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plunkett (Kim Plunkett)
plunkett at dragon.psych
Thu Dec 2 10:04:26 EST 1993
Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology
University of Oxford
Department of Experimental Psychology
Job Specification
The successful applicant will be required to assume special
responsibility for teaching the Final Honours School paper
"Memory and Cognition" which covers the following topics to
be published in Examination Decrees and Regulations:
Basic processes and varieties of human memory.
Memory retrieval and interference; recognition and
recall; short- and long-term memory; working
memory; sensory memory; priming; acquisition of
cognitive and motor skills; modality-specific and
material-specific varieties of coding in memory;
mnemonics; every-day memory; mathematical and com-
putational models of learning and memory; impair-
ment of learning and memory.
The representation and use of knowledge. Topics
such as: semantic memory; inference; concept for-
mation; encoding of similarities and differences;
concepts, prototypes, and natural categories;
schemata; imagery; problem solving; decision-
making; heuristics and biases; cross-cultural
differences in cognition.
This is one of four papers in cognitive psychology offered
in Final Honours.
The appointed lecturer will be expected to pursue active
research in an area of cognitive psychology. Although
interests in higher mental functions, cognitive neurop-
sychology, language, or artificial intelligence would be an
advantage, it should be stressed to potential applicants
that there is no restriction on area of interest.
Further details can be obtained from:
Professor S.D. Iversen,
Head of Department
Department of Experimental Psychology
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3UD
or email:
Jane Brooks - brooks at
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