Position Available at JPL

Padhraic Smyth pjs at bvd.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Thu Feb 18 14:49:36 EST 1993

 We currently have an opening in our group for a new PhD graduate
 in the general area of signal processing and pattern recognition.
 While the job description does not mention neural computation per
 se, it may be of interest to some members of the connectionist
 mailing list. For details see below.

 Padhraic Smyth, JPL

                              AT THE
                      JET PROPULSION LABORATORY,

 The Communications Systems Research Section at JPL has an immediate
 opening for a permanent member of technical staff in the area of
 adaptive signal processing and statistical pattern recognition.

 The position requires a PhD in Electrical Engineering or a closely
 related field and applicants should have a demonstrated ability
 to perform independent research.

 A background in statistical signal processing is highly desirable.
 Background in information theory, estimation and detection, advanced
 statistical methods, and pattern recognition, would also be a plus.

 Current projects within the group include the use of hidden Markov
 models for change detection in time series, and statistical methods
 for geologic feature detection in remotely sensed image data. The
 successful applicant will be expected to perform both basic and
 applied research and to propose and initiate new research projects.

 Permanent residency or U.S. citizenship is not a strict requirement
 - however, candidates not in either of these categories should be
 aware that their applications will only be considered in
 exceptional cases.

 Interested applicants  should send their resume (plus any supporting
 background material such as recent relevant papers) to:

 Dr. Stephen Townes
 JPL 238-420
 4800 Oak Grove Drive
 Pasadena, CA 91109.

 (email: townes at bvd.jpl.nasa.gov)

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