Frances T. Perillo Frances.T.Perillo at Dartmouth.EDU
Thu Oct 14 09:21:13 EDT 1993

Cognitive Position:  The Department of Psychology at Dartmouth College has a
junior, tenure-track position available in the area of Cognition -- broadly
construed to include any area of research within Cognitive Psychology,
Cognitive Science, and/or Cognitive Neuroscience.  Candidates must be able to
establish a strong research program and must have a commitment to
undergraduate and graduate instruction.  Supervision of both graduate and
undergraduate research will be expected.    Please send a letter of
application, vita and three letters of recommendation to:  Chair, Cognitive
Search Committee, Department of Psychology, 6207 Gerry Hall, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH  03755-3459.  Review of applications will begin on
February 15, 1994.   Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity employer with
an affirmative action plan.  Women and members of minority groups are
encouraged to apply. 

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