No subject

Ron Sun rsun at
Tue Aug 10 17:33:56 EDT 1993

                            CALL  FOR   PAPERS

   International Symposium on Integrating Knowledge and Neural Heuristics

Sponsored by University of Florida, and AAAI, 
in cooperation with IEEE Neural Network Council,
and Florida AI Research Society.

Time: May 9-10 1994; Place: Pensacola Beach, Florida, USA.

A large amount of research has been directed
toward integrating neural and symbolic methods in recent years. 
Especially, the integration of knowledge-based principles and
neural heuristics holds great promise
in solving complicated real-world problems.
This symposium will provide a forum for discussions
and exchanges of ideas in this area. The objective of this symposium
is to bring together researchers from a variety of fields
who are interested in applying neural network techniques
to augmenting existing knowledge or proceeding the other way around,
and especially, who have demonstrated that this combined approach 
outperforms either approach alone. 
We welcome views of this problem from
areas such as constraint-(knowledge-) based learning and
reasoning, connectionist symbol processing,
hybrid intelligent systems, fuzzy neural networks,
multi-strategic learning, and cognitive science.

Examples of specific research include but are not limited to:
1. How do we build a neural network based on {\em a priori}
knowledge (i.e., a knowledge-based neural network)?
2. How do neural heuristics improve the current model
for a particular problem (e.g., classification, planning,
signal processing, and control)?
3. How does knowledge in conjunction with neural heuristics
contribute to machine learning?
4. What is the emergent behavior of a hybrid system?
5. What are the fundamental issues behind the combined approach?

Program activities include keynote speeches, paper presentation,
and panel discussions.

Scholarships are offered to assist students in attending the
symposium.  Students who wish to apply for a scholarship should send
their resumes and a statement of how their researches are related
to the symposium. 

Symposium Chairs:
LiMin Fu, University of Florida, USA. 
Chris Lacher,  Florida State University, USA. 

Program Committee: 
Jim Anderson,   Brown University,  USA 
Michael Arbib,  University of Southern California,  USA 
Fevzi Belli,  The University of Paderborn,  Germany 
Jim Bezdek,  University of West Florida,  USA 
Bir Bhanu,  University of California,  USA  
Su-Shing Chen,  National Science Foundation,  USA 
Tharam Dillon,  La Trobe University,  Australia 
Douglas Fisher,  Vanderbilt University,  USA  
Paul Fishwick,  University of Florida,  USA 
Stephen Gallant,  HNC Inc.,  USA 
Yoichi Hayashi,  Ibaraki University,  Japan 
Susan I. Hruska,  Florida State University,  USA 
Michel Klefstad-Sillonville  CCETT,  France 
David C. Kuncicky,  Florida State University,  USA 
Joseph Principe,  University of Florida,  USA 
Sylvian Ray,  University of Illinois,  USA 
Armando F. Rocha, University of Estadual, Brasil 
Ron Sun,  University of Alabama,  USA 

Keynote Speaker: Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, Ohio-State University 

Schedule for Contributed Papers
Paper Summaries Due: December 15, 1993 
Notice of Acceptance Due: February 1, 1994 
Camera Ready Papers Due: March 1, 1994

Extended paper summaries should be 
limited to four pages (single or double-spaced)
and should include the title, names of the authors, the
network and mailing addresses and telephone number of the corresponding
author.  Important research results should be attached. 
Send four copies of extended paper summaries to 

      LiMin Fu 
      Dept. of CIS, 301 CSE 
      University of Florida 
      Gainesville, FL 32611 
      (e-mail: fu at; phone: 904-392-1485).

Students' applications for a scholarship should also be sent
to the above address.

General information and registration materials can be obtained by
writing to 

      Rob Francis 
      2209 NW 13th Street, STE E 
      University of Florida 
      Gainesville, FL 32609-3476 
      (Phone: 904-392-1701; fax: 904-392-6950)

If you intend to attend the symposium, you may submit the following
information by returning this message:

NAME: _______________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________
PHONE: ______________________________________
FAX: ________________________________________
E-MAIL: _____________________________________


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