2nd European Conference on Artificial Life

Goss Simon sgoss at ulb.ac.be
Fri Mar 5 17:26:14 EST 1993

ECAL '93

2nd European Conference on Artificial Life


Brussels, May 24-26th, 1993

Natural and artificial systems governed by simple rules exhibit self-
organisation leading to autonomy, self-adaptation and evolution. While these 
phenomena interest an increasing number of scientists, much remains to be done 
to encourage the cross-fertilisation of ideas and techniques. The aim of this 
conference is to bring together scientists from different fields in the search 
for common rules and algorithms underlying different systems. The following 
themes have been selected :

- Origin of life and molecular evolution
- Patterns and rhythms in chemical and biochemical systems and interacting cells
 (neural network, immune system, morphogenesis).
- Sensory and motor activities in animals and robots.
- Collective intelligence in natural and artificial groups 
- Ecological communities and evolution .
- Ecological computation.
- Epistemology

We are also planning demonstrations of computer programmes, robots and 
physico-chemical reactions, both in vivo and in video.

Invited Speakers

C. Biebricher (Germany), S. Camazine (USA), H. Cruse, P. De Kepper (France), 
W. Fontana, N. Franks (UK), F. Hess (Holland), 
B. Huberman (USA), S. Kauffman (USA), C. Langton (USA), M. Nowak (UK), 
T. Ray (USA), P. Schuster (Germany), M. Tilden (Canada), J. Urbain (Belgium),
F. Varela (France).

Organising committee

J.L. Deneubourg, H. Bersini, S. Goss, G. Nicolis (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
R. Dagonnier (Universite de Mons-Hainaut).

International Program committee

A. Babloyantz (Belgium), G. Beni (USA), P. Borckmans (Belgium), 
P. Bourgine (France), H. Cruse (Germany), G. Demongeot (France),
G. Dewel (Belgium), P. De Kepper (France), S. Forrest (USA), N. Franks (UK),
T. Fukuda (Japan), B. Goodwin (UK), P. Hogeweg (Holland), M. Kauffman (Belgium),
C. Langton (USA), R. Lefever (Belgium), P. Maes (USA), J.-A. Meyer (France),
T. Ray (USA), P. Schuster (Austria), T. Smithers (Belgium), F. Varela (France),
R. Wehner (Germany). 


ECAL '93,
Centre for Non-Linear Phenomena and Complex Systems, CP 231,
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Bld. du Triomphe, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Fax : 32-2-6505767; Phone : 32-2-6505776; 32-2-6505796;
EMAIL : sgoss at ulb.ac.be


The registration fees for ECAL '93 (May 24-26) are as
follows ($1=34BF):

               Payment before      Payment after
               May 1st             May 1st

Academic:      10.000 BF           12.000 BF
Non-Academic:  12.000 BF           14.000 BF
Student:        6.500 BF            7.500 BF

a) I authorise payment of                 BF by the
following credit card:

American Express    Visa/Eurocard/Master
(please indicate which card!)
Card Name
Card No
Valid from:                   to:

b) I enclose a Eurocheque for                   BF

c) I have ordered my bank to make a draft of
BF to :

ECAL '93
Account no: 034-1629733-01
CGER (Caisse Generale d'Epargne et de Retraite)
Agence Ixelles-Universite
Chaussee de Boondael 466
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Signature                          Date


Telephone                     Fax


                        ECAL '93

               Self-Organisation and life
         From simple rules to global complexity
                   Brussels May 24-26

               (Very) Provisional Program
(16 invited speakers, 40 oral communications, 50 posters)
Monday May 24th                
9.00 Inauguration              
9.10 Opening remarks           
9.45 Coffee                    
10.15 Origins of life and      10.15 Chemical patterns
molecular evolution.           and rhythms. Invited
Invited speakers: C.           speaker: P. De Kepper
Biebricher, W. Fontana, P.     
12.20 lunch                    13.10 lunch
14.10 Theoretical biology      14.10 Collective
and artificial life.           intelligence in animal
Invited speaker: C.            groups (social insects).
Langton                        Invited speaker: N.R.
15.50 coffee                   15.50 coffee
16.30 Theoretical biology      16.20 Collective
and artificial life            intelligence in animal
                               groups (social insects).
                               Invited speaker: S.

18.00 Beer and sandwiches

19.30 Theoretical biology
and artificial life:
General discussion.
Invited speaker: F. Varela

22.00 Close

Tuesday May 25th               
9.00 Individual behaviour.      9.00 Patterns and rhythms
Invited speaker: M. Tilden     in human societies.
                               Invited speaker: B.
10.40 coffee                   10.40 Coffee
11.10 Individual behaviour     11.10 Multi-robot systems
12.10 lunch                    13.10 lunch
14.00 Posters and              
demonstrations (robots,        
simulations, videos,           
chemical reactions, ...).      
Invited speaker: F. Hess.      
18.00 Cocktail                 
20.00 Banquet                  
Wednesday May 26th             
 9.00 Evolution. Invited       9.00 Sensory and motor
speakers: T. Ray, S.           activities in animals and
Kauffman.                      robots. Invited Speaker:
                               H. Cruse
10.20 Coffee                   10.40 coffee
11.10                          11.40 Ecological
                               communities and evolution.
                               Invited speaker: M. Nowak
12.10 lunch                    13.10 lunch
14.10 Collective pattern       14.10 Patterns and rhythms
in living systems              in the immune system.
                               Invited speaker: J. Urbain
15.50 coffee                   15.50 coffee
16.30 Collective pattern       16.20 Patterns and rhythms
in living systems              in the immune system.
17.30 Closing remarks   
*** you may need a physical copy of the BIT hotel reservation form or the ***
*** Brussels Hotel Guide. See below for details                           ***


We have  reserved a  number of  rooms in  the  centre  of
Brussels (see attached list), not far from the Metro line
1a which  will take  you to  the conference  (ULB, Campus
Plaine, Metro  Station Delta,  Metro Ligne  1a, direction
Hermann Debroux). There are unfortunately no hotels close
to the  University. All  prices  include  breakfast,  TV,
bathroom (see  enclosed official  hotel  guide  for  more

Hotels are rather expensive in Brussels, and you will see
that we  have not  been able  to reserve  many low-priced
rooms. The  earlier you make your reservation, therefore,
the surer  you are  of having one. Another possibility is
that you  arrange to  share a  double room  with a fellow

It is  important that  you try to reserve before the 15th
of April,  otherwise our  options on  the  rooms  may  be
cancelled. Please note that there are 3 ways of reserving
your room, depending on which hotel you choose.

1. Hotels President (World Trade Centre) and Palace

For the  Hotels President  and Palace you will see on the
enclosed ECAL  selected hotel list that we have been able
to negotiate  a substantial reduction on normal rates. To
do so  we have  had to  agree to pay for the rooms in one
lump sum,  including a  down payment.  Therefore, if  you
wish to  take a  room in  these hotels  you must make the
reservation through us. We will only accept to do this if
you pay  the necessary  sum in  advance (we  will  refund
cancellations, though  these two  hotels might  impose  a
cancellation charge  if there  are too  many last  minute
cancellations). Please  reserve before  April 15th. After
this date we cannot garuntee that the hotel will maintain
our unused  reservations and  group rate.  We  enclose  a
special form  for the  registration  and  pre-payment  of
these rooms.

2. Other hotels on selected ECAL list

For all  the other  hotels on  our selected  list, please
fill in  the enclosed  BTR reservation form and return it
to us. We will forward it to:

Mr. Freddy Meerkens
Group reservations
Belgian Tourist Reservations
Bld. Anspach 111, B4
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel (322) 513.7484; Fax (322) 513.9277

He will  make the  reservation and should also notify you
that the  reservation has  been made.  There is no charge
for this service, BTR being a state agency.

You can  if you  wish send  or fax  your reservation form
directly to M. Meerkens, group reservations, BTR. In this
case, please  do not  forget to  mention in large letters
that you  are attending  the ECAL  '93 conference  (group
reservation), and  please send  us a copy (marked "COPY")
of your  reservation form,  so that  we can keep track of
where everyone is staying.

3. Independent Reservations

Finally, for  those of  you that  are more  independently
minded, who  wish to  find a cheaper hotel, or have other
reasons, we  enclose the Brussels Hotel Guide 1993, which
lists all  the hotels in Brussels. If you choose one that
is not  on the enclosed ECAL selected hotel list, you can
then reserve  through Belgian  Tourist Reservations  (see
above), using  the enclosed  BTR form (you do not need in
this case  to mention  that you  are attending  ECAL). We
would nevertheless  like you  to send  us a  copy (marked
"COPY") of your BTR reservation form, so that we can keep
track of where everyone is staying.
ECAL selected Hotel list (do not contact these hotels
directly - see attached instructions) ($1=34BF approx.)

Hotel President (World Trade Centre) (100 rooms) *****
180 Bld. E. Jacqmain, 1210 Bruxelles
Tel: (322) 217.2020; Fax: (322) 218.8402
single room = double room: ECAL price: 4000 BF (<< Normal
price: 7500 BF)

Hotel Palace (lots of rooms) ****
3 Rue Gineste, 1210 Bruxelles
Tel: (322) 217.6200; Fax: (322) 218.1269
single room: ECAL price: 3780 BF (<< Normal price: 6000
double room: ECAL price: 4520 BF (<< Normal price: 7000

Hotel Atlas (30 singles, 10 doubles) ****
30-34 Rue du Vieux Marche-aux-Grains, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel: (322) 502.6006
single room: ECAL price: 3360 BF (just < Normal price:
3500 BF)
double room: ECAL price: 3780 BF (just < Normal price:
4100 BF)

Hotel Arcade Sainte Catherine (30 singles, 10 doubles)
2 Rue Joseph Plateau, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel (322) 513.7620; Fax (322) 514.2214
single room = double room: ECAL price: 3900 BF (= Normal

Hotel Orion (15 singles) ***
51 Quai au Bois a Bruler, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel (322) 221.1411; Fax (322) 221.1599
single room: ECAL price: 3120 BF (= Normal price)

Hotel Vendome (30 singles) ***
96 Bld. Adolphe Max, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel (322) 218.00070; Fax (322) 218.0683
single room: ECAL price: 2875 BF (= Normal price)

Hotel Opera (20 singles) **
53 Rue Gretry, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel (322) 219.4343; Fax (322) 219.1720
single room: ECAL price: 2200 BF (= Normal price)

Hotel de Paris (20 singles) ** (shower not bathroom)
800 Bld. Poincarre, 1070 Bruxelles
Tel (322) 527.0920; Fax (322) 528.8153
single room: ECAL price: 1800 BF (= Normal price)
Reservation and pre-payment for Hotel President (World
Trade Centre) or Hotel Palace

I would like to reserve a single / double room at the
Hotel President / Hotel Palace for the nights of:           

Signature                          Date


Telephone                     Fax


a) I authorise payment to ECAL '93 of                 BF
by the following credit card:

American Express    Visa/Eurocard/Master
(please indicate which card!)
Card Name
Card No
Valid from:                   to:

b) I enclose a Eurocheque (made put to ECAL '93) for

c) I have ordered my bank to make a draft of
BF to :

ECAL '93
Account no: 034-1629733-01
CGER (Caisse Generale d'Epargne et de Retraite)
Agence Ixelles-Universite
Chaussee de Boondael 466
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Simon Goss

Unit of Behavioural Ecology
Center for Non-Linear Phenomena and Complex Systems
CP 231, Campus Plaine
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Boulevard du Triomphe
1050 Bruxelles

Tel: 32-2-650.5776
Fax: 32-2-650.5767
E-mail: sgoss at ulb.ac.be

Simon Goss

Unit of Behavioural Ecology
Center for Non-Linear Phenomena and Complex Systems
CP 231, Campus Plaine
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Boulevard du Triomphe
1050 Bruxelles

Tel: 32-2-650.5776
Fax: 32-2-650.5767
E-mail: sgoss at ulb.ac.be

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