Thesis available: Transfer between neural networks

Lorien Y. Pratt lpratt at franklinite.Mines.Colorado.EDU
Tue Jun 15 12:13:39 EDT 1993

FTP-file: pub/neuroprose/

The file is now available for copying from the 
Neuroprose repository:

Transferring Previously Learned Back Propagation Networks to New Learning Tasks
144 pages
Lorien Y. Pratt
Colorado School of Mines (Dissertation written at Rutgers University)

ABSTRACT: When people learn a new task, they often build on their
ability to solve related problems.  For example, a doctor moving
to a new country can use prior experience to aid in diagnosing
patients.  A chess player can use experience with one set of
end-games to aid in solving a different, but related, set.  However,
although people are able to perform this sort of skill transfer
between tasks, most neural network training methods in use today
are unable to build on their prior experience.  Instead, every new
task is learned from scratch.

This dissertation explores how a back-propagation neural network
learner can build on its previous experience.  We present an
algorithm, called Discriminability-Based Transfer (DBT), that
facilitates the transfer of information from the learned weights
of one network to the initial weights of another.  Through evaluation
of DBT on several benchmark tasks we demonstrate that it can speed
up learning on a new task.  We also show that DBT is more robust
than simpler methods for transfer.

Sample session for obtaining this file via anonymous ftp:
> ftp
Name: anonymous
Password: (type your email address her)
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> quit
> uncompress
> lpr

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requesting ML-TR-37 from the following address:
	  Technical Reports Librarian
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	  New Brunswick, NJ 08903
	  [Currently there is no charge.]

Dr. L. Y. Pratt                       Dept. of Math and Computer Science
lpratt at             Colorado School of Mines    
(303) 273-3878 (work)                 402 Stratton                
(303) 278-4552 (home)                 Golden, CO 80401, USA      

Note: I'll be travelling out of the country for the next month.  If you have
trouble printing this paper, I'll be available to help after I return on July
16.  Send me email -Lori

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