TRs on reduced representations
Alessandro Sperduti
sperduti at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Jul 6 21:00:40 EDT 1993
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The following technical reports are available by public ftp from the
International Computer Science Institute. For hardcopies there is a small
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Comments welcome.
Alessandro Sperduti
sperduti at
TR-93-029 (48 pages)
Labeling RAAM
Alessandro Sperduti
International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center Street, Suite 600
Berkeley, California 94704
In this report we propose an extension of the Recursive Auto-Associative
Memory (RAAM) by Pollack. This extension, the Labeling RAAM (LRAAM), is
able to encode labeled graphs with cycles by representing pointers explicitly.
A theoretical analysis of the constraints imposed on the weights by the
learning task under the hypothesis of perfect learning and linear output
units is presented. Cycles and confluent pointers result to be particularly
effective in imposing constraints on the weights. Some technical problems
encountered in the RAAM, such as the termination problem in the learning and
decoding processes, are solved more naturally in the LRAAM framework. The
representations developed for the pointers seem to be robust to recurrent
decoding along a cycle. Data encoded in a LRAAM can be accessed by pointer
as well as by content. The direct access by content can be achieved by
transforming the encoder network of the LRAAM in a Bidirectional Associative
Memory (BAM). Different access procedures can be defined according to the
access key. The access procedures are not wholly reliable, however they seem
to have a high likelihood of success. A geometric interpretation of the
decoding process is given and the representations developed in the pointer
space of a two hidden units LRAAM are presented and discussed. In particular,
the pointer space results to be partitioned in a fractal-like fashion.
Some effects on the representations induced by the Hopfield-like dynamics of
the pointer decoding process are discussed and an encoding scheme able to
retain the richness of representation devised by the decoding function is
outlined. The application of the LRAAM model to the control of the dynamics
of recurrent high-order networks is briefly sketched as well.
TR-93-031 (19 pages)
On Some Stability Properties of the LRAAM Model
Alessandro Sperduti
International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center Street, Suite 600
Berkeley, California 94704
In this report we discuss some mathematical properties of the LRAAM
model. The LRAAM model is an extension of the RAAM model by Pollack.
It allows one to obtain distributed reduced representations of
labeled graphs. In particular, we give sufficient conditions on the
asymptotical stability of the decoding process along a cycle of the
encoded structure. Data encoded in an LRAAM can also be accessed by
content by transforming the LRAAM in an analog Hopfield network with
hidden units and asymmetric connection matrix (CA network.)
Different access procedures can be defined according to the access key.
Each access procedure corresponds to a particular constrained version
of the CA network. We give sufficient conditions under which the property
of asymptotical stability of a fixed point in one particular constrained
version of the CA network can be extended to related fixed points of
different constrained versions of the CA network. An example of encoding
of a labeled graph on which the theoretical results are applied is given
as well.
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