Papers available (world modelling, mobile robots)

Uwe R. Zimmer, AG vP uzimmer at
Wed Aug 17 12:14:01 EDT 1994

A couple of actual papers about:

---     Learning, Robotics, Visual Search, Navigation,     ---
---        Topologic Maps & Robust Mobile Robots           ---
---                    Neural Networks                     ---

are now available via FTP:

--- Comparing World-Modelling Strategies for Autonomous Mobile Robots

---   File name is :   ---

         IWK `94, Ilmenau, Germany, September 27 - 30, 1994

   Comparing World-Modelling Strategies for Autonomous Mobile Robots

                Uwe R. Zimmer & Ewald von Puttkamer

The focus of this paper is on strategies for adapting a couple of
internal representations to the actual environment of a mobile robot.

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