neural -probability-fuzzy seminars
Martin Brown
mbrown at
Mon Dec 5 05:08:01 EST 1994
ADT '95
Date: April 3-5 1995
Venue: BRUNEL - The University of West London
UNICOM Seminars Ltd., Brunel Science Park,
Cleveland Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK
Telephone: +44 1895 256484 FAX +44 1895 813095
ADT 95
Sponsored by:
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
International Neural Networks Society
European Neural Networks Society
AI Watch
Journal of Neural Computing and Applications
Rapid Data Ltd
Call for Papers, Registration Information, and Abstract Form
An international team of experts describes and explores the
most recent developments and research in Neural Networks,
Bayesian Belief Networks, Modern Heuristic Search Methods
and Fuzzy Logic. Presentations cover theoretical developments
as well as industrial and commercial applications.
Main Topics
Neural Networks and their Applications:
New Developments in Theory and Algorithms; Simulations
and Hardware; Pattern Recognition; Medical Diagnosis.
Modern Heuristic Search Methods:
Genetic Algorithms; Classifier Systems; Simulated
Annealing; Tabu Search; Hybrid Techniques; Genetic and
Evolutionary Programming.
Probabilistic Reasoning and Computational Learning:
Bayesian Belief Networks; Computational Learning;
Inductive Inference; Statistical Causality in Belief
Networks; Applications in Computational Vision, Medicine,
Legal Reasoning, Fault Diagnosis and Genetics; Model
Fuzzy Logic:
Neural Fuzzy Programming; Algorithms and Applications;
Fuzzy Control; Fuzzy Data Processing; Fuzzy Silicon Chips.
Neural Networks and their Applications:
J G Taylor, King's College London (Chair); I Aleksander,
Imperial College; M J Denham, University of Plymouth;
B Schuermann, Siemens AG; A G Carr, ERA Technology;
R Wiggins, DTI. Other Speakers include: S Hancock, Neural
Technologies Ltd; J Stonham, Brunel University,
J Austin, Univ. of York; B Clements, Clement Neuronics
Modern Heuristic Search Methods:
V Rayward-Smith, University of East Anglia (Chair);
I Osman, University of Kent; C R Reeves, University of
Coventry; G D Smith, University of East Anglia.
Other Speakers include: E Aarts, Philips Research,
Netherlands; C Hughes, Logica; S Voss, Darmstadt Univ,
D Schaaffer, Philips, USA; R Battiti, Trento Univ, Italy
Probabilistic Reasoning & Computational Learning:
A Gammerman, Royal Holloway University of London (Chair);
J Pearl, UCLA; D Spiegelhalter, Medical Research Council;
A Dempster, Harvard University; C S Wallace, Monash
University (Australia); V Vapnik, AT&T Bell Labs;
V Uspensky, University of Moscow. Other Speakers include:
P Reverberi, Inst. di Analisi dei Sistemi..Rome; M Talamo, Univ
degli Studi, Rome; S McClean, Ulster Univ; A Shen, Ind. Univ.
of Moscow; J Kwaan, Marconi Simulation
Fuzzy Logic:
E H Mamdani, Queen Mary & Westfield College (Chair); J Baldwin,
Bristol University; C Harris, University of Southampton;
H Zimmerman, RWTH Aachen.Other Speakers include: L Zadeh,
Univ of Calif., Berkeley; R Weber, MIT GmbH; R John, De Montfort
Univ.; H Bersini, IRIDIA, Belgium.
You may wish to present a paper at any of these sessions.
Please indicate your choice of session with your submission.
Please ensure we receive the title of your proposed talk and a short
abstract (30-40 words) by 14 January 1995. The Organising Committee
will make their selections and we will advise you by 14 February 1995
whether you presentation can be included. Written papers for the
proceedings are also welcome. Please include your telephone and fax
numbers and postal address in all correspondence.
PUBLICATIONS: Preliminary proceedings of this symposium and also
a refereed volume will be published.
Deadlines for Abstracts: 14 January 1995 - acceptance of paper
notified by 14 February 1995. Extended abstracts (1000-1500) words,
by 15 March 1995. Submission of papers for refereed proceedings
(3000-5000) words by 31 August 1995.
REGISTRATION: The conference program and registration material will be
available in late February 1995. To ensure receiving your copy,
complete the attached form and return it to ADT 95.
Registration Fee: GBP175 (Academic), GBP350 (Industrial), GBP500-800
(Exhibition), and GBP1000 Commercial Sponsors, preliminary proceedings
included in the fee.
Late registration after 28 February 1995 will be charged GBP25 extra.
Please return the form below to:
ADT 95, UNICOM Seminars Ltd.,
Brunel Science Park, Cleveland Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH.
Telephone: +44 1895 256484.
FAX: +44 1895 813095.
Email: adt95 at
Position / Department:
Please send me information about the event,
[ ] I wish to present a paper, title and abstract attached
[ ] I am interested in exhibiting
[ ] Send me more information about ADT95
This event is part of Brunel University's Continuing Education
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