Don Walker
walker at
Wed Oct 13 11:17:12 EDT 1993
32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
27 June - 1 July 1994
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
TOPICS OF INTEREST: Papers are invited on substantial, original, and
unpublished research on all aspects of computational linguistics,
including, but not limited to, pragmatics, discourse, semantics,
syntax, and the lexicon; phonetics, phonology, and morphology;
interpreting and generating spoken and written language; linguistic,
mathematical, and psychological models of language; language-oriented
information retrieval; corpus-based language modeling; machine
translation and translation aids; natural language interfaces and
dialogue systems; message and narrative understanding systems; and
theoretical and applications papers of every kind.
REQUIREMENTS: Papers should describe unique work; they should emphasize
completed work rather than intended work; and they should indicate
clearly the state of completion of the reported results. A paper
accepted for presentation at the ACL Meeting cannot be presented or
have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available
published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other
conferences must reflect this fact on the title page.
FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION: Authors should submit preliminary versions of
their papers, not to exceed 3200 words (exclusive of references).
Papers outside the specified length and formatting requirements are
subject to rejection without review. Papers should be headed by a
title page containing the paper title, a short (5 line) summary and a
specification of the subject area. Since reviewing will be ``blind'',
the title page of the paper should omit author names and addresses.
Furthermore, self-references that reveal the authors' identity (e.g.,
``We previously showed (Smith, 1991) . . .'') should be avoided.
Instead, use references like ``Smith previously showed (1991) . . .''
To identify each paper, a separate identification page should be
supplied, containing the paper's title, the name(s) of the author(s),
complete addresses, a short (5 line) summary, a word count, and a
specification of the topic area.
SUBMISSION MEDIA: Papers should be submitted electronically or in hard
copy to the Program Chair:
James Pustejovsky +1-617-736-2709
Brandeis University +1-617-736-2741 fax
Computer Science, Ford Hall
Waltham, MA 02254, USA jamesp at
Electronic submissions should be either self-contained LaTeX source or
plain text. LaTeX submissions must use the ACL submission style
(aclsub.sty) retrievable from the ACL LISTSERV server (access to which
is described below) and should not refer to any external files or
styles except for the standard styles for TeX 3.14 and LaTeX 2.09. A
model submission modelsub.tex is also provided in the archive, as well
as a bibliography style acl.bst. (Note however that the bibliography
for a submission cannot be submitted as separate .bib file; the actual
bibliography entries must be inserted in the submitted LaTeX source
Hard copy submissions should consist of four (4) copies of the paper
and one (1) copy of the identification page. For both kinds of
submissions, if at all possible, a plain text version of the
identification page should be sent separately by electronic mail,
using the following format:
title: <title>
author: <name of first author>
address: <address of first author>
author: <name of last author>
address: <address of last author>
abstract: < abstract>
content areas: <first area>, ..., <last area>
word count:
SCHEDULE: Authors must submit their papers by 6 January 1994. Late
papers will not be considered. Notification of receipt will be mailed
to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 March 1994. Camera-ready
copies of final papers prepared in a double-column format, preferably
using a laser printer, must be received by 1 May 1994, along with a
signed copyright release statement. The ACL LaTeX proceedings format
is available through the ACL LISTSERV.
STUDENT SESSIONS: There will again be special Student Sessions
organized by a committee of ACL graduate student members. ACL student
members are invited to submit short papers describing innovative WORK
IN PROGRESS in any of the topics listed above. Papers are limited to 3
pages plus a title page and an identification page in the format
described above and must be submitted by hard copy or both e-mail AND
hard copy to Beryl Hoffman at the address below by 1 FEBRUARY 1994.
The papers will be reviewed by a committee of students and faculty
members for presentation in workshop-style sessions and publication in
a special section of the conference proceedings. There is a separate
Call for Papers, available from the ACL LISTSERV (see below); or from
Beryl Hoffman, University of Pennsylvania, Computer Science, 3401
Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA; +1-215-898-5868; 0587 fax;
hoffman at; or Rebecca Passonneau, Columbia University,
Computer Science, New York, NY 10027, USA; +1-212-939-7120; 666-0140
fax; becky at
OTHER ACTIVITIES: The meeting will include a program of tutorials
coordinated by Lynette Hirschman, MITRE Corporation, 202 Burlington
Road, MS K329, Bedford, MA 01730, USA; +1-617-271-7789; 2352 fax;
lynette at Some of the ACL Special Interest Groups may
arrange workshops or other activities. Further information may be
available from the ACL LISTSERV.
CONFERENCE INFORMATION: The Local Arrangements Committee is chaired by:
Janyce M. Wiebe +1-505-646-6228
New Mexico State University +1-505-646-6218 fax
Computing Research Laboratory
PO Box 30001/3CRL
Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA wiebe at
Anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration should
send a brief description together with a specification of physical
requirements (space, power, telephone connections, tables, etc.) to Ted
Dunning, New Mexico State University, Computing Research Laboratory,
Box 30001/3CRL, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA; +1-505-646-6221; 6218 fax;
ted at
ACL INFORMATION: For other information on the conference and on the
ACL more generally, contact Judith Klavans (ACL), Columbia University,
Computer Science, New York, NY 10027, USA; +1-914-478-1802 phone/fax;
acl at General information about the ACL AND electronic
membership and order forms are available from the ACL LISTSERV.
ACL LISTSERV: LISTSERV is a facility to allow access to an electronic
document archive by electronic mail. The ACL LISTSERV has been set up
at Columbia University's Department of Computer Science. Requests from
the archive should be sent as e-mail messages to
listserv at
with an empty subject field and the message body containing the
request command. The most useful requests are "help" for general help
on using LISTSERV, "index acl-l" for the current contents of the ACL
archive and "get acl-l <file>" to get a particular file named <file>
from the archive. For example, to get an ACL membership form, a
message with the following body should be sent:
get acl-l membership-form.txt
Answers to requests are returned by e-mail. Since the server may have
many requests for different archives to process, requests are queued
up and may take a while (say, overnight) to be fulfilled.
The ACL archive can also be accessed by anonymous FTP. Here is an
example of how to get the same file by FTP (user typein is
$ ftp
Name ( anonymous
Password:pereira at << not echoed
ftp> cd acl-l
ftp> get membership-form.txt.Z
ftp> quit
$ uncompress membership-form.txt.Z
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