Neural Computation 5:4

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Tue Jul 20 03:15:56 EDT 1993

Neural Computation, Volume 5, Number 4, July 1993


The Use of Neural Networks in High Energy Physics
	Bruce Denby

Stimulus Dependent Synchronization of Neuronal Assemblies
	E. R. Grannan, D. Kleinfeld and H. Sompolinsky

Dynamics of Populations of Integrate-and-fire Neurons, Partial 
Synchronization and Memory
	Marius Usher, Heinz Georg Schuster and Ernst Niebur
The Effects of Cell Duplication and Noise in a Pattern
Generating Network
	Catherine H. Ferrar and Thelma L. Williams
Emergence of Position-independent Detectors of Sense
of Rotation and Dilation with Hebbian Learning: An Analysis
	Kechen Zhang, Martin I. Sereno and Margaret E. Sereno
Improving Generalisation for Temporal Difference
Learning:  The Successor Representation
	Peter Dayan
Discovering Predictable Classifications
	Jurgen Schmidhuber and Daniel Prelinger
A Kinetic Model of Short- and Long-Term Potentiation
	M. Migliore and G. F. Ayala
Artificial Dendritic Trees
	John G. Elias

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