Robot Learning Workshop summary in neuroprose

David Cohn cohn at
Mon Jan 25 15:47:19 EST 1993

                          ROBOT LEARNING
                Summary of the post-NIPS workshop
                  Vail, Colorado, Dec 5th, 1992           

David A. Cohn (MIT)   Tom Mitchell (CMU)     Sebastian Thrun (CMU)
cohn at   mitchell at    thrun at

We have just completed a short summary of the post-NIPS workshop on
"Robot Learning" and have placed the summary in the neuroprose
archives (with the assistance, of course, of Jordan Pollack).

The goal of this workshop was to provide a forum for researchers
active in the area of robot learning and related fields.  Due to the
limited time available, we attempted to focus discussion around two
major issues: 1) How can current learning robot techniques scale to
more complex domains, characterized by massive sensor input, complex
causal interactions, and long time scales? 2) Where are the new ideas
in robot learning coming from?

                        FTP INSTRUCTIONS

Either use "Getps", or do the following:

     unix> ftp (or
     Name: anonymous
     Password: neuron
     ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
     ftp> binary
     ftp> get
     ftp> quit
     unix> lpr -s (or however you print postscript)

 -David Cohn				e-mail: cohn at
  Dept. of Brain & Cognitive Science	phone:  (617) 253-8409
  MIT, E10-243
  Cambridge, MA 02139

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