Post-Doc Position
Bartlett Mel
mel at
Mon Apr 12 14:59:49 EDT 1993
--------- POSITION AVAILABLE ----------
Computation and Neural Systems Program
California Institute of Technology
A post-doctoral position will be available for Fall 1993 to work
collaboratively on the development of a biologically-inspired system
for 3-D visual object recognition. The position will be for one year
with a possibility for renewal. The goal of the project is to
construct an integrated software/hardware system for viewpoint
invariant recognition of a large repertoire of real 3-D objects. The
project will involve ideas and techniques from statistical pattern
recognition and neural network learning, but with a strong emphasis on
algorithms of relevance to biological vision, learning, and memory.
Proficiency in a UNIX/C programming environment is necessary. Any of
the following additional qualities is desirable: 1) knowledge of
neurobiology and/or psychology of human and animal vision, 2)
knowledge of classical computer vision techniques, and 3) experience
in building large-scale software/hardware systems, particularly
X-windows-based programming. Salary is $30,000/year.
Interested applicants should send a letter describing their background
and interests, a CV, a few relevant publications, and three letters of
recommendation to:
Dr. Bartlett Mel
Division of Biology
Caltech 216-76
Pasadena, CA 91125
mel at
The California Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity/
affirmative action employer and encourages the applications of
qualified women and minorities.
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