Telecom workshop early registration deadline next week
Joshua Alspector
josh at
Fri Sep 10 13:17:42 EDT 1993
International Workshop on Applications of
Neural Networks to Telecommunications
Nassau Inn, Princeton, NJ
October 18-20, 1993
You are invited to an international workshop on applications
of neural networks to problems in telecommunications.
The workshop will be held at the historic Nassau Inn (across from
the university) in Princeton, New Jersey on October, 18-20 1993.
The conference rate is $95 single, $135 double. You can make reservations
directly with the hotel (mention IWANNT*93):
Nassau Inn
10 Palmer Square
Princeton, NJ 08542
(800) 862-7728 (within USA)
(609) 921-7500 (outside USA)
(609) 921-9385 (FAX)
In addition to the traditional hard-bound proceedings, we will also
have an on-line electronic conference proceedings. This will have
automatic indexing and cross-referencing, multimedia figures,
and annotations for readers and authors to comment.
Tentative Schedule
International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications
Nassau Inn, Princeton, NJ
Monday Oct. 18, 1993 Prince William Ballroom
8:30 Coffee and registration
9:00 J. Alspector, "Overview"
Session 1
9:30 B.J. Sheu, "Programmable VLSI Neural Network Processors for
Equalization of Digital Communication Channels"
10:00 A. Jayakumar & Josh Alspector, "An Analog Neural-Network
Co-Processor System for Rapid Prototyping of
Telecommunications Applications"
10:30 Break
Session 2
11:00 J. Cid-Sueiro, "Improving Conventional Equalizers with
Neural Networks"
11:30 T. X. Brown, "Neural Networks for Equalization"
12:00 R. Goodman, B. Ambrose, "Applications of Learning
Techniques to Network Management"
12:30 Lunch
Session 3
1:30 M. Littman & J. Boyan, "A Distributed Reinforcement
Learning Scheme for Network Routing"
2:00 M. Goudreau, C. L. Giles, "Discovering the Structure of
a Self Routing Interconnection Network with a
Recurrent Neural Network"
2:30 G. Kechriotis, E. Manolakos, "Implementing the Optimal
CDMA Multiuser Detector with Hopfield Neural Networks"
3:00 Break
Session 4
3:30 A. Jagota, "Scheduling Problems in Radio Networks
Using Hopfield Networks"
4:00 E. Nordstrom, M. Gustafsson, O. Gallmo, L. Asplund,
"A Hybrid Admission Control Scheme for
Broadband ATM Traffic"
4:30 A. Tarraf, I. Habib, T. Saadawi, "Characterization of
Packetized Voice Traffic in ATM Networks
Using Neural Networks"
6:00 Reception
Tuesday Oct. 19, 1993 Prince William Ballroom
8:30 Coffee
9:00 Speaker Title (Invited Talk)
10:00 Break
Session 5
10:30 A. Chhabra, S. Chandran, R. Kasturi, "Table Structure
Interpretation & Neural Network Based Text
Recognition for Conversion of Telephone Company
Tabular Drawings"
11:00 A. Amin, H. Al-Sadoun, "Arabic Character Recognition
System Using Artificial Neural Network"
11:30 G-E Wang, J-F Wang, "A New Hierarchical Approach for
Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals"
Session 6
12:00 Poster session & Lunch
J. E. Neves, "ATM Call Control by Neural Networks"
A. Farago, "A Neural Structure for Dynamic Routing
and Resource Management in ATM Networks"
S. Amin, M. Gell, "Constrained Optimisation for Switching and Routing
Using Neural Networks
V. Cherkassky, Y-K Park, G. Lee, "ATM Cell Scheduling
for Broadband Switching Systems by Neural Network"
S. Neuhauser, "Hopfield Optimization Techniques Applied
to Routing in Computer Networks"
F. Comellas, R. Roca, "Using Genetic Algorithms to
Design Constant Weight Codes"
P. Leray, "CUBICORT: A Hardware Simulation of a
Multicolumn Model for 3D Image Analysis, Understanding &
Compression for Digital TV, HDTV & Multimedia"
N. Karunanithi, "A Connectionist Approach for Incorporating
Continuous Code Churn into Software Reliability Growth Models"
A. Lansner, "Hierarchical Clustering Using a Bayesian
Attractor ANN"
A. Holst and A. Lansner, "Diagnosis of Technical Equipment
Using a Bayesian Neural Network"
T. Martinez, G. Rudolph, "A Learning Model for Adaptive Routing"
S. Haykin, L. Li, "16 kbps Nonlinear Adaptive
Differential Pulse Code Modulation"
M. K. Sonmez, T. Adali, "Channel Equalization by
Distribution Learning: The Least Relative Entropy Algorithm"
J. Connor, "Bootstrapping in Time Series Prediction"
A. Kowalczyk and M. Dale, "Isolated Speech Recognition with Low Cost
Neural Networks"
M. Meyer & G. Pfeiffer, "Multilayer Perception Based Decision Feedback
Equalizers Applied to Nonlinear Channels with Intersymbol Interference"
H. Liu & D. Yun, "Self-Organizing Finite State Vector Quantization for
Image Coding"
A. Hasegawa, K. Shibata, K. Itoh, Y. Ichioka, K. Inamura, "Adapting-Size
Neural Network for Character Recognition on X-Ray Films"
A. Mikler, J. Wong, V. Honavar, "Quo Vadis - A Framework for Adaptive
Routing in Very Large High Speed Communication Networks"
Chen-Xiong Zhang,
"Optimal Traffic Routing Using Self-Organization Principle"
S. Kwasny, B. Kalman, A. M. Engebretson, W. Wu,"Real-Time
Identification of Language from Raw Speech Waveforms"
Session 7
4:00 Board buses for AT&T Worldwide Intelligent Network Center
5:00 Reception and tour
Session 8
7:00 Banquet
8:30 B. Widrow, "Adaptive Filters, Adaptive Neural Nets,
and Telecommunications" (Invited talk)
Wednesday Oct. 20, 1993 Prince William Ballroom
8:30 Coffee
9:00 Speaker Title (Invited Talk)
10:00 Break
Session 9
10:30 J. Connor, "Prediction of Access Line Growth"
11:00 B. P. Yuhas, "Telephone Fraud Detection"
11:30 T. John, "Multistage Information Filtering Using
Cascaded Neural Networks"
12:00 M. Jabri, "Temporal Credit Assignment for Continuous
Speech Recognition"
12:30 Lunch
Session 10
1:30 T-D. Chiueh, T-T Tang, L-G Chen, "Vector Quantization Using
Tree-Structured Self-Organizing Feature Maps"
2:00 N. Karunanithi, "Identifying Fault-Prone Software
Modules Using Connectionist Networks"
2:30 D.S.W. Tansley, S. Carter, "Clone Detection in
Telecommunications Software Systems:
A Neural Net Approach"
3:00 Break
Session 11
3:30 L. Lewis, S. Sycamore, "Learning Index Rules & Adaptation
Functions for a Communications Network Fault
Resolution System"
4:00 T. Sone, "Using Distributed Neural Networks to
Identify Faults in Switching Systems"
4:30 A. Chattell, "A Neural Network Pre-Processor for a Fault
Diagnosis Expert System"
5:00 Adjourn
Organizing Committee:
General Chair
Josh Alspector
Bellcore, MRE 2P-396
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438
(201) 829-4342
josh at
Program Chair
Rod Goodman
Caltech 116-81
Pasadena, CA 91125
(818) 356-3677
rogo at
Publications Chair
Timothy X Brown
Bellcore, MRE 2E-378
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438
(201) 829-4314
timxb at
Anthony Jayakumar, Bellcore
Events Coordinator
Larry Jackel, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Industry Liaisons
Miklos Boda, Ellemtel
Atul Chhabra, NYNEX
Michael Gell, British Telecom
Lee Giles, NEC
Thomas John, Southwestern Bell
Adam Kowalczyk, Telecom Australia
Tadashi Sone, NTT
University Liaisons
S Y Kung, Princeton University
Tzi-Dar Chiueh, National Taiwan University
INNS Liaison
Bernie Widrow, Stanford University
IEEE Liaison
Steve Weinstein, Bellcore
Conference Administrator
Betty Greer
Bellcore, MRE 2P-295
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960
(201) 829-4993
(fax) 829-5888
bg1 at
International Workshop on Applications of
Neural Networks to Telecommunications
Princeton, NJ
October 18-20, 1993
Registration Form
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Institution: __________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:
Telephone: ______________________________
Fax: ____________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________________
Registration Fees: includes reception, banquet, refreshment breaks, AT&T tour,
and both paper and electronic proceedings available at the conference.
| | Early (Before Sept. 15, 1993) $350
| | Late (After Sept. 15, 1993) $450
| | Full time students with ID $150
Enclosed is a check or money order in US Dollars for $___________
Please make check payable to IWANNT*93
Hotel arrangements with Nassau Inn at (609) 921-9385
Mail to:
Betty Greer, IWANNT*93
Bellcore, MRE 2P-295
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960
(201) 829-4993
(fax) 829-5888
bg1 at
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