postdoctoral position
John Fletcher
jrf at
Mon Jul 19 10:20:06 EDT 1993
Scientist for Neural Network Applications
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position to work on
the operation of neuronal networks in the brain, with special
reference to cortical computation. The post available is for a
theoretician to perform analytic and/or simulation work colla-
boratively with experimental neuroscientists on biologically
realistic models of computation in the brain, including systems
involved in vision, memory and/or motor function. The appoint-
ment will be for three years in the first instance.
The salary is on the RSIA scale, GBP 12,638-20,140, and is funded
by the Medical Research Council.
Further particulars are attached. Applications, including the
names of two referees, to The Administrator, Department of Exper-
imental Psychology, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD.
The University is an Equal Opportunities Employer.
Neural Network Scientist (RSIA Scale)
The purpose of this post is to enable a formal modeller of neu-
ronal networks to work on a daily basis with neuroscientists in
order to develop models of cortical function, and to provide the
neuroscientists in the MRC Research Centre in Brain and Behaviour
with advice and assistance in relation to the expertise required
for analytic models of neuronal networks.
The postholder should have a PhD or equivalent experience, to-
gether with evidence that he/she can initiate a research pro-
gramme. The postholder is expected to have expertise in the
mathematical analyses of neuronal networks. He/she will provide
mathematical and related computational expertise required for the
modelling of real neuronal networks, the architecture of which
will be based on anatomical information about neuronal connec-
tions and physiological information about their modifiability.
He/she will probably have the opportunity to supervise graduate
students reading for the DPhil degree.
In addition, the postholder should also have expertise useful in
enabling him or her to analyse biologically relevant models of
neural networks. This latter requirement implies either existing
expertise in neuroscience, or an aptitude for working with neu-
roscientists to ensure that biological constraints are correctly
incorporated into network models.
The postholder will be sufficiently senior to be able to initiate
independent analyses of neural networks, and to ensure that
results are brought to publication.
Since an important part of the Research Centre is training, the
postholder will be expected to take part in the organization of
seminar series on neural networks. It is anticipated that these
seminars will be held at least annually and will provide training
for both doctoral students and for other more senior members of
the University interested in research on neural networks. Other
teaching may include participation in a summer school.
Finally, the postholder, who will be responsible to the Directors
of the Research Centre, will be expected to serve on a Working
Group of the Research Centre interested in computational analyses
of neuronal networks.
Examples of neural network projects in the Research Centre in-
clude the following:
Dr J F Stein/Dr R C Miall, University Laboratory of Physiology:
(a)To reconsider the Zipser & Anderson network model of head-
centred encoding of target positions by visual cells in the pos-
terior parietal cortex. Their model was very successful at
demonstrating how the hidden units within a standard back-
propagation neural network could end up with receptive field pro-
perties similar to those recorded in the PPC in awake monkeys.
However, as the responses (in both monkey and model) were complex
and hard to classify, it remains unclear whether there was a true
similarity between the two or whether the solutions were merely
equally hard to interpret. We plan to re-examine this model us-
ing more realistic constraints on the model connectivity and on
the encoding of its inputs, and should be taking on a new post-
graduate student this October to pursue these questions.
(b)To develop models of learning at the cerebellar parallel-fibre
to Purkinje cell synapse. We have proposed a model of the cere-
bellum in which the cortex learns to form a forward model of the
limb dynamics to assist in visually guided arm movement. We have
proposed that there is a mechanism related to reinforcement
learning, but the details remain unclear. It is important to see
whether the biophysics of long-term depression and the ideas of
reinforcement learning can be tied together in a neural simula-
Barto AG, Sutton RS & Anderson CW (1983). Neuronlike adaptive
elements that can solve difficult learning control problems.
IEEE Sys Man Cyb., 13: 834-846.
Ito M (1989). Long-term depression. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 12:85-
Miall RC, Weir DJ, Wolpert DM & Stein JF (1993). Is the cerebel-
lum a Smith Predictor? J.motor Behaviour (in press).
Zipser D & Andersen RA (1988). A back-propagation programmed
network that simulates response properties of a subset of poste-
rior parietal neurons. Nature 331:679-684.
Dr K Plunkett, Department of Experimental Psychology:
Kim Plunkett's research group is involved in computational and
experimental investigations of language acquisition and cognitive
development. Modelling work has covered connectionist simula-
tions of inflectional morphology, concept formation, vocabulary
development and early syntax. Experimental work focuses on the
processes of lexical segmentation in early language acquisition.
Plunkett K & Marcham V (1991). U-shaped learning and frequency
effects in a multi-layered perceptron: Implications for child
language acquisition. Cognition, 38, 43-102.
Plunkett K & Sinha CG (1992). Connectionism and developmental
theory. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 209-
Plunkett K (1993). Lexical segmentation and vocabulary growth in
early language acquisition. Journal of Child Language, 20, 43-60.
Professor D Sherrington, Department of Theoretical Physics:
Our interest is in understanding and quantifying the design, per-
formance and training of neural network models, stimulated by
their potential as cartoons of parts of the brain, as expert sys-
tems and as complex cooperative systems. Our methodology in-
volves the application of analytical and computational techniques
from the theoretical physics of strongly interacting systems and
centres largely around issues of statistical relevance, as op-
posed to worst-case or special-case analyses.
Recent reviews:
*Sherrington D. Neural Networks: the spinglass approach. OUTP-
*Coolen T & Sherrington D. Dynamics of attractor neural net-
works. OUTP-92-495.
[The above are to be published in Mathematical Studies of Neural
Networks (Elsevier); ed. JG Taylor.]
Watkin TLH, Rau A & Biehl M. Statistical Mechanics of Learning a
Rule. OUTP-92-45S published in Reviews of Modern Physics 65, pp
499-556 (1993).
*Copies of these are available for interested candidates.
Published research articles (selection)
Wong KYM, Kahn PE & Sherrington D. A neural network model of
working memory exhibiting primacy and recency. J. Phys. A24,
1119 (1991).
Sherrington D, Wong M & Rau A. Good Memories. Phil Mag. 65,
1303 (1992).
Sherrington D, Wong KYM & Coolen ACC. Noise and competition in
neural networks. J.Phys I France 3, 331 (1993).
O'Kane D & Sherrington D. A feature-retrieving attractor neural
network. J.Phys A 26, 2333 (1993).
Dr E T Rolls, Department of Experimental Psychology:
(a) Learning invariant responses to the natural transformations
of objects. The primate visual system builds representations of
objects which are invariant with respect to transforms such as
translation, size, and eventually view, in a series of hierarchi-
cal cortical areas. To clarify how such a system might learn to
recognise "naturally" transformed objects, we are investigating
a model of cortical visual processing which incorporates a number
of features of the primate visual system. The model has a series
of layers with convergence from a limited region of the preceding
layer, and mutual inhibition over a short range within a layer.
The feedforward connections between layers provide the inputs to
competitive networks, each utilising a modified Hebb-like learn-
ing rule which incorporates a temporal trace of the preceding
neuronal activity. The trace learning rule is aimed at enabling
the neurons to learn transform invariant responses via experience
of the real world, with its inherent spatio-temporal constraints.
We are showing that the model can learn to produce translation
invariant responses, and plan to develop this neural network
model to investigate its performance in learning other types of
invariant representation, and its capacity.
Rolls E (1992). Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying
face processing within and beyond the temporal cortical areas.
Phil. Trans. Roy. Society London Ser B 335, 11-21.
Wallis G, Rolls E & Foldiak P (1993). In: Proc Int Joint
Conference on Neural Networks.
(b) Neural Networks in the Hippocampus involved in Memory and
Recall. We are developing a model based on hippocampal anatomy,
physiology, and psychology, of how the neural networks in the
hippocampus could operate in memory. A key hypothesis is that
the hippocampal CA3 circuitry forms an autoassociation memory. We
are developing a quantitative theory of how the CA3 could
operate, and of how it would function in relation to other parts
of the hippocampus. We are also starting to develop a theory of
how the hippocampus could recall memories in the cerebral neocor-
tex using backprojections in the cerebral cortex.
Rolls ET (1989a). Functions of neuronal networks in the
hippocampus and neocortex in memory. In Neural models of plasti-
city: Experimental and theoretical approaches (ed. JH Byrne & WO
Berry), 13, 240-265). San Diego: Academic Press.
Rolls ET (1990a). Theoretical and neurophysiological
analysis of the functions of the primate hippocampus in memory.
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia in Quantitative Biology 55, 995-1006.
Treves A & Rolls ET (1991). What determines the capacity
of autoassociative memories in the brain? Network 2: 371-397.
Treves A & Rolls ET (1992). Computational constraints sug-
gest the need for two distinct input systems to the hippocampal
CA3 network. Hippocampus 2: 189-199.
Rolls ET & Treves A (1993). Neural Networks in the Brain
involved in Memory and Recall. In: Proc. Int. Joint Conference
on Neural Networks.
We would welcome collaboration on either or both projects.
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