No subject
Klaus Obermayer
Mon Feb 8 20:42:08 EST 1993
The following article is available as a (hardcopy) preprint:
Obermayer K. and Blasdel G.G. (1993), Geometry of Orientation and
Ocular Dominance Columns in Monkey Striate Cortex, J. Neurosci.,
in press.
In addition to showing that ocular dominance is organized in slabs
and that orientation preferences are organized in linear sequences
likely to reflect slabs, Hubel and Wiesel (1974) discussed the
intriguing possibility that slabs of orientation might intersect
slabs of ocular dominance at some consistent angle. Advances in
optical imaging now make it possible to test this possibility
directly. When maps of orientation are analyzed quantitatively,
they appear to arise from a combination of at least two competing
themes: one where orientation preferences change linearly along
straight axes, remaining constant along perpendicular axes and
forming iso-orientation slabs along the way, and one where
orientation preferences change continuously along circular axes,
remaining constant along radial axes and forming singularities at
the centers of the spaces enclosed. When orientation patterns are
compared with ocular dominance patterns from the same cortical
regions, quantitative measures reveal: 1) that singularities tend
to lie at the centers of ocular dominance columns, 2) that linear
zones (arising where orientation preferences change along straight
axes) tend to lie at the edges of ocular dominance columns, and 3)
that the short iso-orientation bands within each linear zone tend
to intersect the borders of ocular dominance slabs at angles of
approximately 90$^o$.
The original article contains color figures which - for cost
reasons - have to be reproduced black and white. If you would like
to obtain a copy, please send your surface mail address to:
Klaus Obermayer
The Rockefeller University
oby at
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