Paper available: Unsmearing Visual Motion

Jonathan A. Marshall marshall at
Thu Mar 18 13:02:11 EST 1993

The following paper is available via ftp from the neuroprose archive at
Ohio State (instructions for retrieval follow the abstract).


           Unsmearing Visual Motion:  Development of Long-Range
                     Horizontal Intrinsic Connections

                Kevin E. Martin  and  Jonathan A. Marshall

       Department of Computer Science, CB 3175, Sitterson Hall
   University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175, U.S.A.

Human vision systems integrate information nonlocally, across long spatial
ranges.  For example, a moving stimulus appears smeared when viewed
briefly (30 ms), yet sharp when viewed for a longer exposure (100 ms)
(Burr, 1980).  This suggests that visual systems combine information along
a trajectory that matches the motion of the stimulus.  Our self-organizing
neural network model shows how developmental exposure to moving stimuli
can direct the formation of horizontal trajectory-specific motion
integration pathways that unsmear representations of moving stimuli.
These results account for Burr's data and can potentially also model other
phenomena, such as visual inertia.

(In press; to appear in S.J. Hanson, J.D. Cowan, & C.L. Giles, Eds.,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 5.  San Mateo, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993.)


To get a copy of the paper, do the following:

unix>     ftp         (or ftp
login:    anonymous
password: neuron
ftp>      cd pub/neuroprose
ftp>      binary
ftp>      get
ftp>      quit
unix>     uncompress
unix>     lpr

If you have trouble printing the file on a Postscript-compatible printer,
send me e-mail (marshall at with your postal address, and I'll
have a hardcopy mailed to you (may take several weeks for delivery,


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