Christian Lehmann Christian.Lehmann at
Mon Nov 8 11:05:42 EST 1993

---   From Perception to Action   ---
xxxxxx    PerAc'94 Lausanne   xxxxxxx
A state of the art conference on perceptive processing, artificial life,
autonomous agents, emergent behaviours and micro-robotic systems
Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-9 september 1994
        Swarm intelligence
        Evolution, genetic processes
        Competition and cooperation
        Learning machines

        Self organization
        Active perception
        Sensory/motor loops
        Emergent behavior
|    Call for Papers, Call for Posters       |
|  Call for Demonstrations, Call for Videos  |
|                 Contest                    |
Contributions can be made in the following categories:
-- Papers -- (30 to 45 minutes). 2-page abstracts should be submitted by February 1, 1994.
The conference will have no parallel sessions, and a didactically structured program. 
Most of the papers will be solicited.
The submitted abstracts should attempt a synthetic approach from sensing to action. 
Selected authors will have to adapt their presentation to the general conference 
program and prepare a complete well-structured text before June 94.
-- Posters --  4-page short papers that will be published in the proceedings and 
presented as posters are due for June 1, 1994. Posters will be displayed during 
the whole Conference and enough time will be provided to promote interaction with 
the authors. A jury will thoroughly examine them and the two best posters will be 
presented as a paper in the closing session (20' presentation).
-- Demonstrations --  Robotic demonstrations are considered as posters. 
In addition to the 4-page abstract describing the scientific interest of 
the demonstration, the submission should include a 1-page requirement for 
demonstration space and support.
-- Videos --  5 minute video clips are accepted in Super-VHS or VHS 
(preferably PAL, NTSC leads to a poorer quality). Tapes together with 
a 2-page description should be submitted before June 1, 1994. Clips will be 
edited and distributed at the conference.
-- Contest -- A robotic contest will be organized the day before the conference. 
Teams participating to the contest will be able to follow the conference freely. 
The contest will consist in searching for and collecting or stacking 36mm film cans. 
One or several mobile robots or robotic arms can be used for this task.
The rules and preliminary registration forms will be sent upon request by air-mail only 
as soon as definitive (end of October 93).

For further information:
Prof J.D. Nicoud, LAMI-EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne
Fax ++41 21 693-5263, Email perac at
Program Committee and referees (September 93)

L. Bengtsson, Uni Halmstad, S. -- R. Brooks, MIT, Cambridge, USA. 
P. Dario, Santa Anna, Pisa, I. -- J.L. Deneubourg, ULB, Bruxelles, B
R. Eckmiller, Uni, D|sseldorf, D. -- N. Franceschini, Marseilles, F
T. Fukuda, Uni, Nagoya, JP. -- S. Grossberg, Uni, Boston, USA
J.A. Meyer, Uni, Paris, F. -- R. Pfeifer, Uni, Z|rich, CH
L. Steels, VUB, Brussels, B. -- A. Treisman, Uni, Princeton, USA
F. Varela, Polytechnique, Paris, F. -- E. Vittoz, CSEM, Neuchbtel, CH

J. Albus, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA. -- D.J. Amit, Uni, Jerusalem, Israel
X. Arreguit, CSEM, Neuchbtel, CH. -- H. Asama, Riken, Wako, JP
R. Beer, Case Western, Cleveland, USA. -- G. Beni, Uni, Riverside, USA
P. Bourgine, Cemagref, Antony, F. -- Y. Burnod, Uni VI, Paris, F
D.  Cliff, Uni Sussex, Brighton, UK
Ph. Gaussier, LAMI, Lausanne, CH. -- P. Husbands, Uni Sussex, Brighton, UK
O. Kubler, ETH, Z|rich, CH. -- C.G. Langton, Santa Fe Inst, USA
I. Masaki, MIT, Cambridge, USA. -- E. Mazer, LIFIA, Grenoble, F
M. Mataric, MIT, Cambridge, USA . -- H. Miura, Uni, Tokyo, JP
S. Rasmussen, Los Alamos, USA. -- G. Sandini, Uni, Genova, I
T. Smithers, Uni, San Sebastian, E. -- J. Stewart, Inst. Pasteur, Paris, F
L. Tarassenko, Uni, Oxford, UK. -- C. Touzet, EERIE, Nnmes, F
P. Vershure, NSI, La Jolla, USA.

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