ACNN'93 Conference Programme
Marwan Jabri
marwan at
Fri Jan 8 00:29:29 EST 1993
1st - 3rd FEBRUARY 1993
Monday, 1st February 1993
8.30 - 9.15 am Registration
9.15 - 9.30 am Official Opening
9.30 - 10.30 am Keynote Address
G Hinton
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto, Canada
10.30 - 11.00 am Morning Coffee
11.00 - 12.30 pm Session 1
An Associative Memory Model for the CA3 Region of the
M R Bennett
Neurobiology Research Centre
W G Gibson & J Robinson
School of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Sydney, Australia
Variable Threshold ART3 Neural Network
P Lozo
Dept of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Adelaide, Australia
Constrained Quadratic Optimization using Neural Networks
A Bouzerdoum & T R Pattison
Dept of Electrical & Electronic Eng
University of Adelaide, Australia
12.30 - 3.00 pm Lunch (including Student Poster Session)
3.00 - 3.30 pm Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 5.00 pm Session 2
The Sample Size Necessary for Learning in Multi-layer
P L Bartlett
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
Implementing a Model for Line Perception
B P McGregor & M L Cook
Centre for Visual Sciences, RSBS
Australian National University, Australia
Improving the Performance of the Neocognitron
D R Lovell, D Simon & A C Tsoi
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
5.00 - 7.30 pm Poster Session 1
Tuesday, 2nd February 1993
9.00 - 10.30 am Session 2
Improved Phoneme Recognition Using Multi-Module
Recurrent Neural Networks
L R Leerink & M Jabri
Dept of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
External Stimuli in Biased Attractor Neural Networks
A N Burkitt
Computer Sciences Laboratory, RSPS
Australian National University, Australia
Activity Dependent Plasticity of Synapses in the Central
Nervous System
F H Guldner
Department of Anatomy
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
10.30 - 11.00 am Morning Coffee
11.00 - 12.00 noon A Method for Learning from Hints (Invited)
Y S Abu-Mostafa
California Institute of Technology, U S A
12.00 - 1.30 pm Lunch
1.30 - 3.00pm Session 4
A VLSI Arrhythmia Classifier
P H W Leong & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
The Associative Conditioning Element
B L Rogers
Information Technology Institute
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Establishing Analogical Mappings by Synchronizing
B D Burns, J E Hummel & K J Holyoak
Department of Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles, U S A
3.00 - 3.30 pm Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 5.00 pm Session 5
Experimental Low Cost Neural Networks for Spoken
Language Understanding
A Kowalczyk & M Dale
Telecom Research Laboratories, Australia
A Neural Network Implementation of Sokolov's Model
of Habituation of the Orienting Reflex
B A Daniels
Department of Psychology
University of Tasmania, Australia
Moving Image Compression and Regeneration by
Associative Retina Chip
Y Nakamura, M Ikegami & M Tanaka
Faculty of Science & Technology
Sophia University, Japan
5.00 - 7.00 pm Poster Session 2
7.00 - 9.00 pm BBQ and drinks
Wednesday, 3rd February 1993
9.00 - 10.00 am A Spectral Domain Associative Memory with Improved
Recall (Invited)
B Hunt, M S Nadar, P Keller, E Van Colln & A Goyal
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Arizona, USA
10.00 - 10.30 am Morning Coffee
10.30 - 11.30 am Session 6
Modelling Context Effects in Human Character Recognition
Using Interconnected Single-Layer Perceptrons
C Latimer, C Stevens & M Charles
Department of Psychology
University of Sydney, Australia
Learning Nonlinearly Parametrized Decision Regions
K L Halliwell, R C Williamson & I M Y Mareels
Interdisciplinary Engineering Program
Australian National University, Australia
11.30 - 1.00 pm Lunch (including Ideas-in-Progress Posters)
1.00 - 2.00 pm Session 7
A Comparison of Three On Chip Neuron Designs for a Low
R J Coggins, M A Jabri & S Pickard
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
Developments to the CMAC Neural Net
C S Berger
Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering
Monash University, Australia
2.00 - 2.15 pm Closing
Poster Session 1
Monday, 1st February 1992
5.00 - 7.30 pm
The Effect of Representation on Error Surface
S Phillips
Department of Computer Science
University of Queensland, Australia
Statistical Analysis of a Parallel Dynamics Autoassociative Memory Network
A M N Fu & W G Gibson
School of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Sydney, Australia
Error Bounds for Approximation by Feedforward Neural Networks
M Ma & A C Tsoi
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
A Comparative Study between SGNT and SONN
W Wen, V Pang & A Jennings
Telecom Research Laboratories, Australia
A Critical Look at Adaptive Logic Networks
S Parameswaran & M F Schulz
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
Single and Dual Transistor Synapses for Analogue VLSI Artificial
Neural Networks
B Flower & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
Well-Balanced Learning by Observing Individual Squared Errors
K Kohara & T Kawaoka
NTT Network Information Systems Laboratories, Japan
Optimization of Multi-Layer Neural Networks using Gauss-Newton
A Bainbridge-Smith, M A Stoksik & R G Lane
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Tasmania, Australia
Exception Learning by Backpropagation: A New Error Function
P Bakker & J Wiles
Department of Computer Science
University of Queensland, Australia
R Lister
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
Genetic Optimization and Representation of Neural Networks
M Mandischer
Department of Computer Science VI
University of Dortmund,
Growing Context Units in Simple Recurrent Networks Using the Statistical
Attribute of Weight Updates
L R Leerink & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
A Nonlinear Model for Human Associative Memory Based on Error
R A Heath
Department of Psychology
University of Newcastle, Australia
Towards Connectionist Realization of Fuzzy Production Systems
N K Kasabov
Department of Information Science
University of Otago, New Zealand
A Stable Neural Controller for Nonminimum Phase Systems
S K Mazumdar & C C Lim
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Adelaide, Australia
An Adaptive Neural Net Based Spectral Classifier
J T Hefferan & S Reisenfeld
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Neuro-Morphology of Biological Vision: Fractional Discriminant Functions
in the Emulation of Visual Receptive Fields for Remote Sensed Images
S K Hungenahally & A Postula
School of Microelectronic Engineering
Griffith University, Australia
L C Jain
School of Electronic Engineering
University of South Australia, Australia
Automated Acquisition of Rules for Diagnosis
S Sestito & S Goss
Air Operations Division
DSTO Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Australia
G Merrington & R Eustace
Flight Mechanics & Propulsion Division
DSTO Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Australia
Neural Networks to Compute Global Pattern Rotation and Dilation
J S Chahl & M V Srinivasan
Centre for Visual Sciences, RSBS
Australian National University, Australia
A Neural Architecture with Multiple Scales of Organisation
D Alexander
Behavorial Sciences
Macquarie University, Australia
Error and Variance Bounds in Multilayer Neural Networks
D R Lovell & P L Bartlett
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
What Size Higher Order Network gives Valid Generalization?
S Young & T Downs
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
Poster Session 2
Tuesday, 2nd February 1992
5.00 - 7.00 pm
RPROP: A Fast and Robust Backpropagation Learning Strategy
M Riedmiller & H Braun
Institute fur Logik, Komplexitat und Deduktionssysteme
University of Karlsruhe,
A VLSI Switched Capacitor Realisation of An Artificial Synapse and
Neuron Suitable for Nano-Power Multi-Layer Perceptrons
S Pickard & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
PANNE: A Parallel Artificial Neural Network Engine
S Guda, B Flower & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
The Self-Growing Feed-Forward Counterpropagation Network
S J Bye
Telecom Research Laboratories, Australia
A Adams & P Vamplew
Artificial Neural Network Research Group
University of Tasmania, Australia
Pruning Feed-forward Neural Networks
A N Burkitt
Computer Sciences Laboratory, RSPS
Australian National University, Australia
P Ueberholz
Physics Department
University of Wuppertal, Germany
A Comparison of Architectural Alternatives for Recurrent Networks
W H Wilson
School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of New South Wales, Australia
An Entropy Based Feature Evaluation and Selection Technique
Z Chi & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
Designing and Training a Multi-Net System with varying Algorithms
and Architectures
M Arnold & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
The Minds Eye: Extraction of Structure from Images of Objects with
Natural Variability
T J Stucke & G Coghill
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
G C Creak
Department of Computer Science
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Comparison of a Back-Propagation Model of Music Recognition and
Human Performance
C Stevens & C Latimer
Department of Psychology
University of Sydney, Australia
Analysis of a Neural Network with Application to Human Memory Modelling
M Chappell & M S Humphreys
Department of Psychology
University of Queensland, Australia
An Art Model of Human Recognition Memory
A Heathcote
Psychology Department
University of Newcastle, Australia
Comparison of Different Neighbourhood Size in Simulated Annealing
X Yao
Department of Computer Science
University College, University of New South Wales, ADFA, Australia
Classification of Incomplete Data using Neural Networks
M L Southcott & R E Bogner
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Adelaide, Australia
Feature Extraction Using Neural Networks
S V R Madiraju, Z Q Liu & T M Caelli
Department of Computer Science
University of Melbourne, Australia
Application of Neural Networks to Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships of Benzodiazepine/GABAA Receptor Binding Compounds
D J Maddalena & G Johnston
Department of Pharmacology
University of Sydney, Australia
Word-boundary Detection using Recurrent Neural Networks
L R Leerink & M A Jabri
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
Classification by Single Hidden Layer ANN
G Chakrabnorty, N Shiratori & S Noguchi
Division of Engineering
Tohoku University, Japan
Unification in Prolog by Connectionist Models
Volker Weber
Computer Science Department
University of Hamburg, Germany
Ideas-in-Progress Posters
A Feedforward Neural Network with Complex Weights
E Skafidas & M Palaniswami
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Melbourne, Australia
A Method of Training Multi-Layer Networks with Heaviside Characteristics
using Internal Representations
R J Gaynier & T Downs
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Queensland, Australia
Comparing Computed Neural Nets and Living Brains
C J A Game
Department of Surgery
University of Sydney & SEDAL, Australia
Neural Networks as Direct Adaptive Controllers
M Bahrami
School of Electrical engineering
University of New South Wales, Australia
Performance Criteria for Stop Consonant Identification Using
Artificial Neural Nets
R Katsch, P Dermody & D Woo
Speech Communication Research Group
National Acoustic Laboratories, Australia
Classifying High Dimensional Spectral Data by Neural Networks
R A Dunne
Murdoch University, Australia
N A Campbell & H T Kiiveri
Division of Mathematics & Statistics
C S I R O, Australia
The conference is being held at the Prince Philip Theatre in the Architecture
and Planning Building in Masson Rd (marked on the attached map of Melbourne
University). Registration is available in the foyer of the Architecture and
Planning Building from 4-6pm on Sunday, 31 January, and from 8.30 each morning
of the Conference.
Registration fees: Academic A$200.00
Student A$ 75.00
Other A$300.00
For accommodation booking, please contact Conference Associates, Tel/Fax: +61
(3) 887 8003. Accommodation has been block booked at:
Ormond College Student $ 32.00 (Bed&Breakfast)
University of Melbourne Other $ 42.00
The Town House Standard $ 98.00
701 Swanston St Executive $110.00
Carlton (rates include continental breakfast)
Lygon Lodge Standard $ 83.00
220 Lygon St Deluxe $ 95.00
Carlton Standard 3 bed room $95.00
Train (Sydney-Melbourne)
Economy Return $ 98.00
1st Class Return $158.00
Depart Sydney 8.05 pm Melbourne 8.00 pm
Arrive Melbourne 9.10 am Sydney 9.00 am
Local Air Travel Information
Ansett are the official Carrier for ACNN'93 and are providing a number of
services. However, only the normal discount air fares are available for
delegates. If booking with Ansett please quote the Master File number: MC
04351. The reservation phone number is 131300.
Discount tickets have to be booked at least 14 days in advance. However only
a limited number of seats will be available at these prices so book asap and
avoid disappointment.
Transport from Airport
Tullamarine Airport, located 20 km north-west of the city centre on the
Tullamarine Freeway, is open 24 hours a day and handles both international and
domestic flights at terminals in the same building. The Skybus Airport Coach
service runs regularly to the city with a transfer time of 30-40 minutes. The
airline and greyhound terminals in the city are adjacent to Swanston St.
The contact number for Skybus is (03) 335 3066. Cab fare is about $20-25.
Transport to the University of Melbourne
The conference is situated in the Architecture and Planning Building in Masson
Rd. Tram stop No. 10 in Swanston St (between Faraday and Elgin Sts) is
directly opposite. Trams No. 1 and 15 are appropriate, and can be caught from
Museum and Flinders St Stations.
Parking is not available on campus during regular hours. There are all day
meters at 20 cents/hour to the north of the University in College Crescent and
in Lygon St adjacent to the Cemetery and free all day parking in Princes Park
Drive. Undercover parking is available at $6/day at Tower in Drummond St and
there is also all day parking at $5 at the Exhibition Buildings in Rathdown
St. Note that Monday, 1 February is a public holiday in Victoria. Limited
all day parking may be available on campus for $5.
On-Campus Facilities
There is a Commonwealth Bank and a Post Office in the building in which the
conference is held. The Union is nearby. There are bookshops, chemists and
food stops in the union. Note that the Union is close on Monday, 1 February.
Lygon St is a short walk east of the conference venue. There are restaurants,
food bars, take-away and eat-ins to meet all budget and dietary tastes. This
is open all week including the Australia Day Holiday on 1 February.
Messages to Delegates
The Conference Registration Desk can be contacted on (03) 344-7962 Sunday
4-6pm and from 8.30am Monday to Wednesday. Messages can also be left with the
CITRI receptionist on (03) 282-2400 if the registration desk is unattended.
Melbourne is generally warm with sunny days in February. The average
temperature is 26 degrees with average overnight temperature of 15 degrees.
There are often hot periods in excess of 33 degrees followed by a change with
thunderstorms. Maximum temperature recorded is 43 degrees, lowest is 4
degrees. There is a 25% chance of rain.
Ansett Airlines
Australian Telecommunications & Electronics Research Board
Carlton United Breweries
CITRI, University of Melbourne
Defence Science & Technology Organisation
SEDAL, University of Sydney
Telecom Research Laboratories
ACNN'93 Organising Committee
Conference Chairman
Dr Marwan Jabri , University of Sydney
Technical Programme Chairs
Dr Andrew Jennings, Telecom Research Laboratories
Dr Stephen Pickard, University of Sydney
Technical Committee
Prof Yianni Attikiouzel, University of Western Australia
Prof Max Bennett, University of Sydney
Prof Bob Bogner, University of Adelaide
Dr Joel Bornstein, University of Melbourne
Ms Angela Bowles, BHP Research Melbourne
Prof Terry Caelli, University of Melbourne
Prof Max Coltheart, Macquarie University
Dr Phil Diamond, University of Queensland
Mr Barry Flower, University of Sydney
Dr Bill Gibson, University of Sydney
A/Prof Richard Heath, University of Newcastle
Dr Andrew Jennings, Telecom Research Laboratories
Dr Adam Kowalczyk, Telecom Research Laboratories
Prof Bill Levick, Australian National University
Dr D Nandagopal, Defence Science & Technology Organisation
Dr M Palaniswami, Defence Science & Technology Organisation
Dr Stephen Pickard, University of Sydney
Dr Nick Redding, Defence Science & Technology Organisation
Dr M Srinivasan, Australian National University
Prof Ah Chung Tsoi, University of Queensland
Dr Janet Wiles, University of Queensland
Dr Bob Williamson, Australian National University
Local Committee
Dr Joel Bornstein, University of Melbourne
Ms Angela Bowles, BHP Research Melbourne
Prof Terry Caelli, University of Melbourne
Dr Victor Ciesielski, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Dr Simon Goss, Defence Science & Technology Organisation
Dr Andrew Jennings, Telecom Research Laboratories
Dr Adam Kowalczyk, Telecom Research Laboratories
Institutions Liaison & Publicity
Dr Simon Goss, Defence Science & Technology Organisation
Dr Andrew Jennings, Telecom Research Laboratories
Mr Philip Leong, University of Sydney
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