IAICVNN-93, Dec. 27-28, 1993, Tel Aviv: Final program and Registration Information
Ronen Basri
ronen at wisdom.weizmann.ac.il
Sun Oct 31 09:57:25 EST 1993
10th Israeli Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision
and Neural Networks
Tel-Aviv, December 27-28, 1993
Monday, December 27, 1993
(8:30-9:15) REGISTRATION
Session 1.1 AI VISION NN
(9:15-11:15) PLENARY SESSION
AI Keynote Speaker:
D. Gabbay, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.
LENA - An automated car saleswoman capable of belief revision, abduction
action and small lies.
Vision Keynote Speaker:
Yiannis Aloimonos, University of Maryland, College Park MD.
Interpretation of visual patterns: Navigation & Manipulation.
(11:15-11:45) COFFEE BREAK
Session 1.2 AI
Roccetti Marco, Teolis Antonio G.B. (University of Bologna)
The Use of Moebius Function in Probabilistic Rule-Based Expert Systems
Meisels Amnon, Ell-sana' Jihad, Gudes Ehud (Ben-Gurion University)
Comments on CSP Algorithms Applied to Timetabling
Shechory On, Kraus Sarit (Bar-Ilan University)
Coalition Formation Among Autonomous Agents: Strategies and Complexity
Session 1.3 NN
I Voitovetsky, S Dahan, Y Menashe, H Guterman (Ben Gurion University)
Speaker Independent Vowel Recognition Using Neural Networks
Zvi Boger (Negev Nuclear Research Center)
ANNs for Quantitative Stationary Spectrometric Measurements
Yaakov Stein (Efrat Future Technology)
False Alarm Rate Reduction for ASR and OCR
Session 1.4 VISION
(11:45 - 13:00) SHAPE DESCRIPTION
Ilan Shimshoni, Jean Ponce (University of Illinois)
Finite resolution aspect graphs of polyhedral objects.
R.L. Ogniewicz, G. Szekely, O. Kubler
(Communication Technology Laboratory, Zurich)
Detection of prominent boundary points based on structural
characteristics of the heirarchic medial axis transform.
Daphna Weinshall, Michael Werman, Naftali Tishbi (Hebrew University)
Stability and likelihood of two dimensional views of three dimensional objects.
(13:00-14:30) LUNCH BREAK
Session 1.5 AI
Ndjatou Gilbert (CUNY)
Modelling Objects and Distributed Object-Based Systems
Nygate Yossi (AT&T-Bell), Sterling Leon (Case Western Reserve University)
ASPEN - Designing Complex Knowledge Based Systems
Weiss Richard J., Tamir D. E., Schneider Moti (Florida Institute of Technology)
Efficient Resource Allocation for Parallel Prolog Interpretation
Session 1.6 NN
Jacob (Yak) Shaya, Jonathan Eran Kali, Gideon Y Ben-Zvi (Ligatura)
A Stochastic Approach -- Advantages in Character Recognition
Oded Comay, Nathan Intrator (Tel Aviv University)
Ensemble Training: Some recent experiments with Postal Zip data
B Lerner, H Guterman, I Dinstein (Ben Gurion University)
Global Features and Simple Transformation to Chromosome Classification
Session 1.7 VISION
Yael Moses, Shimon Ullman, Shimon Edelman (Weizmann Institute)
Generalization to novel images in upright and inverted faces.
Ehud Grunfeld, Hedva Spitzer (Tel Aviv University)
Spatio-temporal model for subjective colours based on colour coded cells.
Haya Ruchvarger (Bar Ilan University)
A mathematical derivation on possible aid of eye movments to depth perception.
(15:45-16:00) COFFEE BREAK
Session 1.8 AI
(16:00-16:45) LOGIC
Ben-Eliyahu Rachel (UCLA)
Back to the Future: Program Completion Revisited
Slobodova Anna (Slovak Academy of Science)
On a Special Case of Probabilistic Logic
Session 1.9 NN
Ronny Agranat (Hebrew University)
An Electroholographic Artificial Neural Network
U Sandler (Jerusalem College of Technology)
Multimode Laser As a Multi-Neuron
Session 1.10 VISION
Dieter Koller (University of California at Berkeley)
Moving object recognition and classification based on recursive
shape parameter estimation.
Antti Yla-Jaaski, F. Ade (Mapvision Ltd., Finland)
Grouping symmetrical structures for image segmentation and description.
Yui-Liang Chen, D.C. Hung (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Shape recognition using hypothetic feature.
Session 1.11 AI
(16:45-17:45) TUTORIAL
S. Engelson (Yale University)
'Where am I, and where am I headed?"
(Map Learning for Mobile Robots)
Session 1.12 NN
Itiel E Dror (Harvard University)
Neural Network Models of Bat Sonar
H Guterman (Ben Gurion University), A Yarkoni (Soroka Hospital)
Classification of Labor Contractions by Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
P Tandeitnik, H Guterman (Ben Gurion University)
System Identification of Engineering and Biological Processes
Tuesday, December 28, 1993
(8:00-9:00) REGISTRATION
Session 2.1 AI VISION NN
(9:00-11:00) PLENARY SESSION
NN Keynote Speaker
S. Kirkpatrick, IBM Yorktown Heights and HU
Satisfaction Thresholds and other Disorderly Things
Vision Keynote Speaker
Davi Geiger, Siemens Corporate Research, NJ.
Perceptual mechanisms for images and stereo pairs
(11:00-11:30) COFFEE BREAK
Session 2.2 AI
(11:30-13:15) Learning
Sprotte-Kleiber Lucia (Zurich University)
GAAR - A System for Solving Geometric Analogy Problems with Analogical
Koppel M., Feldman R. (Bar-Ilan University), Segre A. (Cornell University)
Theory Revision Using Noisy Examples
Biberman Yoram (Hebrew University)
A Context Similarity Measure for Nominal Variables
Reich Yoram, Karni Reuven, Fournier Fabiana (Technion)
An Investigation of Machine Learning Approaches to Knowledge Extraction
from Databases
Session 2.3 NN
Nathan Intrator (Tel Aviv University), Orna Intrator (Hebrew University)
Interpreting Neural-Network Models
Orly Yadid-Pecht, Moshe Gur (Technion)
Modified MAXNET with Fast Convergence Rate
Lev Tsitolovsky (Bar Ilan University), Maxim Kovalenko (Weizmann Institute)
Structure Independent Learning in Neural Networks
Session 2.4 VISION
Patrick Gros, Long Quan (LIFIA/INRIA, France)
3D projective invariants from two images.
Ron Kimmel, Guillermo Sapiro (Technion)
Shortening three dimensional curves via two dimensional flows.
Michal Irani, Benny Rousso, Shmuel Peleg (Hebrew University)
Recovery of ego-motion using image stabilization.
Quang-Tuan Luong, Rachid Deriche, Olivier Faugeras, Theodore Papadopoulo
(INRIA, France)
On determining the fundamental matrix: analysis of different methods
and experimental results.
(13:15-14:30) LUNCH BREAK
Session 2.5 AI
(14:30-15:45) APPLICATIONS
Tomer Amir (Rafael)
An Implementation Methodology with Constructive Inheritance
Stilman Boris (University of Colorado)
Hierarchical Networks for Systems Control
Tabakman T, Exman I. (Hebrew University)
Towards Real-Time Self-Organising Maps with Parallel and Noisy Inputs
Session 2.6 NN
Alon Cohen (Bar Ilan University)
A Legal Expert Neural Network
Usiel Sandler (Jerusalem College of Technology)
Fuzzy Dynamics
Yaakov Stein (Efrat Future Technology)
A Hypersphere Classifier Which Trains Like A Hyperplane One
Session 2.7 VISION
Gady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein (Ben Guryon University)
Pre-processing of metaphase images for automatic chromosome classification.
Antti Yla-Jaaski (Mapvision Ltd., Finland), Nahum Kiryati (Technion)
Adaptive termination of voting in probabilistic hough algorithms.
Victor Brailovsky, Yulia Kempner (Tel Aviv University)
Restoring the original range image structure using probabilistic
(15:45-16:00) COFFEE BREAK
Session 2.8 AI
(16:00-17:30) Tutorial
Dan Geiger (Technion)
Probabilistic Reasoning: Learning and Inference
Session 2.9 NN
(16:00 - 17:00) IMAGE PROCESSING
Sorin Costiner, Maxim Kovalenko (Weizmann Institute)
A Multigrid Neural Network with Applications to Image Processing
S Greenberg, H Guterman (Ben Gurion University)
Rotation and Shift Invariant Image Classifier using NN
Session 2.10 VISION
(16:00-17:00) NON RIGID OBJECTS
Eyal Shavit, Allan Jepson (University of Toronto)
The pose function: and intermediate level representation
for motion understanding.
Yaacov Hel-or (Weizmann Institute) and Michael Werman (Hebrew University)
Pose estimation of articulated and constrained models.
Session 2.11 NN
(17:00 - 18:00) PANEL DISCUSSION
Industry and Academia Interaction
Registration forms should be sent by December 6, 1993, to the
following address:
Ms. Ruth Cooperman
10th IAICVNN Secretariat
IPA, Kfar Maccabiah
Ramat Gan 52109
The registration fee for the conference (including lunch, coffee, and
proceedings ) is as follows:
IPA members (*) (before Dec. 6) : $200 or 350 NIS
IPA members (*) (after Dec. 6) : $250 or 400 NIS
Non-IPA members (before Dec. 6) : 375 NIS
Non-IPA members (after Dec. 6) : 425 NIS
Students (**) (before Dec. 6) : $100 or 200 NIS
Students (**) (after Dec. 6) : $125 or 225 NIS
(*) Visitors from abroad are entitled to the IPA member rate. (Payment
in US$ only.)
(**) The student rate will be approved only for students who are
enrolled in a full time study program and with documents confirmed by
the university. The student registration fee does not include lunch.
Lunch-tickets may be obtained for an additional $25/50 NIS (for two tickets).
A block of rooms has been reserved at Kfar Maccabiah Hotel, a 4-star
hotel at the conference site. Prices, including breakfast and service
charge, are $77 for a double room, $60 for a single room per night (+
VAT for Israeli residents). A deposit of $50 per person is required
with this reservation.
The accomodation form should be sent to IPA together with the
registration form.
Name _________________________________________________
Last First Title
Affiliation __________________________________________
Position/Department __________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
Country Telephone
Home address _________________________________________
Preferred mailing address
___ Home ___ Business
Registration fees:
____ IPA member $200/350 NIS
____ non-IPA member 375 NIS
____ Student $100/200 NIS
____ Late registration (after December 6, add as specified above)
____ Total
Payment can be in US$ or NIS only, by bankers draft or personal check
payable to: IPA.
Signature _______________________ Date ___________
Name _________________________________________________
Last First Title
Address ______________________________________________
Country Telephone
I wish to reserve a single/double room from __________ to __________
for a total of _______ nights.
Payment can be in US$ or NIS only, by bankers draft or personal check
payable to: IPA.
Signature _______________________ Date ___________
Note : The FAX number of IPA is +972-3-574 4374.
The FAX number of Kfar Maccabiah Hotel is +972-3-574 4678.
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