Contents of NETWORK, Volume 5, Number 1.
David Willshaw
david at
Wed Apr 20 11:48:39 EDT 1994
Network: Computation in Neural Systems
Volume 5 Number 1 February 1994
1 Hebbian learning is jointly controlled by electrotonic and input
K Y Tsai, N T Carnevale and T H Brown
21 Efficient mapping from neuroanatomical to electrotonic space
K Y Tsai, N T Carnevale, B J Claiborne and T H Brown
47 Regulating the nonlinear dynamics of olfactory cortex
Xingbao Wu and H Liljenstrom
61 Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the formation of columnar
structures in the primary visual cortex
K Yamagishi
75 Using generalized principal component analysis to achieve
associative memory in a Hopfield net
S Coombes and J G Taylor
89 Learning temporal sequences by excitatory synaptic changes only
Y Metzger and D Lehmann
101 Hierarchical neural networks for time-series analysis and
T Frohlinghaus, A Weichert and P Rujan
119 An introduction to the modeling of neural networks
P Peretto
120 Computational learning theory
M Anthony and N Biggs
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