SimTec93 + WNN93 + FNN93; Call for papers.

E. Fiesler efiesler at
Fri Apr 23 10:28:18 EDT 1993


Please duplicate and post the following call for papers for the Interna-
tional Simulation Technology MultiConference  combining SimTec, WNN, and
				E. Fiesler
				C.P. 609
				CH-1920 Martigny
				E-mail: EFiesler at IDIAP.CH (Internet)


                      C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

                         SimTec93 * WNN93 * FNN93

      SimTec:  Computer Modeling Applications & Research - ALL Areas
             Applications * Aerospace * Emerging Technologies
                 Mission Earth * Virtual Reality * Imaging

       WNN/FNN:   Neural Networks * Fuzzy Logic * Computational AI
         Genetic Algorithms * Chaos & Fractals * Biological Models
                Virtual Reality * Implementations * Standards

                           November 7-10, 1993
                        SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA
       Convenient. View of the beautiful bay. Near area attractions.

                             Awards Luncheon
              STANDARDS * Exhibits * Demonstrations * CONTESTS
                             Tour NASA/Ames

            Sponsor: SCS; CoSponsor: NASA; Cooperating: SPIE

----------------- WNN93:  COMPUTATIONAL AI CONFERENCE ------------------
                   (Formerly Workshop on Neural Networks)
         Sponsor: SCS; CoSponsor: NASA; Cooperating: SPIE, INNS
                         Participating: IEEE-NNC

--------------- FNN93:  TUTORIALS AND STANDARDS SEMINAR ----------------
                  PreConference Tutorials and Seminar
           Fuzzy Systems * Neural Networks * Computational AI
                     Sponsor: SCS; Co-Sponsor: NASA

          Contact:  Mary Lou Padgett, Associate VP for SimTec
         Auburn University, 1165 Owens Road, Auburn, AL 36830
  (205) 821-2472/3488; Fax: (205) 844-1809; mpadgett at

                             [ S C S ]

               The Society for Computer Simulation
P.O.Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117 P: (619) 277-3888; F: (619) 277-3930



General Chair: Ted Lambert - SCS
General Program: Martin Dost - SCS
Western Simulation Council:  Barok Khoshnevis - USC
Local Arrangements: Norm Pobanz - Bechtel
NASA/Ames Tour Arrangements: Bill Cameron, H. Berenji, S. Columbano
Commercial Exhibits: Ed Edwards, Motorola
NASA / ESA Representatives:

Robert Savely - NASA/JSC           Hamid Berenji - NASA/Ames
Sylvano Colombano - NASA/Ames      Robert Shelton - NASA/JSC
Joseph Mica - NASA/Goddard         Tim Cleghorn - NASA/JSC
Robert Lea - NASA/JSC              Juan Miro - ESOC/ESA


John McLeod - SCS                  Ben Clymer - SCS
Norm Pobanz - Bechtel              Stu Schlessinger - SCS
Martin Wildberger - EPRI           Ralph Huntsinger - CS Chico
Abul Moaty Fayek - CS Chico        Bill Cameron - NASA (ret.)
Roy Latham - CGSD                  Dave O'Neil - SCS
Kevin Reilly - UAB                 Ratan Guha - UCF
V. Honovar - Iowa State U.         Wartain Jemian - Auburn U.
Chris Ward - Auburn U.             C. F. Chen - Boston U.
Hassan Farhat - U. Nebraska Omaha  Keith Klukis - Martin Marietta
John Murphy - Westinghouse         Dale Whittaker - Texas A & M
M. Obaidat - CUNY


Mary Lou Padgett - Auburn U.       Walter J. Karplus - UCLA
Lotfi Zadeh - Berkeley             Paul Werbos - NSF
Bart Kosko - USC                   Joe Brown - Thought Processes, Inc.
E. Tzanakou - Rutgers U.           David B. Hertz - U. Miami
George Rogers - NSWC               Ed Edwards - Motorola
Louis Sheppard - UT Medical Branch Len Trejo - Navy, San Diego
Holger Jaenisch - Nichols Research Bob Clapp - ORNL
Rao Vemuri - LLNL                  T. A. Roppel - Auburn U.
Emile Fiesler - IDIAP, Switzerland K. Ashenayi - U. Tulsa


        SimTec Topics of Interest Include, but are Not Limited To:

                       SIMULATION APPLICATIONS

Chair: Martin Dost - SCS * Co-Chairs: M. Wildberger - EPRI & R. Guha UCF

Power Systems                      Software Modeling
Reliability and Quality Assurance  Massively Parallel & Distributed Syst
Robotics                           Ground Vehicle Simulation
Automatic Control Systems          Signal Processing and Analysis
Simulation in ADA                  High Performance Computers/Computing
Electronics/VLSI                   Model Validation
Simulation Facilities              Educ. for Simulation Professionals


Chair:  Hamid Berenji - NASA/Ames * Co-Chair: Juan Miro - ESA

Satellite Simulators              Guidance, Navigation & Control
Real Time Simulation              Control Systems
Space Avionics                    Display & Astronaut Training
Control Systems Simulation        Man-in-the-Loop Flight
Remotely Piloted Vehicles         Decision Support Systems
Robotics & Manufacturing          Facilities Planning and Change

                        EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES

Chair:  Abul Moaty Fayek - CS Chico * Co-Chair T. A.  Roppel - Auburn U.

Automation & Robotics Training    Intelligent Computer Aided Training
Knowledge Based Systems           Object Oriented Programming
Intelligent Sensor Systems        Biotechnology & Simulation
Microelectronics                  Multimedia Advances in Simulation
Intelligent Computer Environments

                          VIRTUAL REALITY

                 Chair:  J. Murphy - Westinghouse
   Co-Chairs: R.  Savely - NASA/JSC, Ben Delaney - CyberEdge Journal

Applications                      Human Factors
Hardware and Software             Advances in Virtual Reality


      Keith Klukis - Martin Marietta * Co-Chair: Bart Kosko - USC

Computer Image Generation         Robot & Machine Vision
Image Processing & Analysis       Biological Modeling of Vision
Image Registration                Advances in Imaging
IR and MMW Image Techniques       Automatic Target Recognition

                           MISSION EARTH

      Chair:  John McLeod - SCS * Co-Chair: Ben Clymer - SCS

Dueling Methodologies             Global Simulations for Education
Trends in Mission Earth           Global Modeling & Simulation
Needs of Global Simulation for Global Planning
Progress and Status of State of the Art
Mission Earth Activity Organizational Session


        W N N 9 3  /  F N N 9 3   /  S a n   F r a n c i s c o
               November 7-10, 1993 * San Francisco, CA

    The WNN93 Conference on Computational AI is an extension of the
 Workshops on Neural Networks--Academic / Industrial / NASA / Defense:
              Tutorials and Technical Interchange.

        Monday, November 8 - Wednesday, November 10, 1993
       Registration Covers Both SimTec93 and WNN93 sessions
                       and one Proceedings

      KEYNOTE:  "Soft Computing"  Lotfi Zadeh - UC Berkeley


 Academic - Industrial - Government Paper Contest * Awards Luncheon
      Exhibits * Demonstrations * Tutorials * Tour NASA/Ames

STANDARDS:  Performance Measure Paper Competition - R. Shelton,NASA/JSC
STANDARDS:  Comparative Paradigm Paper Competition - E. Tzanakou,Rutgers
NASA Neural Networks User Group:  Robert Shelton, NASA/JSC

                          NEURAL NETWORKS
      Chair:  Bob Shelton - NASA/JSC * Walter Karplus - UCLA
          Paul Werbos - NSF and Len Trejo, Navy, San Diego

                            FUZZY LOGIC
                Chair:  Hamid Berenji - NASA/Ames
     Co-Chairs:  Joe Mica - NASA Goddard, Lotfi Zadeh - Berkeley

                         GENETIC ALGORITHMS
            Chair:  Joe Brown - Thought Processes, Inc.
             Co-Chair:  Sylvano Colombano - NASA/Ames

                         CHAOS and FRACTALS
             Chair:  Holger Jaenisch - Nichols Research
           Co-Chair: Ned Clapp - ORNL * Rao Vemuri - LLNL

                          BIOLOGICAL MODELS
            Chair:  Louis Sheppard - UT Medical Branch
             Co-Chair: David Bendell Hertz - U. Miami

                           VIRTUAL REALITY
                      Chair:  Bart Kosko, USC
  Co-Chairs:  Robert Savely - NASA/JSC and Richard A. Blade - UCCS

                    Chair:  Ed Edwards - Motorola
 Co-Chairs: Bob Lea & Tim Cleghorn - NASA/JSC and T. A. Roppel - AU

                  Chair:  Walter J. Karplus - UCLA
           Co-Chair: Mary Lou Padgett - Auburn University

           Working Groups: IEEE-NNC Glossary, Performance,
              Interfaces, Fuzzy Systems, Virtual Reality
                  SCS Neural Networks and Simulation

-------------------------------  FNN -----------------------------------

                      Chair:  Mary Lou Padgett
                Co-Chairs:  Hamid Berenji - NASA/Ames
      Sylvano Colombano - NASA/Ames * Joseph Mica - NASA/Goddard
           Robert Savely - NASA/JSC * Lotfi Zadeh - Berkeley

             Sunday, November 7, 1993 - Separate Fee

        Fuzzy Systems * Neural Networks * Computational AI

Basics * Applications * Examples * Standards * NETS Software Given



   Papers containing original research contributions, tutorials, written
and oral descriptions of company thrusts and government projects are of
interest.  Fully reviewed papers will be labeled such in the
proceedings.  Other presentations may be oral, or less formal, and
require only an abstract submission by June 1.
   Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (maximum of 20
pages double spaced) describing original or tutorial work for review.
Four copies of the manuscript  should be submitted by June 1.   Late
papers will be considered on a space available basis.
   Please include:  full name, affiliation, address,  phone and fax
numbers, and e-mail address of each author  and designate the author who
is to be the contact.
    Authors must obtain employer, client or government releases prior to
submission of the final manuscript. Accepted papers will be included in
the conference proceedings,  provided authors meet published deadlines
and pay one registration fee ($315) per paper or presentation accepted.
    Suggestions for panel discussions and other conference activities
are welcomed.  Submit by June 1, for consideration and inclusion in the
preliminary program of the conference.


Draft papers, proposals and/or abstracts  Due:  June 1, 1993
Camera-ready papers: June 30, 1993

          CONTACT:  Mary Lou Padgett, Associate VP for SimTec
         Auburn University, 1165 Owens Road, Auburn, AL 36830
  (205) 821-2472/3488; Fax: (205) 844-1809; mpadgett at

     (for SimTec submissions address to Martin Dost, c/o Padgett)

----------------------------- REGISTRATION -----------------------------


                San Francisco Airport Marriott, California
                           November 7-10, 1993

                         SimTec93 * WNN93 * FNN93

Registration fee for SimTec or WNN includes attendance at both conferenc
es, speakers' breakfast (if applicable), one Proceedings and any planned
social functions.  Separate Sunday registration fee for FNN includes
attendance at all Nov. 7 presentations, coffee breaks, handouts,
executable copy of NASA NETS software.  Make checks payable to SCS.
Mail registration to SCS, P.O.Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117-7900.
Phone: (619) 277-3888. Fax: (619) 277-3930.

  This registration form must be completed and returned with your
manuscript by June 30.  Registration fee must be guaranteed by receipt
of check or credit card number for paper inclusion in conference
proceedings.  Registration is not refundable.  Others may preregister
until Oct. 7, 1993.

Commercial Exhibitors:  Call for information!

Name: _________________________________________________________________
Position:  ____________________________________________________________
Organization:  ________________________________________________________
Address:  _____________________________________________________________
City: _____________________ State/Country_____________ Zip:  __________
Business Phone:  ___________________ Home Phone: ______________________
FAX:  ___________________ Email: ______________________________________

Paper(1)# (if any):           Paper(1) Title:
Paper(2)# (if any):           Paper(2) Title:

* FNN Registration Fee ($185 before Oct 7, $265 after): $_______________

* SimTec ___ or WNN ___ Conference Fee:
  Attendees (Members $315 before Oct 7, $375 after;
     Non-members $375 before Oct 7, $435 after): . . .  $_______________

  Authors ($315 per paper or presentation, due July 30):$_______________
     Extra Page Charges ($75 per extra page,
       if over 6 pages in a camera-ready paper):.       $_______________

  Membership:  SCS___ NASA___ SPIE___ INNS___ IEEE-NNC___
  Member Number:
 * SCS Membership Dues ($60 - enclose membership appl.):$_______________

 * TOTAL: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_______________

 Method of Payment (No Cash Accepted):  Visa___ Mastercard___
 Am. Express___ Check___ Company PO___ Gov't Form 1556___

 Card Number:                           Exp. Date:
 Authorizing Signature:

- - - - - - - - MAKE HOTEL RESERVATIONS INDEPENDENTLY!!! - - - - - - - -

  Mention SOCIETY FOR COMPUTER SIMULATION for conference rates of $90.

                        San Francisco Airport
         1800 Old Bayshore Hwy., Burlingame, CA 94010-1294

Location:  Bayside, 1 mile south of San Francisco International Airport
                   at the Millbrae Avenue East exit.
  Guest Services:  Complimentary Airport Shuttle Service * Auto Rental
      Valet and Free Parking * Gift Shop * Disco * Restaurants
 Luxury Rooms:  $90 single or double.  Reserve before October 7, 1993.

                     Places to See/Things to Do:

    Fisherman's Wharf * Chinatown * Ghiradelli Square * The Cannery
      Golden Gate Bridge and Park * Whalewatching * Half Moon Bay
     Vineyard Tours in Napa and Sonoma Valley * Candlestick Park

                      SimTec93 * WNN93 * FNN93

                      SEE YOU IN SAN FRANCISCO!

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