Neural Network Workshop
anshu at
Fri Sep 18 15:31:59 EDT 1992
CAIP Center, Rutgers University & FAA
* The state of the art in Neural Network theory and applications
* With some of the most eminent people in the field including
two Nobel laureates and a Field's Medal winner
(Attendance is limited and on a first-come-first basis)
Richard Mammone, Chairman
Sponsored by
FAA Technical Center
Hosted by
the Center for
Computer Aids for Industrial Productivity (CAIP)
27 - 29 OCTOBER, 1992
Center for Computer Aids for Industrial Productivity (CAIP)
Frelinghuysen Road - P.O. Box 1390 - Piscataway - New Jersey 08855-1390
Tel: 908/932-4208 - FAX: 908/932-4775
A New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology Center
Tuesday, 27 October 1992
8:30 a.m. _____________________Registration; Coffee____________________
8:45 a.m. Opening Remarks
Leo T. Powell, FAA Technical Center
Richard Mammone - Workshop Chairman,Rutgers University
8: 55 a.m. Neural Networks for Speech Processing and Language
Session Chairman, Allen Gorin, - AT&T Bell Laboratories
9:00 a.m. Neural Networks in the Acquisition of Speech by Machine
Frank Fallside, Cambridge University, U.K.
9:30 a.m. The Nervous System: Fantasy and Reality
Nelson Kiang - Massachusetts Eye and Ear
10:10 a.m. ________________________Coffee Break________________________
10:30 a.m. Processing of Speech Segments in the Auditory Periphery
Oded Ghitza - AT&T Bell Labs
10:50 a.m. Is There a Role for Neural Networks in Speech Recognition?
John Bridle - Dragon
11:10 a.m. Some Relationships Between Artificial Neural Nets and
Hidden Markov Models
Arthur Nadas - IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
11:30 p.m. _____________________________Lunch_______________________
1:30 p.m. The Neuropsychology of Word Reading: A Connectionist Approach
David Plaut - Carnegie Mellon University
1:50 p.m. States Versus Stacks: Representing Grammatical Structure
in a Recurrent Neural Network
Jeffrey Elman - UCSD
2:10 p.m. Connections and Associations in Language Acquisition
Naftali Tishby - Hebrew University, Israel
2:30 p.m. Recurrent Neural Networks and Sequential Machines
Lee Giles - NEC
2:50 p.m. _________________________Coffee Break_______________________
3:10 p.m. A Self-Learning Neural Tree Network for Phoneme Classification
Mazin Rahim - CAIP Center, Rutgers University
3:30 p.m. Decision Feedback Learning of Neural Networks
Fred Juang - AT&T Bell Laboratories
3:50 p.m. An Experiment in Spoken Language Acquisition
Allen Gorin, Session Chairman - AT&T Bell Laboratories
4:10 p.m. Visual Focus of Attention in Language Acquisition
Ananth Sankar - AT&T Bell Laboratories
4:30 p.m. Integrating Segmental Neural Nets with Hidden Markov Models for
Continuous Speech Recognition
John Makhoul, George Zaualiagkos, Richard Schwartz,
Steve Austin - BBN Systems and Technologies, Cambridge, MA
4:50 p.m. Panel Discussion - The Future of Neural Nets for Speech
Steve Levinson, Chairman; John Makhoul, Ester Levine, Naftali
Tishby, John Bridle
5:40 p.m. Decision Making Using Conventional Calculations Versus Neural
Nets for Advanced Explosive Detection Systems
Thomas Miller - Tensor Tech. Assoc.
6:00 p.m. _____________________________Dinner________________________
7:30 p.m. Break Out Groups
Room 1: What Are the Most Successful Applications of Neural Networks?
Chris Scofield (Chairman), Philip Gouin, Larry Jackel,
Eric Schwartz, Ed DeRouin
Room 2: What Theoretical Contributions Have Neural Network Researchers
Eduardo Sontag (Chairman), Georg Schnitzer, Fred Girosi,
S. Venkatesh, Steven Judd, Jeff Vitter, Wolfgang Maass,
Charles Fefferman, Kurt Hornik
Room 3: What Is the Impact of Government Support on the Development of
Wagih Makky (Chairman), Shiu Cheung, Richard Ricart,
John Cozzens, Steve Suddarth
Wednesday, 28 October 1992
8:55 a.m. Neural Network Applications in Vision
Session Chairman, Chris Scofield, - Nestor
9:00 a.m. Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handprinted
James Keeler - MCC
9:20 a.m. Neural Net Image Analysis for Postal Applications: From
Locating Address Blocks to Determining Zip Codes
Larry Jackel - AT&T Bell Laboratories
9:40 a.m. Space Invariant Active Vision
Eric Schwartz - Brain Research
10:00 a.m. _________________________Coffee Break_______________________
10:30 a.m. Engineering Document Processing with Neural Networks
Philip Gouin - Nestor, Inc.
10:50 a.m. Goal - Oriented Training of Neural Networks
Ed DeRouin - Thought Processes, Inc.
11:10 a.m. Hybrid Neural Networks and Image Restoration
K.V. Prasad - CalTech
11:30 a.m. Neural Networks for Vision Session
K.V. Prasad, Session Chairman - CalTech
11:50 a.m. A Discrete Radon Transform Method for Invariant Image Analysis
Using Artificial Neural Networks
John Doherty - Iowa State University
12:10 p.m. _____________________________Lunch________________________
1:30 p.m. (Title to be announced)
Leon Cooper - Brown University
1:50 p.m. Dynamic Systems and Perception
Alexander Pentland - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2:00 p.m. Deterministic Annealing for Optimization
Alan Yuille - Harvard University
2:10 p.m. Neural Networks in Vision
Yehoshua Zeevi - Technion Israel
2:30 p.m. A Neural Chip Set for Supervised Learning and CAM
Josh Alspector - Bellcore
2:50 p.m. Cortical Dynamics of Feature Binding & Reset: Control of
Visual Persistence
Ennio Mingolla, Gregory Francis, Stephen Grossberg
3:10 p.m. _________________________Coffee Break_______________________
3:30 p.m. Face Recognition Using an NTN
Joseph Wilder - CAIP
3:50 p.m. Bounds for the Computational Power and Learning Complexity
of Analog Neural Nets
Wolfgang Maass - Graz, Austria
4:10 p.m. Computational Issues in Neural Networks
George Cybenko - Dartmouth College
4:30 p.m. Title to be announced
Kurt Hornik - Wein University, Austria
4:50 p.m. Technical Discussions
6:00 p.m. Dinner and Celebration in Honor of Jim Flanagan for Receiving
The Marconi International Fellowship Award
Thursday, 29 October 1992
8:45 a.m. Recurrent Network Sessions
Session Chairman, Richard Ricart-Booz Allen
8:50 a.m. To be announced
S. Y. Kung - Princeton
9:10 a.m. Comparison of Feedforward and Recurrent Sensitivity
Gary Kuhn - Siemens
9:30 a.m. Short Term Memory Mechanisms for Recurrent Neural Networks
Bert DeVries, John Pearson - David Sarnoff Research Center
9:50 a.m. Recurrent Neural Networks for Speaker Recognition
Richard Ricart-Booz Allen
10:10 a.m. Processing of Complex Stimuli in the Mammalian Cochlear Nucleus
Eric Young - Johns Hopkins
10:30 a.m. _________________________Coffee Break_______________________
10:50 a.m. Applications of Neural Networks
Session Chairman, Richard Mammone - Rutgers University
11:10 a.m. Neural Networks for the Detection of Plastic Explosives in
Airline Baggage
Richard Mammone
11:30 a.m. Non-Literal Transfer of Information Among Inductive Learners
Lorien Pratt - Colorado School of Mines
12:00 p.m. _____________________________Lunch________________________
1:30 p.m. Neural Networks for Identification and Control of Nonlinear
Eduardo Sontag - Rutgers University
1:50 p.m. Using Neural Networks to Identify DNA Sequences
Mick Noordeweir - Rutgers University
2:10 p.m. Large Scale Holographic Optical Neural Network for Data Fusion
and Signal Processing
Taiwei Lu - Physical Optics Corp.
2:30 p.m. A Biologically Based Synthetic Nervous System for a Real World
George Reeke, Jr., Gerald Edelman - The Neurosciences Institute
2:50 a.m. Title to be announced
Shigeru Katagiri - ATR, Japan
3:10 p.m. "Learning by Learning" in Neural Networks
Devang Naik - Rutgers University
3:30 p.m. Relabeling Methods of Learning
Wen Wu - CAIP
3:50 p.m. Long Term Memory for Neural Networks
Anshu Agarwal - Rutgers University
4:10 p.m. Wavelet Neural Networks
Toufic Boubez - Rutgers University
4:30 p.m. End of Workshop
27-29 October, 1992
| |
| YES! I want to attend the Neural Network Workshop, October 27-29, |
| 1992. I understand my registration fee includes all sessions, |
| dinners, refreshment breaks, reception and working materials. |
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| Name ___________________________________________________________ |
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| Company ________________________________________________________ |
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| Address ________________________________________________________ |
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| City/State/Zip _________________________________________________ |
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| Telephone No. __________________________________________________ |
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Registration: Non-member fee ($395) $____________
Member fee for participants from
CAIP member organizations ($295) $____________
EARLY REGISTRATION IS ADVISED! Mail form & payment to: CAIP Center,
Rutgers Univ, 7th floor, CoRE Blgd., PO Box-1390, Piscataway,NJ-08855.
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| Name ___________________________________________________________ |
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| Company ________________________________________________________ |
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| Address ________________________________________________________ |
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| Daytime Phone No. ______________________________________________ |
| |
| A block of rooms for this conference has been reserved at a special|
| University room rate of $81 per single/double room per night. |
| Hotel Reservations will be made through the CAIP Center. |
| ------------------------------------------------------- |
| I will require room(s): |
| Monday, October 26 ( ) |
| Tuesday, October 27 ( ) |
| Wednesday, October 28( ) |
| Thursday, October 29 ( ) |
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