Listing of references on connectivity

Jaap Murre jaap.murre at
Tue Sep 22 12:21:36 EDT 1992

In the past week, I have received the following references on connectivity
and volume in the brain (and in parallel hardware):

Braitenberg, V, Schuz A. (1990). Anatomy of the cortex: statistics and
      geometry. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Cherniak, C. (1990). The bounded brain: toward quantitative neuroanatomy.
      Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2, 58-68.
Hofman, M.A. (1985). Neuronal correlates of corticalization in mammals: a
      Theory. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 112, 77-95.
Mitchison, M.P. (1992). Axonal trees and cortical architecture. Trends in
      Neurosciences, 15, 122-126.
Schuz, A., & G. Palm (1989). Density of neurons and synapses in the
      cerebral cortex of the mouse. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 286,
Vitanyi, P.M.B. (1988). Locality, communication and interconnect length in
      multicomputers. SICOM, 17, 659-672.
Waltz, D.L. (1988). The prospects for building truly intelligent machines.
      Daedalus (Proc. American Academy of Arts and Sciences), 117,
Young, M.P. (1992). Objective analysis of the topological organization of the
      primate cortical visual system. Nature, 358, 152-155.

I want to thank everyone for reacting to my request.

      Jaap Murre

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