Russian Symposium

Robert Marks marks at
Fri Dec 9 20:37:22 EST 1994

              The 2-nd International Symposium
           on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers
                   Rostov-on-Don, RUSSIA
                   September 20-23, 1995

     Organized by Russian Neural Network Society (RNNS)


 A.B. Kogan Research Institute for Neurocybernetics (KRINC)

                   in co-operation with

     Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enginieers
             Neural Networks Council (IEEE NNC)

                   First Call for Papers

Research in Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputing continued in
Russia after  the research  was deflated  in the west in the
1970's.   The research sophistication in neural networks, as
a   result,  is   quite   advanced   in   Russia.  The first
international  RNNS/IEEE  Symposium, held  in October  1992,
proved  to  be  a  highly  successful  forum  for  a diverse
international  interchange  of   fresh  and  novel  research
results.    The    second   International    Symposium    on
Neuroinformatics   and   Neurocomputers   is   built on this
remarkable success.

The symposium  focus is  on the  neuroscience,  mathematics,
physics,  engineering  and  design  of  neuroinformatic  and
neurocomputing systems.

Rostov-on-Don, the  location of the Symposium, is about 1000
km south  of Moscow  on the  scenic Don  river.   The Don is
commonly identified  as the  boundary between the continents
of Europe  and Asia.   Rostov  is the home of the A.B. Kogan
Research Institute  for  Neurocybernetics  at  Rostov  State
University -  one of  the premier  neural  network  research
centers in Russia.

Papers for  the Symposium  should be  sent  in  CAMERA-READY
FORM, NOT  EXEEDING 8  PAGES in A4  format  to   the Program
Committee Co-Chair Alexander A. Frolov.   Two copies  of the
paper should  be submitted.

The deadline for submission is 15 MARCH, 1995.

Notification of acceptance will be sent on or before 15 May,

                    SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE


     Witali L. Dunin-Barkowski, Dr. Sci.,
     The 2-nd International Symposium
     on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers,
     Symposium Chair
     President of the Russian Neural Network Society,
     A.B. Kogan Research Institute for Neurocybernetics
     Rostov State University
     194/1 Stachka avenue,
     344104, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
     Tel: +7-8632-28-0588,
     Fax: +7-8632-28-0367
     E-mail: wldb at


     Professor Alexander A. Frolov,
     The 2-nd International Symposium on Neuroinformatics and
     Program Co-Chair
     5a Butlerov str.
     Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Institute
     Russian Academy of Science
     117220, Moscow, RUSSIA.

     Professor Robert J. Marks II
     Program Co-Chair
     The 2-nd International Symposium on Neuroinformatics and
     University of Washington
     Department of Electrical Engineering
     c/o 1131 199th Street S.W., Suite N
     Lynnwood, WA 98036-7138
     WA, USA.

Other information is available from the Symposium Committee.

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