Putting a NN on 16k processors

prechelt@ira.uka.de prechelt at ira.uka.de
Mon Mar 1 09:53:53 EST 1993

> Subject: Re: Squashing functions (continued)
> Concerning memory requirements (eg, MasPar MP1). I don't see why I need 4 bytes
> Apart of that, seems to be quite complicated to put a nn on 16K processors ...
> how do you do that ?

1. Use the Nettalk-architecture which consumes up to two processors per
2. Additionally, replicate the net and train on several examples at once.
3. Don't use TOO small nets and training sets.

I am currently working on a neural algorithm programming language and an 
optimizing compiler for it that use exactly these techniques.


Lutz Prechelt   (email: prechelt at ira.uka.de)            | Whenever you 
Institut fuer Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation  | complicate things,
Universitaet Karlsruhe;  D-7500 Karlsruhe 1;  Germany   | they get
(Voice: ++49/721/608-4068, FAX: ++49/721/694092)        | less simple.

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