Call for Papers of WWW
Takeshi Furuhashi
furu at
Mon Aug 23 11:22:41 EDT 1993
1994 IEEE/Nagoya University
World Wisemen/women Workshop(WWW)
-Architecture and Applications for Knowledge Acquisition/Adaptation-
August 9 and 10, 1994
Nagoya University Symposion
Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, JAPAN
Sponsored by Nagoya University
Co-sponsored by
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Technically Co-sponsored by
IEEE Neural Network Council
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
International Fuzzy Systems Association
Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems
North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Robotics Society of Japan
There are growing interests in combination technologies of fuzzy logic
and neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm for acquisition
of experts' knowledge, modeling of nonlinear systems, realizing
adaptive systems. The goal of the 1994 IEEE/Nagoya University WWW on
Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks/Genetic Algorithm is to give its
attendees opportunities to exchange information and ideas on various
aspects of the Combination Technologies and to stimulate and inspire
pioneering works in this area. To keep the quality of these workshop
high, only a limited number of people are accepted as participants of
the workshops. The papers presented at the workshop will be edited and
published from the Oxford University Press.
Combination of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Combination of Fuzzy
Logic and Genetic Algorithm, Learning and Adaptation, Knowledge
Acquisition, Modeling, Human Machine Interface
Submission of Abstracts of Papers : April 31, 1994
Acceptance Notification : May 31, 1994
Final Manuscript : July 1, 1994
A partial or full assistance of travel expenses for speakers of
excellent papers will be provided by the WWW. The candidates should
apply as soon as possible, preferably by Jan. 30, '94
All correspondence and submission of papers should be sent to
Takeshi Furuhashi, General Chair
Dept. of Information Electronics, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-01, JAPAN
TEL: +81-52-781-5111 ext.2792
FAX: +81-52-781-9263
E mail: furu at
IEEE/Nagoya University WWW:
IEEE/Nagoya University WWW(World Wisemen/women Workshop) is a series
of workshops sponsored by Nagoya University and co-sponsored by IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society. City of Naoya, located two hours away
from Tokyo, has many electro-mechanical industries in its surroundings
such as Mitsubishi, TOYOTA, and their allied companies. Nagoya is a
mecca of robotics industries, machine industries and aerospace
industries in Japan. The series of workshops will give its attendees
opportunities to exchange information on advanced sciences and
technologies and to visit industries and research institutes in this
*This workshop will be held just after the 3rd International
Conference on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Nets and Soft Computing(IIZUKA'94)
from Aug. 1 to 7, '94.
Honorary Chair: Tetsuo Fujimoto
(Dean, School of Engineering, Nagoya University)
General Chair: Takeshi Furuhashi (Nagoya University)
Advisory Committee:
Chair: Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya University)
Fumio Harashima (University of Tokyo)
Yoshiki Uchikawa (Nagoya University)
Takeshi Yamakawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Steering Committee:
H.Berenji (NASA Ames Research Center)
W.Eppler (University of Karlsruhe)
I.Hayashi (Hannan University)
Y.Hayashi (Ibaraki University)
H.Ichihashi (Osaka Prefectural University)
(Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering)
M.Jordan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
C.-C.Jou (National Chiao Tung Universtiy)
E.Khan (National Semiconductor)
R.Langari (Texas A & M University)
H.Takagi (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.)
K.Tanaka (Kanazawa University)
(Institute Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey)
L.-X.Wang (University of California Berkeley)
T.Yamaguchi (Utsunomiya University)
J.Yen (Texas A & M Universtiy)
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