Edward C. Posner Memorial Fellowhip Fund
Jim Bower
jbower at smaug.cns.caltech.edu
Thu Jun 24 14:17:20 EDT 1993
Dear Colleague,
As you may be aware, last week Ed Posner was killed
in an unfortunate bicycle accident in Pasadena. Those of
us who knew him well feel the loss very deeply. However,
Ed's strong commitment to the communities to which he
belonged makes his death even more unfortunate. Throughout
his career, Ed was actively involved in academic education
and organization. For example, in recent years, he was the
first chairman and principle organizer of the Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS) meeting. One of
his many legacies to this meeting is a strong commitment to
student travel awards. He also spent much of the last year
of his life working hard to establish the NIPS Foundation
so that NIPS as well as other related meetings could be on
sound financial and legal footing.
In addition to his professional activities, Ed was
also deeply involved in educational activities at Caltech
and JPL. His commitment to students was legend at both
institutions. Ed was particularly heavily involved in the
SURF program at Caltech through which undergraduates
(both from Caltech and from other institutions) carry out
independent research projects during the summer months.
Ed was an active member of the SURF Administrative
Committee. He was also one of the most active SURF
research sponsors, having served as mentor to 13 students
since 1984. Three more students were preparing to work
with him this summer. In addition, Ed co-founded the
SURFSAT satellite program in 1986. In this program,
successive teams of SURF students are designing, building,
and testing a small communications satellite to support
the research objectives of NASA's Deep Space Network.
Since its inception, 43 students have participated in SURFSAT.
Ed's persistent commitment to the scientific
education of young people stretches far and touches many.
Just a few days prior to his death, for example, Ed had
begun to work with the Dean of Graduate Education at
Caltech to organize yet another educational program, in
this case to increase the number of underrepresented
minorities in engineering.
Given Ed's strong interest in science education,
research, and students, Mrs. Posner has asked that memorial
gifts be designated to support Caltech's SURF Program.
It is our hope that gifts might ultimately fund an Edward C.
Posner SURF Fellowship Fund. Once funded, the Posner SURF
Fellowship would annually support an under-represented
minority student for a research project in a field related
to Ed's own professional interests.
Those individuals, or institutions interested in
making a contribution to the Edward C. Posner SURF
fellowship fund in his memory should contact:
Dore Charbonneau
Director of Special Gifts
Development, mail code 105-40
Pasadena, CA. 91125
818 - 356-6285
Thank you for your interest and we hope to hear from
Carolyn Merkel
Director, SURF program
James M. Bower
Computation and Neural Systems Program-Caltech
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