telecom workshop paper summaries due May 14
Joshua Alspector
josh at
Thu Apr 22 16:01:12 EDT 1993
International Workshop on Applications of
Neural Networks to Telecommunications
Princeton, NJ
October 18-20, 1993
You are invited to submit a paper to an international workshop on applications
of neural networks to problems in telecommunications.
The workshop will be held in Princeton, New Jersey on October, 18-20 1993.
This workshop will bring together active researchers in neural networks with
potential users in the telecommunications industry in a forum for discussion
of applications issues. Applications will be identified, experiences shared,
and directions for future work explored.
Suggested Topics:
Application of Neural Networks in:
Network Management
Congestion Control
Adaptive Equalization
Speech Recognition
Security Verification
Language ID/Translation
Information Filtering
Dynamic Routing
Software Reliability
Fraud Detection
Financial and Market Prediction
Adaptive User Interfaces
Fault Identification and Prediction
Character Recognition
Adaptive Control
Data Compression
Please submit 6 copies of both a 50 word abstract and a 1000 word summary
of your paper by May 14, 1993. Mail papers to the conference administrator:
Betty Greer, IWANNT*93
Bellcore, MRE 2P-295
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960
(201) 829-4993
(fax) 829-5888
bg1 at
Abstract and Summary Due: May 14
Author Notification of Acceptance: June 18
Camera-Ready Copy of Paper Due: August 13
Organizing Committee:
General Chair
Josh Alspector
Bellcore, MRE 2P-396
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438
(201) 829-4342
josh at
Program Chair
Rod Goodman
Caltech 116-81
Pasadena, CA 91125
(818) 356-3677
rogo at
Publications Chair
Timothy X Brown
Bellcore, MRE 2E-378
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438
(201) 829-4314
timxb at
Anthony Jayakumar, Bellcore
Events Coordinator
Larry Jackel, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Industry Liaisons
Miklos Boda, Ellemtel
Atul Chhabra, NYNEX
Michael Gell, British Telecom
Lee Giles, NEC
Thomas John, Southwestern Bell
Adam Kowalczyk, Telecom Australia
Tadashi Sone, NTT
University Liaisons
S Y Kung, Princeton University
Tzi-Dar Chiueh, National Taiwan University
INNS Liaison
Bernie Widrow, Stanford University
IEEE Liaison
Steve Weinstein, Bellcore
Conference Administrator
Betty Greer
Bellcore, MRE 2P-295
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960
(201) 829-4993
(fax) 829-5888
bg1 at
International Workshop on Applications of
Neural Networks to Telecommunications
Princeton, NJ
October 18-20, 1993
Registration Form
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Institution: __________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:
Telephone: ______________________________
Fax: ____________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________________
I will attend | |
Send more information | |
Paper enclosed | |
Registration Fee Enclosed | |
($350; $450 after Sept. 15; $150 students;)
Please make sure your name is on the check (made out to IWANNT*93)
Registration includes Monday night reception, Tuesday night banquet,
refreshment breaks, AT&T tour, and proceedings available at the conference.
Mail to:
Betty Greer, IWANNT*93
Bellcore, MRE 2P-295
445 South St.
Morristown, NJ 07960
(201) 829-4993
(fax) 829-5888
bg1 at
Deadline for submissions: May 14, 1993
Author Notification of Acceptance: June 18, 1993
Camera-Ready Copy of Paper Due: August 13, 1993
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