CLNL'93 - Revised deadline

Russell Greiner greiner at
Tue Jun 29 23:25:52 EDT 1993

  re: deadlines for Computational Learning and Natural Learning (CLNL'93)

Due to popular requests, we have decided to extend the deadline for CLNL'93
submission by one week, until 7/July/93.  Below is the revised call for
papers, with updated "Important Dates" and "Programme Committee" entries,
as well as general registration information.

We look forward to receiving your papers, and also hope that you 
will attend the workshop this September!

Russ Greiner
(Chair, CLNL'93)

		CLNL'93 -- Call for Submissions

	Computational Learning and Natural Learning
	Provincetown, Massachusetts
	10-12 September 1993

CLNL'93 is the fourth of an ongoing series of workshops designed to bring
together researchers from a diverse set of disciplines --- including
  computational learning theory, AI/machine learning, 
  connectionist learning, statistics, and control theory ---
to explore issues at the intersection of theoretical learning research
and natural learning systems.

  To be useful, the learning methods used by our fields must be able
  to handle the complications inherent in real-world tasks. We therefore
  encourage researchers to submit papers that discuss extensions to
  learning systems that let them address issues such as:
    *  handling many irrelevant features
    *  dealing with large amounts of noise
    *  inducing very complex concepts
    *  mining enormous sets of data
    *  learning over extended periods of time
    *  exploiting large amounts of background knowledge
  We welcome theoretical analyses, comparative studies of existing algorithms,
  psychological models of learning in complex domains, and reports on relevant
  new techniques. 
  Authors should submit three copies of an abstract (100 words or less) and a
  summary (2000 words or less) of original research to: 
  	 CLNL'93 Workshop
         Learning Systems Department
	 Siemens Corporate Research
	 755 College Road East
	 Princeton, NJ 08540-6632

  by 30 June 1993.  We will also accept plain-text, stand-alone LaTeX
  or Postscript submissions sent by electronic mail to 
	clnl93 at

  Each submission will be refereed by the workshop organizers and evaluated
  based on its relevance to the theme, originality, clarity, and significance. 
  Copies of accepted abstracts will be distributed at the workshop, and 
  MIT Press has agreed to publish an edited volume that incorporates papers
  from the meeting, subject to revisions and additional reviewing. 

Invited Talks:
	Tom Dietterich   Oregon State University
	Ron Rivest       Massachusetts Institute of Technology
	Leo Breiman      University of California, Berkeley
	Yann le Cun      Bell Laboratories

Important Dates:
        Deadline for submissions:           7 July 1993
        Notification of acceptance:        27 July 1993
	CLNL'93 Workshop:	           10-12 September 1993

Programme Committee:
  Andrew Barron, Russell Greiner, Steve Hanson, Robert Holte, 
  Michael Jordan, Stephen Judd, Pat Langley, Thomas Petsche, 
  Tomaso Poggio, Ron Rivest, Eduardo Sontag, Steve Whitehead

Workshop Sponsors:
  Siemens Corporate Research	and	MIT Laboratory of Computer Science

		  General Information

  The workshop officially begins at 9am Friday 10/Sept, and concludes by 3pm
  Sunday 12/Sept, in time to catch the 3:30pm Provincetown-Boston ferry.

  All sessions will take place in the Provincetown Inn (800 942-5388).   We
  encourage registrants to stay there; please sign up in the enclosed
  registration form.  Notice the $74/night does correspond to $37/person per
  night double-occupancy, if two people share one room. 

  The cost to attend this workshop is $50/person in general; $25/student.  
  This includes
    * attendance at all presentation and poster sessions, including the four
  	invited talks;
    * the banquet dinner on Saturday night; and
    * a copy of the accepted abstracts.

  Provincetown is located at the very tip of Cape Cod, jutting into the
  Atlantic Ocean.  The drive from Boston to Provincetown requires 
  approximately two hours. There is also a daily ferry (run by Bay State 
  Cruise Lines, 617 723-7800) that leaves Commonwealth Pier in Boston Harbor
  at 9:30am and arrives in Provincetown at 12:30pm; the return trip departs 
  Provincetown at 3:30pm, arriving at  Commonwealth Pier at 6:30pm.   Its cost
  is $15/person, one way. There are also cabs, busses and commuter airplanes
  (CapeAir, 800 352-0714) that service this Boston-Provincetown route.

Reception (Tentative):
  If there is sufficient interest (as indicated by signing up on the form
  below), we will hold a reception on a private ferry that leaves Commonwealth
  Pier for Provincetown at 6:30pm 9/Sept.  The additional (Siemens-subsidized)
  cost for ferry and reception is $40/person, which also includes the return
  Provincetown-Boston ferry trip on 12/Sept.  You must sign up by 30/June; 
  we will announce by 13/July whether this private ferry will be used (and
  refund the money otherwise). 

  For additional information about CLNL'93, contact 
	 clnl93 at
  or the above address.  To learn more about Provincetown, contact their
  Chamber of Commerce at 508 487-3424.

		CLNL'93 Registration

Name:		________________________________________________
Affiliation:	________________________________________________
Address:	________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________  	E-mail: ____________________

Select the appropriate options and fees:

Workshop registration fee	 ($50 regular; $25 student) 	   ___________
Ferry transportation + reception ($40)				   ___________
Hotel room(*)			 ($74 = 1 night deposit)	   ___________
	Arrival date ___________    Departure date _____________
	Name of person sharing room (optional)  __________________
	# of breakfasts desired ($7.50/bkfst; no deposit req'd) ___

Total amount enclosed:						   ___________

(*) This is at the Provincetown Inn.  For minimum stay of 2 nights.
The total cost for three nights is $222 = $74 x 3, plus optional breakfasts.
The block of rooms held for CLNL'93 will be released on 30 June 93; room
reservations received after this date are accepted subject to availability.
See hotel for cancellation policy.

If you are not using a credit card, make your check payable in U.S. dollars
to "Provincetown Inn/CLNL'93", and mail your completed registration form to 
	Provincetown Inn/CLNL
	P.O. Box 619
	Provincetown, MA 02657.
If you are using Visa or MasterCard, please fill out the following,
which you may mail to above address, or FAX to 508 487-2911.
	Signature:	    ______________________________________________
	Visa/MasterCard #:  ______________________________________________
	Expiration:         ______________________________________________

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