NevProp 1.16 Update Available

Phil Goodman goodman at
Thu Aug 26 12:35:53 EDT 1993

Please consider the following update announcement:
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NevProp 1.16 corrects a bug in the output range of symmetric sigmoids and
one occuring when the number of testing is fewer than training cases.
These fixes are further described in the README.CHANGES file at the
UNR anonymous ftp, described below.

The UNR anonymous ftp host is '', and the files are
in the directory 'pub/goodman/nevpropdir'.

Version 1.15 users can update 3 ways:

a. Just re-ftp the 'nevprop1.16.shar' file and unpack and 'make' np again.
   (also available at the CMU machine, describe below.)

b. Just re-ftp (in "binary" mode) the DOS or MAC executable binaries
   located in the 'dosdir' or 'macdir' subdirectories, respectively.

c. Ftp only the 'np.c' file provided, replacing your old version, then 'make'

d. Ftp only the 'np-patchfile', then issue the command
  'patch < np-patchfile' to locally update np.c, then 'make' again.

New users can obtain NevProp 1.16 from the anonymous UNR anonymous ftp
as described in (a) or (b) above, or from the CMU machine:

a. Create an FTP connection from wherever you are to machine
       "".  The internet address of this machine is, for those who need it.

b. Log in as user "anonymous" with your own ID as password.
       You may see an error message that says "filenames may not
       have /.. in them" or something like that.  Just ignore it.

c. Change remote directory to "/afs/cs/project/connect/code".
       NOTE: You must do this in a single operation.  Some of the
       super directories on this path are protected against outside

d. At this point FTP should be able to get a listing of files
       in this directory with "dir" & fetch the ones you want with "get".
       (The exact FTP commands depend on your local FTP server.)

Version 1.2 will be released soon. A major new feature will be the option
of using cross-entropy rather than least squares error function.

___________________________ Phil Goodman,MD,MS  goodman at
| __\ | _ \ |  \/  || _ \   Associate Professor & CBMR Director
||    ||_// ||\  /||||_//   Cardiovascular Studies Team Leader
||    | _(  || \/ ||| _(
||__  ||_\\ ||    |||| \\   CENTER for BIOMEDICAL MODELING RESEARCH
|___/ |___/ ||    ||||  \\  University of Nevada School of Medicine
                            Washoe Medical Center H1-166, 77 Pringle Way,
                            Reno, NV 89520   702-328-4867  FAX:328-4111

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