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Tom Shultz shultz at
Fri Aug 5 14:19:36 EDT 1994

Subject: Paper available: Modeling cognitive development on balance 
scale phenomena
Date: 5 Aug. '94

FTP-file: pub/neuroprose/


The following paper has been placed in the Neuroprose archive at 
Ohio State University: 

Modeling cognitive development on balance scale phenomena (33 

Thomas R. Shultz, Denis Mareschal, & William C. Schmidt
Department of Psychology & McGill Cognitive Science Centre		
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1		
shultz at

We used cascade-correlation to model human cognitive development 
on a well studied psychological task, the balance scale. In balance 
scale experiments, the child is asked to predict the outcome of 
placing certain numbers of equal weights at various distances to the 
left or right of a fulcrum. Both stage progressions and information 
salience effects have been found with children on this task. 
Cascade-correlation is a generative connectionist algorithm that 
constructs its own network topology as it learns. Cascade-
correlation networks provided better fits to these human data than 
did previous models, whether rule-based or connectionist. The 
network model was used to generate a variety of novel predictions 
for psychological research.

Keywords: cognitive development, balance scale, connectionist 
learning, cascade-correlation

The paper is published in Machine Learning, 1994, 16, 59-88. 

Instructions for ftp retrieval of this paper are given below.  If you 
are unable to retrieve and print it and therefore wish to receive a 
hardcopy, please send e-mail to shultz at

Please do not reply directly to this message.


unix> ftp (or
    Name: anonymous
    Password: <your e-mail address>
    ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
    ftp> binary
    ftp> get 
    ftp> quit
unix> uncompress 

Thanks to Jordan Pollack for maintaining this archive. 

Tom Shultz

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