David G Green David.Green at
Sun Nov 28 19:30:44 EST 1993


         Second Australian National Conference

                      Sponsored by the
              University of Central Queensland
               Australian National University

                   September 26-28th, 1994
              University of Central Queensland
                   Rockhampton Queensland


The inaugural Australian National Conference on Complex
Systems was held at the Australian National University in
1992.  Recognising the need to maintain and stimulate
research interest in these topics the University of
Central Queensland is hosting the Second Australian
National Conference on Complex Systems in Rockhampton.

Rockhampton is situated on the Tropic of Capricorn in
Queensland on the east coast of Australia and is 35kms
from the Central Queensland Coast. It is within easy
access of tourist resorts including the resort island,
Great Keppel, the Central Queensland Hinterland, and the
Great Barrier Reef.

This first circular is intended to provide basic
information about the conference and to canvas expressions
of interest, both in attending and in presenting papers or
posters.  A second circular, to be distributed in late
January/early February, will provide details of keynote
speakers, the program, registration procedures, etc.

Please pass on this notice to interested colleagues.  For
further information contact the organisers (see below).


Complex systems are systems whose evolution is dominated
by non-linearity or interactions between their components.
Such systems may be very simple but reproduce very complex
phenomena.  Terms such as artificial life, biocomplexity,
chaos, criticality, fractals, learning systems, neural
networks, non-linear dynamics, parallel computation,
percolation, self-organization have become common place.

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