
15.45 B.J. Sheu, Sa H. Bang, W.-C. Fang
Analog VLSI Design of Cellular Neural Networks with Annealing Ability
16.00 L. Raffo, S.P. Sabatini, G.M. Bisio
A Reconfigurable Architecture Mapping Multilayer CNN Paradigms
14.45: Session 12: Applications III (Hall 17 - chairman: J. Herault)
14.45 G. Adorni, V. DAndrea, G. Destri
A Massively Parallel Approach to Cellular Neural Networks Image
15.00 M. Coli, P. Palazzari, R. Rughi
Use of the CNN Dynamic to Associate Two Points with Different
Quantization Grains in the State Space
15.15 M. Csapodi, L. Nemes, G. Tth, T. Roska, A. Radvnyi
Some Novel Analogic CNN Algorithms for Object Rotation, 3D Interpolation-
Approximation, and a "Door-in-a-Floor" Problem
15.30 H. Harrer, P.L. Venetianer, J.A. Nossek, T. Roska, L.O. Chua
Some Examples of Preprocessing Analog Images with Discrete-Time Cellular
Neural Networks
15.45 A.G. Radvnyi
Solution of Stereo Correspondence in Real Scene: an Analogic CNN
16.00 J.P. Miller, K.R. Crounse, T. Sziranyi, L. Nemes, L.O. Chua, T.
Deblurring of Images by Cellular Neural Networks with Applications to
16.15 Coffee Break (Room of the Frescoes)
16.45 Session 13: Hardware Implementations III (Hall of the Cloister -
chairman: M. Salerno)
16.45 T. Roska, P. Szolgay, . Zarndy, P.L. Venetianer, A. Radvnyi, T.
On a CNN Chip-Prototyping System
17.00 M. Balsi, V. Cimagalli, I. Ciancaglioni, F. Galluzzi
Optoelectronic Cellular Neural Network Based on Amorphous Silicon Thin
Film Technology
17.15 S. Espejo, R. Domnguez-Castro, A. Rodrguez-Vzquez, R. Carmona
Weight-Control Strategy for Programmable CNN Chips
17.30 S. Espejo, A. Rodrguez-Vzquez, R. Domnguez-Castro, R. Carmona
Convergence and Stability of the FSR CNN Model
17.45 R. Domnguez-Castro, S. Espejo, A. Rodrguez-Vzquez, I. Garca-
Vargas, J.F. Ramos, R. Carmona
SIRENA: A Simulation Environment for CNNs
16.45 Session 14: Applications IV (Hall 17 - chairman: M. Tanaka)
16.45 P. Arena, S. Baglio, L. Fortuna, G. Manganaro
CNN Processing for NMR Spectra
17.00 P. Arena, L. Fortuna, G. Manganaro, S. Spina
CNN Image Processing for the Automatic Classification of Oranges
17.15 S. Schwarz
Detection of Defects on Photolitographic Masks by Cellular Neural
17.30 M. Ikegami, M. Tanaka
Moving Image Coding and Decoding by DTCNN with 3-D Templates
17.45 M. Kanaya, M. Tanaka
Robot Multi-Driving Controls by Cellular Neural Networks
Venue: All sessions will be held at the Faculty of Engineering, "La
Sapienza" University of Rome, vie Eudossiana, 18 - 00184 Rome
Coffee Breaks and lunches are included in the registration fee; they will
be served in the room of the Frescoes, opposite the main lecture hall. In
order to receive them, it is necessary to wear the workshop badge.
Banquet will be held at restaurant "4 Colonne", via della Posta Vecchia,
4, near Piazza Navona, tel. 68307152/68805261. It can be reached on foot
in about 20 minutes from the Faculty of Engineering, by bus no. 81 or 87
from via dei Fori Imperiali to Corso Rinascimento, or by taxi. You may
ask for directions at the registration desk. Please bring the coupon you
receive at registration.
Communications: You may receive messages by fax, no. +39-6-4742647. Faxes
should be addressed to your name, with clear statement "participant to
CNNA-94" in the cover sheet. A UNIX ASCII terminal will be available for
all participants, with full Internet capabilities. You may receive
messages at the usual e-mail address of the workshop:
cnna at Subject of messages should include your name.
Public telephones, suitable for local, long-distance, and international
calls, are available in the Faculty. They accept magnetic cards that can
be purchased at the registration desk, at tobacconists' and newsstands,
and in other shops carrying the Telecom symbol.
Bank: Banca di Roma has an agency within the Faculty of Engineering. It
is open in the morning from 8.25 to 1.35. Several other banks are
available in the area of the University, also open from 3 to 4pm. Some
cash dispensers, e.g. the one at Banca di Roma on via Cavour, between
Hotel Palatino and via dei Fori Imperiali, accept credit cards for cash
retrieval 24 hours a day.
Authors are requested to meet with their session chairman 15 minutes
prior to the session in the same room where it will be held. Time slots
for regular papers are strictly limited to 15 minutes, including
discussion. Poster authors should set up posters on 10.30, Wed. Dec. 21,
and remove them during lunch break.
Demonstrations of working hardware and software for CNNs will be held
throughout the workshop during breaks. Demonstration authors should bring
their material for set up on 8am of the day agreed upon, and remove it at
the end of sessions.
Please contact:
tel. +39-6-44585836
fax. +39-6-4742647
e-mail cnna at
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