EP94 Call For Papers
Peter J Angeline
pja at cis.ohio-state.edu
Tue May 11 10:27:55 EDT 1993
The Third Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming
February 24-25, 1994
San Diego, California
Evolutionary programming is a stochastic optimization technique that can be
used to address various optimization problems. Papers regarding the theory and
application of evolutionary programming to complex problem solving and
solicited. Topics include, but are not limited to:
automatic control neural network training and design
system identification adaptive representation
forecasting robotics
combinatorial optimization pattern recognition
and the relationship between evolutionary programming and other optimization
methods. On or before June 30, 1993, prospective authors should submit a
100-250 word abstract and three page extended summary of the proposed paper to
the Technical Program Chairman:
Lawrence J. Fogel
ORINCON Corporation
9363 Towne Centre Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121
Authors will be notified of the program committee's decision on or before
September 30, 1993. Completed papers will be due January 15, 1994. Paper
format, page requirements and registration information will be detailed upon
General Chairman: Anthony V. Sebald, UC San Diego
Technical Chairman: Lawrence J. Fogel, ORINCON Corporation
Program Committee:
Peter Angeline, The Ohio State Univ. Roman Galar, Tech. Univ. Wroclaw
Wirt Atmar, AICS Research Inc. Douglas Hoskins, The Boeing Company
Thomas Back, Univ. Dortmund Gerald Joyce, Scripps Clin./Res. Found.
George Burgin, Titam Systems/Linkabit John McDonnell, NCCOSC
Michael Conrad, Wayne State Univ. Stuart Rubin, NCCOSC
David B. Fogel, ORINCON Corporation Hans-Paul Schwefel, Univ. Dortmund
Gary B. Fogel, UC Los Angeles William M. Spears, Naval Research Lab
Finance Chairman:
Bill Porto, ORINCON Corporation
Publicity Co-Chairs:
Ward Page, NCCOSC
Patrick Simpson, ORINCON Corporation
Sponsored by the
Evolutionary Programming Society
In Cooporation with the
IEEE Neural Networks Council
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